Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Five Favorites: Vol 1

Everybody’s sweetheart Hallie is hosting a fun Five Favorites today. You know I am a sucker for a link-up! (Exhibit A: This is my 2nd link up of the day. I just posted my Meatless Meal. ;-)) Here are my five favorites of the week.

1. Rain

We have not seen any rain in weeks and weeks so I was rejoicing when I heard it falling on the rooftop last night. It finally washed off all the dreaded pollen that was all over the place. As the sun peeks out, everything is looking green and fresh again. šŸ™‚


2. Martha Stewart Office Products

I get downright giddy when I walk into Staples and head to the Martha Stewart aisle. It was time to revamp my daily planner and I found everything I was looking for and a whole lot of other stuff I didn’t realize I needed until I saw it on sale. šŸ˜‰

3. The Rosary

For lent I have committed to praying the rosary again and it has been a soothing balm to my soul. When one of the boys needs TLC in the middle of the night I have a hard time going back to sleep. I tried praying one Hail Mary very slowly breathing the words in and out. I imagined Mother Mary soothing me, just as I had soothed my own child, telling me to close my eyes and go back to sleep. Sometimes I forget that in the eyes of Our Lady, I’m her baby girl and she’s trying to help me each day to be a woman of God. (Yeah, I need lots of rosaries for that one.)


4. Banana Oatmeal Cookies and Mexican Hot Chocolate

Last night Brian was craving some Banana Oatmeal Cookies and Mexican hot chocolate and although we try to cut down on the sweets for Lent, Brian works so hard for us and doesn’t ask for much. I figured it would be a bigger sacrifice for me to get in the kitchen and make him a quick batch so he could enjoy his treat while we sat down to watch The Bible. Have you seen it yet? It is not exactly accurate and it is a little over dramatic but we have been enjoying it none the less. And I’ve gotta say I was sorta loving the Asian ninja-style angel that was kicking butt in Sodom. ;-))


5. Mama’s Movie Night

Brian knows how much I love going to the movies but since we haven’t found a regular babysitter yet, Brian and I rarely get to go to the movies together. However, Brian does like to treat me to a night off so I can go see a movie. Thankfully I got over my phobia of going alone and now I love it! On Monday I went to go see Warm Bodies. When I first saw the trailer I chalked it up to a silly teenage zombie love story but then Housewifespice posted that Sr. Helen (of Daughters of St Paul) gave a raving review. Sr. Helen’s opening line says: “THIS IS THE MOST THEOLOGY OF THE BODY MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN.” Sold, Sister! You would never really think about Theology of the Body watching the trailer but it was truly a story of the power of love, conversion and fighting to the death for something bigger than yourself. I loved it. (One note: if you do watch it, there is some language and violence. It’s not for youngins.)

Wow, that was fun! Thanks, Hallie. šŸ™‚

Catholic Woman’s Almanac – 3/4/13 (Vol 8)

Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude…

I am especially thankful for

  • Phone calls from my mom.
  • Conversations with friends.
  • Sweet kisses from your little ones.
  • A husband that gives me an afternoon off to do whatever I want. (Going to the movies!)
  • A God who is so willing to forgive and let me start over when I mess up again and again.


Beauty in the Ordinary…

It was an ordinary phone call 14 years ago on this day that I first heard Brian’s voice after 4 months of emailing. (We met online.) It turned into a beautiful romance. šŸ™‚


From the Kitchen…

I am hoping the chill and fog will lift to reveal a little sunshine. To put the weather in the mood we are having summery turkey burger and corn relish/salsa



  • For a friend and some rough times she is going through.
  • For the two cardinals our family picked over at
  • For the conclave
  • For our future Holy Papa
  • For all the pregnant moms, especially my sis and sis-in-law
  • For all those suffering from miscarriage and infertility
  • For all those who have lost loved ones.



I was thinking about how I have been dissatisfied with my morning routines lately. I’m a night owl and stay up too late then the next morning I am rushing around tiredly. I was readingĀ  Chaos to Calm: Week 1 over at Her Southern Charm. I could relate to Jennifer’s words and clicked onto the Bible study she was reading. I have a number of thoughts about it and tonight I will take a moment to sit down and sort though them all. I’ll share with you more in another post.

Around the house…

You will find a Thomas Train or a Cars character in any room at any given time of the day. #lifewithboys


Listening to…

The kids giggling in their room and a tennis match that Brian is watching on TV. (He is so riveted, he didn’t even notice that I slipped over to the computer. ;-))


On My DVR…

I have to finish watching Once Upon A Time. (It was a treat to see Mrs. Patmore on there!!)

I also recorded The Bible show from the History Channel. I heard a lot of positive things about it. I only saw a few minutes but it seems well done.


On the blog…

I’m working on my Meatless Meal post for tomorrow (soy charizo tostadas with homemade refried beans. Yum.) I am also making a post this week with the latest news for Downton Abbey, Season 4.


Posts Iā€™ve Starred in My Google Reader…




Plans for the Week…

I seriously need to get some spring cleaning done. I have slacked off on Operation Clean and Organize because I don’t have time to do any big projects. I have to figure out how to fit a few simple things in my day (or week) to at least be making some progress.



From Day 12 of #40daysofphotos: “my favorite place to pray.”

I like to sit on the couch of our family room and look out the window at the hills behind out house. (You can see the fog rolling in from the ocean. On a bad day it completely covers the view like a white veil.

7 Quick Takes (3/1/13): Spring, Mumford & Sons and Unplugging

~~ 1 ~~

Good bye, Holy Papa – It was so odd yesterday seeing Our Holy Father knowing that it would be the last day he’d ever be our Pope. But it’s even stranger today – the first day without a Holy Father at the wheel. I know some people are completely freaking out over end times but the Holy Spirit has been guiding the Church this long, I know He will continue to guide us. However, we still need to pray for the upcoming conclave, for our new Holy Father, and the Church in general. If you like novenas, check out the one Brian put together – Novena for the Papacy.

And if you havenā€™t seen it already, Dorian Speed put together a great website explaining the process of electing a new Pope. Check it out at

UPDATE: I just saw the website for Adopt A You can sign up and you’ll be given the name of a Cardinal that you will pray for before and during the conclave. I picked one for our family and we will be praying for Cardinal Backis form Lithuania. šŸ™‚


~~ 2 ~~

Spring Is Here. So Are My Allergies. – Happy first day of March! (Although, Iā€™m still trying to figure out what the heck happened to January and February.) My blooming flower photo that I postedĀ  yesterday was pretty but it also came with a price. Everything, and I mean everything, is covered in yellow pollen ā€“ the trees, the plants, the deck, our driveway, our cars. Oh man, the cars! I wash the car and the next day it is completely covered again. Donā€™t believe me? Here is the photo of my car window.

No bueno. I’m going to sneeze just looking at it.


~~ 3 ~~

National Day of Unplugging – I was listing to the radio this morning and they were talking about today (actually tonight at sunset) being the National Day of Unplugging. The website says:

The National Day of Unplugging is a 24 hour period ā€“ running from sunset to sunset ā€“ and starts on the first Friday in March. The project is an outgrowth of The Sabbath Manifesto, an adaption of our ancestorsā€™ ritual of carving out one day per week to unwind, unplug, relax, reflect, get outdoors, and connect with loved ones.

And from

Ā The Sabbath Manifesto is a creative project designed to slow down lives in an increasingly hectic world. The Ten Principles:

  1. Avoid technology.
  2. Connect with loved ones.
  3. Nurture your health.
  4. Get outside.
  5. Avoid commerce.
  6. Light candles.
  7. Drink wine.
  8. Eat bread.
  9. Find silence.
  10. Give back.

Hmmmā€¦that sounds exactly like what we Catholics are supposed to be doing on the Sabbath Day! (Although our bread and wine taken at Mass also becomes the Body and Blood of Christ) but I for one needed the reminder and think I will join the day of unplugging!

~~ 4 ~~

Thou Shall Not – Itā€™s also funny that I saw this just after I wrote this morningā€™s post ā€“ The 10 Commandments for the Digital and Social Media Age. Here are the first three.

  1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or blogging before Me.
  2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God as OMG.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day and dare to unplug. (Coincidence?? I think not!)

(Read the rest of the commandments here.)


~~ 5~~

Better Late Than Never – Iā€™ve been craving some new music lately and I asked Brian for Mumford & Sonā€™s Babel for Valentineā€™s Day. Usually I just download music but I knew he wanted to get me something tangible that I could open. First of all, Iā€™ve heard a few of M&S’s songs and enjoyed them but it was not until ā€œI Will Wait for Youā€ that I was truly blown away. (Yeah, yeah, I know. Iā€™m always a day late and a dollar short but I eventually get there.)

Seriously, the song can still bring me to tears. I was reading an article by Cathleen Falsani and she talked about the emotional effect the song had on her during a difficult time in her life. She says:

In the midst of a roiling sea of emotions, I find myself clinging to faith like a life raft, while simultaneously wondering desperately what God’s up to in all of this tsouris, as my rabbi friend might say.

Perhaps that’s why “I Will Wait” put a lump in my throat and filled my still-sleepy eyes with hot tears. The author Frederick Buechner says that we should pay careful attention to the things that bring about such reactions, because they are signs that the holy is drawing nigh.

Wow. I don’t know what the lyrics meant to M&S but it can be seen as a prayer by the listener. Either way, Babel is played continuously in the house. Iā€™m completely taken. šŸ™‚ (NOTE: There is some bad language on a couple of songs, I usually skip those.)

My other point about their album is that I forgot how much I used to loooove getting a new CD and getting cozy while I read through the CD booklet and pondered over the lyrics and how the artist chose to express themselves. I used to fondly read over the dedications and creditsā€¦ (Now, that I think about it, maybe I didnā€™t have much of a life back then.)

Anyway, when I opened the CD and saw all the words and the photos I ran to the couch and got cozy as I read through some pretty amazing lyrics, particularly poignant if you are a believer. It was like relieving my youth, except that this time there was a kid trying to color on me with a marker, another kid spilling his milk on me and another kid waving his stinky diaper in front of my face. Good times. Good times.


~~ 6 ~~

I Prefer My Mac with Cheese – Speaking of music, the kids are now at an age when they are paying attention to the music I have playing in the car or in the house so I have to be extra careful that it is family friendly (not that I really listen to anything ā€œbadā€ but you know what I mean.) Iā€™ll often have the local Christian station on and one of the artists they particularly enjoy is TobyMac. I have never really been into his music but for the sake of the kids I downloaded his newest album Eye on It. Okay, I’ll have to admit that the album has grown on me and I actually love many of the songs. The one we all love right now is ā€œMe Without You.ā€

(Not an official video but you get the idea.)

So if you see a gold minivan in Cali with singing occupants consisting of a mom, three little boys and a tween girl pretending not to love it, you may just be passing by us. šŸ˜‰

Oh, and if you have a favorite artist you think I should check out, let me know!


~~ 7 ~~

If You Aren’t A Regular (Why the heck not? ;-)) – Okay, time to get off the computer. I’ve got a serious pile of laundry waiting for me. Itā€™s actually been a big posting week for me.Ā  If you havenā€™t been around, here is what you missed.

Meatless Meals: Matthewā€™s favorite minestrone soup and the chance to link up your post where you brought a Pinterest idea to life.


Theme Thursday: Happiness is a photo journal of things that bring me joy. (Hosted by the infamous Cari.)


Lenten Ideas we are doing in our home.


The 10 Commandments for the Digital and Social Media Age (But I already mentioned that one, so never mind.)

Have a blessed weekend and dare to unplug tonight!


Theme Thursday: Happiness & Joy (aka. A Day in the Life…) & {p, h, f, r} vol 62

When I heard that this week’s Theme Thursday was about happiness I knew I wanted to do something outdoors. I planned a family favorite – a picnic at Point Lobos and then going on a nature walk. Alas, a number of things happened that made it impossible so we had a quiet day at home instead.

To be honest, I don’t lead an exciting life. Happy, yes, but not very exciting. Therefore, the things that make me happiest occur in day to day life. And after Brian’s cancer, surgery and the uncertainty of the future, it has especially become my motto. The greatest joys come from the simple moments of life. I’ll admit, I often forget in the midst of family chaos but it’s good to be reminded. Here are a few moments from a particularly good day this week.

And since this post has all the required photos of {pretty, happy, funny, real} I’m also linking it with Like Mother, Like Daughter to “capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.” I couldn’t have said it better myself!

{pretty, happy, funny, real}


Happiness is waking up to your hubby making breakfast.

(And knowing how to position the camera so you can’t see the stack of dirty pots on the other side of the stove top, the pile of dirty dishes behind hubby that I ignored last night so we could watch a movie instead and the wild kids in the background who were jumping on the couch while I shouted, “Stop being so loud! I’m trying to record a happy moment!”

Ā * * *

Ā Happiness is seeing the first spring blossom and the temperature finally warm up out of the 50’s.

(Even though it also means that everything is covered in sinus-killing pollen dust and that Daylight Savings Time will soon be here and it will seriously kick my arse when it arrives.)

* * *

Happiness is going for a drive…

(And being giddy because I get to go alone to Target and can listen to my choice of music and sing as loud as I want without reproach. The Cure, Red Hot Chili Peppers, or Mumford and Sons anyone?”

* * *

Happiness is always carrying my iPhone with me so after I shop at Target I can pull over at the beach and snap a photo like this.

(Even though Brian texted me and asked, “When are you coming home?” and I texted back, “I’m on my way! I just wanted to snap a quick photo that Cari will enjoy.” And he asked, “Who the heck is Cari?”)

* * *

Ā Happiness is getting the perfect shot of Andrew, Matthew and John-Paul…

(Even if it means taking endless shots while your husband shakes his head at you and your tween daughter hides in her room and you realize you forgot to start dinner so you order pizza instead…again.)

* * *

Ā Happiness is having another female in the house and Bella being at an age where she still wants to have Mother- Daughter outings with me.

(Even though it means watching my baby girl grow up way too fast.)

* * *

Happiness is ending the day in prayer, putting the kids to bed early, and enjoying an at-home date night with my hubby while thinking, “Oh, Phase 3, how I love thee!”

(Even though….nope, no even though. It just rocks. ;-))

Making It Count (Vol 12) & Meatless Meals Mash-Up (Vol 2): Minestrone Soup


Today we have a Making It Count Tuesday (Now known as The RoL Pinterest Party & Link-up) and Meatless Meal Mash-Up!

I am linking up with Beth Anne’s Best and Tales from Astoria for Meatless Mondays.


I originally got this Minestrone Soup recipe from my sis and pinned in on my Pinterest What’s Cooking board. Iā€™ve made it a couple times before changing a few things to make it perfect for my family. The original recipe is on the thick side and we wanted a little more broth/liquid in our soup without diluting the flavor. Here is what I put in it.


3 tablespoons olive oil
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 onions, chopped
2 cups chopped celery
2 cups sliced carrots
4 cups chicken or veggie broth*
1 cup water
4 cups tomato sauce
1 mini bottle of red wine or 1 cup of red wine**
1 cup canned kidney beans, drained
2 handfuls of fresh green beans, cleaned, prepped and blanched***
4 zucchinis, quartered and sliced
1 teaspoon oregano
2 teaspoons basil
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup small sized wheat pasta (ie. shells, rotini etc)
Grated Parmesan cheese for topping


1. In a large stock pot, heat olive oil over medium-low heat. Add onion and sautƩ for 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and sautƩ for 1 to 2 minutes. Add celery and carrots, sautƩ for 1 to 2 minutes.
2. Add chicken broth, water and tomato sauce. Bring to boil, stirring frequently. Add red wine. Reduce heat to low. Add kidney beans, green beans, zucchini, oregano, basil, salt and pepper. Simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, the longer the better.
3. Meanwhile, cook the pasta until tender. Drain water and set aside.
4. Place a serving spoon of pasta in a bowl. Ladle soup on top of pasta and sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top. Enjoy!

* Obviously, for a Lenten meatless meal, I used veggie broth and it was still really good!

** We arenā€™t really wine drinkers so I hate opening a big bottle to cook with because we never finished it. Instead I bought a 4-pack of the mini wine bottles, such as the one below, which is a perfect for various recipes.

*** I always blanch my green beans for 7-8 minutes before adding it to the soup. I have never tried throwing them in raw so I donā€™t know if theyā€™d be tender enough or still a little tough.

This soup is a huge hit with the family, especially when served with a slice of fresh baked bread or Ā½ a grilled cheese sandwich.

Revolution of Love Blog - minestrone soup

And, you may ask, is it kid friendly? Iā€™ll let Matthew answer that question. šŸ˜‰

I think those Popeye arms speak volumes. He likes his veggies and pasta!

His messy smile proves it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose a tutorial, recipe, or idea that has inspired you. Do it and blog a little about it. It doesn’t have to be elaborate — we just want to see what you’ve been up to!
2. In your post, rather than linking to your Pinterest pin, link back the original idea/blogger. We want to be sure that cool idea credit is given to the proper person. šŸ™‚
3. Link back here so others can play along.
4. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. And please use your own original photo (not someone else’s!) as your thumbnail image. Copyright issues, you know. šŸ˜‰

You have a week to post your link, so if you can’t get things done by Tuesday, no worries, put it up when you can. We’ll be here. Have fun!

* * * * *

See other Lenten Meatless Meals here.