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This is Day 5 of Jen’s 7 Posts in 7 Days Challenge. I am also linking to her weekly 7 Quick Takes. 🙂
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Happy feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim! St. Anne is my patron saint and my name sake (Bobbi-Ann) so this day has always been a special feast day for me, especially when I was single. St. Anne and Blessed Anne Maria Taigi were the two I asked to intercede for me in finding a holy husband. They did an excellent job. 😉
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Speaking of St. Anne finding me a man, Grace shared her how-we-met story and put a link-up for people to share their stories as well. My sister posted hers and it is so sweet. E & V are a perfect match! I feel like I have told my how-we-met story so many times that I am like this…
and you’re like this…
But on the off chance that you haven’t read it yet, here’s the link. 😉
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Brian was telling me about a website that he loves – Catholic Fiction.net. It is a great source for finding out about Catholic novels and since he reads all the time, he is always going through various Catholic fiction books. If only I could get him to do some reviews! Anyway, I was excited to see one of the books I am reading right now featured on there. It is Mysterious Albion (Vatican Vampire Hunters.) So far I am loving it. If I get it done in time I’ll review it for next week’s “What We’re Reading Wednesday” hosted by Jessica.
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I’ve added Comment Luv to the blog so if you are a blogger and you leave a comment please add your blog link. When you do your latest blog post link will show up under your name. That way I (and others) can visit your blog as well. I especially love to visit the blogs of new visitors. 🙂 Once you’ve typed in your link the first time, it should automatically come up when you visit again.
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I don’t watch Brittan’s Got Talent but a friend had this clip on her Facebook page and I watched it. Ohmygoodness, it actually brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful! It is worth the watch.
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Here are two other videos if you are a Walking Dead fan. I binged all week and finally finished season 3 so I’ve got zombies on the brain. The first is the hilarious Walking Dead Bad Lip Reading Video. (Note – Only watch this is you are already a WD fan. Otherwise, skip it.) La-Bibbida-Bibba-Dum 😉
The second is called Zombie Story: A Mind Blowing Comparison of Toy Story and the Walking Dead. Pretty funny… and coincidental?
Have a great Friday! Thanks to Jen for hosting! 🙂
PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram (bobbi_rol). 😉