Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Saturday Morning Quick Takes (2/23/13) & {pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 61 Mash-up: Photos, Boys’ Play & Motherhood


I started this yesterday but it just wasn’t happening. However, the kids are quiet so I must strike while I can before the boys start their morning chorus of “Mine!” “No, Mine!” “MINE!” and “Mom!” 😉

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This week for Cari’s Theme Thursday it was about architecture. Here are two photos I took of the Carmel Mission.


You can see the rest of the Mission photos here and all the other fabulous photos on Cari’s link up here. And a huge thank you to those who mentioned my photos on their blog (Cari and EML) and those who left kind comments. I truly appreciate it but it’s incredibly embarrassing because any photos I take outside or out in nature require ZERO talent. You cannot take a bad photo around here and even if you do, photo editing fixes that right up. My 3 year old with my iphone camera proves it. (But I love your appreciation anyway! xoxo)


 This photo is for Day 5 of #cslentipj – Light.  The sun #light is shining through my kitchen window.


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For Day 4 of #cslentipj – the subject was #love.

I posted this pic of Brian sitting in the crying room before Mass praying. I #love this man more than I can express and he brings me such happiness! Although, I know my mom is asking, “What are you doing taking a photo at Mass, Ms. Paparazzi?” Well, technically Mass hadn’t started yet and I just snapped this quickly with my phone while Brian had his eyes closed, which explains the poor quality. I didn’t notice until after, St. Joseph is just over his head. Quite appropriate. 🙂


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Speaking of my prayerful man, yesterday was the feast of The Chair of St. Peter and Brian put together a Novena for the Papacy. It is a beautiful collection of traditional prayers and short, modern day reflections. Go check it out and see why he is called my better half. (While he is doing stuff like this I’m shopping at Target or browsing Pinterest. ;-))


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But just so you don’t think it is all work and no play, here is Day 6 of #cslentipj – Happiness.

I love when Brian’s playful, boyish side comes out and I hear the blissful happy squeals of the boys as they are playing. For Christmas the boys watched Star Wars for the first time and afterwards they begged me to take them to Target and get them those glow-in-the-dark light sabers. (Snort. As if someone had to beg me to go to Target. Refer to QT #3.) Of course I did, so now in the evenings we’ll often have lights out in the hallway as they do their battle.


The top half of the photo shows them playing. The bottom half has Matthew getting ready for battle next with my colander as a helmet. So funny. 🙂 Gotta love them boys!


~~ 5 ~~


Speaking of life with boys…


 Note to self: Remind the boys that after they eat an apple, throw it away. Don’t stick it back in the fruit bowl.


Day 5 of #40daysofphotos – #40.  Here are #40 toy trains lined up in a row.


Matthew walked into the photo shoot and was ecstatic. It’s funny because we’ve had some of these trains for almost a decade. Bella used to love Thomas the Train and we started collecting them back then. The tradition continues with Andrew, John-Paul and now Matthew as he plays with them. (I’ve been talking a lot about the boys lately. Next week I’ll make one of the takes about Bella. It’s just harder with a tween who values her privacy. 😉


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Day 6  of #40daysofphotos – My Lenten Sacrifice.

For lent, I have also been trying to curb my impatience and not lose my cool when things like permanent marker, broken glass, dumped wipes and spilled milk happens and offer it up for love of God. (Refer to my 2013 credo.)  Sorry to say that I failed miserably the other day and after losing my temper I broke down and was literally crying over spilled milk. Time to get to confession and recharge the ol’ spiritual batteries. 😉


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Confession is the first cure but you know what the second best cure is? I found out Thursday night when I had a huge treat. For the first time since I was pregnant with Matthew (say what?) I went to a mom’s night out. I was as giddy as a school girl because I had been craving some Catholic girl time in real life and I hadn’t seen a number of my old friends in ages. The food was delicious, the conversation was humorous yet uplifting and it just perked up my spirits. We decided to make this a regular thing and I wondered how Brian would feel about that. Well, the next day Brian was pleased to see me in such a good mood and so playful with the kids and affectionate with him. As long as this keeps up, he said he didn’t mind watching the kids again for the next outing. 😉 Woohoo!


~~ Bonus Take ~~

My sis Bridge with her godchild Matthew.

As you may know, I come from a large family – I’m the oldest of nine and so far three of us are married. Well, we can add another Mrs to the ranks because my sis Bridgette has announced her engagement to a wonderful man. (Bridge was born between me and my younger sister EML.) So not only will we be attending a wedding but we will be having a family reunion, which means EML and I will finally get to spend some face to face time together. (Insert happy dance.)  We will also get to meet a number of little nieces and nephews/cousins that we have not met yet! I am soooo excited and will be spending even more time on Pinterest offering ever so helpful wedding suggestions to my sister. 😉

Have a fabulous weekend!


Theme Thursday: Architecture

Today I am linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday: Architecture. Cari was talking about different online editing tool and she recommended PicMonkey. I tried it out and loved it a lot more than the other online editor I was using. I used PicMonkey for all the photos below.

I chose the Carmel Mission for my subject since I love the old missions and this one is near and dear to my heart. (This is where Brian and I were married and where our children were baptized.) It was a gloomy day and there was construction going on as they rebuild the roof and make everything earthquake safe. I also didn’t have time to go on the grounds so I just snapped a few photos of the basilica through the gate and around the chapel.

 Looking in from the gate.


 Using the first photo, I cropped it and used the Cinerama filter.


  Using the first photo, I cropped it and used the Urbane filter.


From the first photo, window detail.


On the wall near the chapel.


The patio in front of the chapel.


Above the chapel door. Daguerreotype filter.


The water font in the chapel. Burst filter.


The patio of the rectory. I don’t usually like foo-foo frames but this was pretty.

I hope you enjoyed it!


Saturday Morning 7 Quick Takes (2/16/13): Holy Papa, Lent & Love

What a week, no?

We had the Pope shocker. Ash Wednesday. Valentine’s. The Downton Abbey vs The Grammy’s showdown. (Downton Abbey won the coveted DVR space by a land slide.) There’s lots to talk about but little time to do it so you’ll get the Quick Take version. 🙂

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The Holy Papa – There is no need for me to write my thoughts because there are numerous other people who have done so. Some are eloquent and encouraging, some are quoting end of the world prophesies (maybe the Mayans weren’t so off after all) and some are downright idiotic (hello, main stream media).

This pretty much sums it up.






I will say that the one line that really stuck with me was from a speaker on EWTN Live. He said, “Pope Benedict, as he now moves into a phase where he’ll live a life of prayer, perhaps his greatest contribution to the life of the church may be yet to come.”


~~ 2 ~~

No Burgers for You – I can’t believe that Lent is here already. Heck, I’m still finding random Christmas decorations around the house. Thursday night I was up late and all of a sudden I had a huge craving for a big, juicy burger. I looked at the clock and yeah, it just hit the stroke of midnight. It’s going to be a long Lent. 😉


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I Should Have Given Up Procrastinating – Do you have your Lenten plan all figured out? Unlike Advent, which I was so prepared for, Lent just crept up on me. I have a couple things in mind that I know I need to do but I haven’t sat down and really prayed and thought it all through. I’m happy it is a 3-day weekend because the extra day will give me time to do so. I have a few posts starred in my google reader with Lenten ideas, so I want to read through them for some inspiration. If you made a blog posts about what you are doing for lent, please leave the link in the comments. (Or just leave a comment if you don’t blog.) I’d love to read it!


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Another Excuse to take Photos A Photo Lenten Reflection – I am participating in two Lenten photo journals. The first is Beth Anne’s #40daysofphotos. I had such fun doing her Advent photo a day (and even won a prize!) that I was excited to see she was doing another. The second one I am doing is the Catholic Sistas Lenten Instagram Photo Journey. (#CSLentIPJ)

It may seem a bit frivolous to take instagram photos during Lent but it can also be a Lenten reflection. For example, here is the photo from Day 2 – what I pray with… (I like my prayer book new school with iMissal but my journaling old school with a pen.)

As I was thinking about what to photograph, that is when I realized that I’ve been neglecting my daily rosary. I felt God calling me back to it so I knew that would be one of my Lenten promises. Frankly, it has felt so good to get back into the routine of saying the rosary, or at the very least saying a decade. So the photos are more than just fun. They are a reflection to something deeper too. 🙂


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Add to the Blogroll – Speaking of, why have I never seen this website before?? It has become a favorite! I love that the contributors vary in age so you don’t feel too young or too old and there is always something to touch your heart! Check it out!


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Source: EML

I Heart Chocolate Day Valentine’s Day – Then on Thursday it was Valentine’s Day. Since Brian and I just went out to dinner at Pebble Beach the other week, we had a stay at home date night instead.

Speaking of loving your hubby, my sister has an awesome post called 10 Ways to be A Better Wife. She may be my younger sis but she is wise beyond her years. (She’s also the one that stole all the homemaking genes I should have gotten. 😉


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 Lastly, this week had three family/personal anniversaries of my own.

  • It was on Valentine’s Day 12 years ago that I found out I was pregnant with Bella. (I love you, my sweetie girl!)
  • This week was also the six year anniversary of my first miscarriage. Speaking of miscarriage, there is a beautiful post by Catherine Boucher called The Roller Coaster Ride over at Go read it…but grab some Kleenex first.
  • Finally, this week is the anniversary of when Our Lady of Lourdes pulled me out of the darkness I was living in and put me on the road back to Christ. (I typed out my conversion/reversion story years ago. I am cleaning it up and I’ll post it some time next week.)


~~ Bonus Take ~~


In my inbox this morning was another email/comment about the photo I took for Theme Thursday: Trees. She asks in all caps, “WHERE DO YOU LIVE??” I live in California along the Central Coast, specifically on the Monterey Peninsula. It is ridiculously gorgeous here and if you are thinking of visiting the area, I HIGHLY recommend it. I am putting together a post of the top places you should visit. (Then I’ll dedicate it to Cari.) I’ll post that next week too!

Until then, have a great holiday weekend! I’m sending a little Cali warmth your way! 😉

{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 60: Trees, Ashes & Valentines

Hosted by Like Mother, Like Daughter


There are still 14 minutes of Thursday left so here are my favorite photos and instagrams of the week. 🙂


These two photos were featured in today’s Theme Thursday: Trees. You can see the rest of the photos here.

A few people commented on the post about how pretty it is here and I agree! I remember the first time I visited Brian here on the Monterey Peninsula (we met online and I lived 400 miles south in So Cal) I was flabbergasted at how ridiculously gorgeous it was here. You have the beautiful green pine, rolling hills and the breathtaking ocean. I told him he was spoiled to live here! Well, I’ve been spoiled now for 13 years and it’s been lovely. That’s another reason why I want to learn about photography and using a real camera, rather than my iphone. There is so much to shoot! But I digress, back to the post.



I’m not exactly happy that Lent has started but I do enjoy the sense of buckling down and recharging my spiritual life. It’s sort of like being on vacation. As fun as it may be, it’s nice to get back home and back into your routine. A little discipline is a good thing.

The next two photos are really blurry but they still convey the idea.


I was trying to get a shot of our #ashtags but Matthew just wanted kisses. It was so sweet I couldn’t help but be happy.

Finally got it, even though it was more of a light blob than a cross.

John-Paul got the perfect cross!


{ funny}

Okay, who is trying to scare mom with the fake plastic spider in the laundry room? It’s becoming a game of “where will it show up next!”



We went to a St. Valentine’s party at a friends house. (I shared the Catholic valentines we made here.) The boys were busy decorating their bags, although I think Andrew was wondering when they would get to the treats. After the previous day of sacrifice he was looking forward to some sweets. (I don’t know how the guy is going to make it through 40 days of Lent!)

Happy St. Valentine’s Day. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be your first love!


Theme Thursday: Leaves or Trees

Today I am linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday. I was happy that the subject was trees since yesterday I started walking again and took my favorite trail.

Although Cari and many of the other bloggers linking up actually know something about photography and are quite talented, they have kindly allowed us wanna-be’s to participate.  I admit that I love photography and I’ve always had an interest in it but I’ve never gotten beyond a point and shoot camera. I’ve wanted to buy a big girl camera but always hesitate because I seriously know nothing about apertures and ISO’s and UFO’s and macro something or other. I’m lost.

However, Cari lit a fire under my butt and  I dug out my old Canon Power Shot SD4000 and was determined to switch out of auto and fiddle a little with manual mode.  Don’t judge. Baby steps, people.

Okay, the first three shots were taken with my iphone. These are the actual photos. No filters used.




Now this is the part when I was trying to find the macro setting on the camera, which was a comedy act in itself. I finally found the little tulip icon and tried to get a couple of shots of the branches.


If you look closely, you can see spider web strands to the right.

The branch is not centered on this one but I liked the contrast of the large blurred tree in the back.

I must admit that playing around with the camera was fun and it made me want to go find those tutorials Cari mentioned so I could learn some of the basic terminology. Who knew that raw had nothing to do with red meat? 😉

Thanks again to Cari for hosting. I can’t wait to see everyone’s take on the theme!