Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 9 – Our DVD & Movie Shelf

**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**


Last week I worked on my DVD shelf. Over the last decade Brian and I have collected a crazy amount of DVD’s – both store bought ones and movies we recorded onto blank DVD’s. I couldn’t fit them all on our shelf! Not only was it overflowing with movies, but also with other junk it had collected.

I finally decided to get rid of the DVD cases and placed the discs in space saving CD cases. For the DVD’s we recorded, I placed them in white paper sleeves.

I had a bunch of media baskets I bought at IKEA ages ago. I used those for my regular DVD’s and labeled them by category.


I put the paper sleeved DVD’s in a long basket I picked up at Target. I cut down two file folders into mini files sleeves and labeled them.

Here is what the final shelf looks like. I kept the TV series box sets (Like Lost, Psych and I Love Lucy) on the top two shelves. The third shelf has the baskets of paper sleeved DVD’s and the fourth shelf the CD cases with DVD’s. A big improvement. I debated whether or not to get new colorful baskets but it would be silly to spend money on new ones when these will work fine, even if it looks a bit “brown.” LOL. To keep track of the movies we own, I’m almost done listing them and placing the sheets in a binder for easy reference when we need to decide what to watch for movie night. šŸ™‚

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