Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Making It Count Tuesday (vol 10): Easy Chocolate Cake (Brownie)

Welcome to Making It Count Tuesday (formally Pinning It Down), which is every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Originally hosted by Sarah and Pam, it’s new home in now here at RoL.

If you are new to Making it Count, you simply start with any one of those fabulous ideas you’ve found online or on Pinterest. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us.

Make your time online count!

(See past MIC posts here.)

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Easy Chocolate Cake

With Brian returning home on Friday, I wanted to make him a special dessert. He loves chocolate cake and normally I’d just use a boxed mix but I thought I’d give a homemade version a try. I was looking for a simple one layer chocolate cake recipe and found Easy Chocolate Cake at Martha

Here’s the recipe.


  • 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, plus more for pan
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, plus more for pan
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup sour cream

(The recipe also called for a chocolate glaze but I made my own chocolate frosting instead.)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter an 8-inch round cake pan; line bottom with wax paper. Butter paper; dust with cocoa powder, tapping out excess; set aside.

In a medium bowl, sift together cocoa, flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, then beat in vanilla. Reduce speed to low. Add flour mixture alternating with sour cream, starting and ending with the flour mixture.

Spread batter into prepared pan. Tap pan firmly on countertop several times to force out large air bubbles. Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from oven, Cool 10 minutes in pan, then invert onto a wire rack to cool completely (bottom side up).

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The batter was really thick and I wondered how it would turn out.


It looked okay in the oven but when the time was up and I poked a toothpick in it, it seemed to deflate. It became pretty flat and I could hear Ricky Ricardo’s voice saying to Fred, “Maybe you better wait and serve it as a pancake for breakfast.” I knew I was in trouble when I saw Brian look at it on the counter and then look around the kitchen for the other two or three layers that must go with it.

Photo Source:

Oh we’ll, I had to make the best if it. I whipped up some chocolate frosting and crushed some walnuts for the top. When I cut into the cake I found it very dense and rich. I went back online and looked at the reviews. The reviewers said it was a dense cake and some said it didn’t rise enough. I simply told everyone it was a brownie cake (that’s exactly what it tasted like) and they didn’t care in the least how short it was. They gobbled it up.

So while I wouldn’t say my first homemade cake was a huge success, I wouldn’t say it failed either. We ended up with a tasty dessert and I suppose that’s what matters. šŸ™‚


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Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose a tutorial, recipe, or idea that has inspired you. Do it and blog a little about it. It doesn’t have to be elaborate — we just want to see what you’ve been up to!
2. In your post, rather than linking to your Pinterest pin, link back the original idea/blogger. We want to be sure that cool idea credit is given to the proper person. šŸ™‚
3. Link back here so others can play along. (Feel free to grab the button.)
4. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. And please use your own original photo (not someone else’s!) as your thumbnail image. Copyright issues, you know. šŸ˜‰

You have a week to post your link, so if you can’t get things going by Tuesday, no worries, put it up when you can. We’ll be here. Have fun!

7 Quick Takes (1/18/13) & {pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 57: Downton Abbey & Hospital Visits

Hosted by Jen.


Hosted by Like Mother, Like Daughter

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A Mean and Cruel Trick – Itā€™s just after 12:30 am and I am reluctant to sleep in an emty bed again so I am distracting myself by working on my Quick Takes & the {pretty, happy, funny, real} that I never had a chance to post yesterday. Brian has officially been in the hospital for a week now. He went in the ER last Friday and if all goes well, he will be released tomorrow (Fri.) Actually, we thought Brian was going to be released tonight. We were running around the house getting everything nice and pretty and the welcome home decorations up when Brian called and said he wasnā€™t coming home tonight after all. They wanted to keep him one more night to monitor a concern that popped up at the last minute. I completely understood the why but we were none the less bitterly disappointed.

I returned to the hospital to have dinner with Brian and watch a movie but when I had to say goodbye another night instead of bringing him home with meā€¦well, I had to bite my tongue so hard that I nearly drew blood in order to not completely lose it in the hospital parking lot. I think that is why I am still typing so late, I want to be so tired that I knock out when my head hits the pillow and I donā€™t notice the empty space beside me.

I know, I know, I should be looking at the bright side of things, that he is alive and well and will be coming home soonā€¦that is another reason why I am typing. It always perks me up so let the uplifting begin.


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In the evenings, when we visit the hospital we love to look at the Fountain/ Fish Pond they have in the lobby. A portion of the ceiling is a dome with a huge sky light. You can see the moon and the stars on a clear night.


When I took Brian’s hospital bag home to wash his clothes I found his miraculous medal he always wears. I have been wearing it since then, waiting for the day I can return it to him.


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Downton Abbey Spoiler Alert ā€“ (If you have not seen last Sundayā€™s episode, skip to the next Take.) After the kids are asleep I return to the hospital to watch TV or a DVD with Brian. We were able to see Downton Abbey together and what an episode! I havenā€™t even had a chance to write my comments but here they are in a nutshell. Iā€™m glad Matthew stopped whining and just used the money to save DA, although I had to laugh at the size of their possible ā€œdownsizedā€ home. Thomas may be a snake but I would not want to get on Oā€™Brienā€™s bad side. Cora was making such strides. Why did she get whiney again and not give Oā€™Brien a chance to explain herself? Edith, oh, Edith. She started out as a nuisance but after her better side came out when she was working with the wounded soldiers, I was really hoping sheā€™d find love and happiness. Although it wasnā€™t a complete shock, I was truly upset to see her hurt. I just hope #TeamEdith does not become #TeamHavisham. And what is going on with the whole Bates situation? I sure hope there will be some kind of resolution by the end of the season and it better not be that Bates actually is guilty. It is bad enough that I accidentally saw the mother of all spoilers with another storyline and you know how much I HATE spoilers! As much as I try to put it out of my mind it sits there taunting me as I watch. Oh, well. I am too addicted to stop now.


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Movie Night – Instead of TV, Brian wanted to watch one of his religious movies so we viewed God’s Mighty Servant: Sister Pascalina Lehnert, Secretary of Pius XII . It is the story of Sister Pascalina Lehnert (1894-1983) who was the personal confidant and secretary to Pope Pius XII for 40 years, when he was the Papal Nuncio in Germany, and then after for his whole Pontificate. The Pope had great confidence in her wisdom, energy and loyalty, and she became known as “the most powerful woman in the history of the Vatican.” The movie was in German with English subtitles, so it was good that no kids were with me, but I really enjoyed the movie and found it both interesting and moving.


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Too Many Tears – This week has been difficult on the kids not having Brian here. Bella hasn’t been sleeping well. The other night Andrew woke up twice crying. Tonight John-Paul woke up crying calling for Brian. And whenever someone comes through the door Matthew runs over calling, Daddy, only to find it isn’t him. I can’t help but wonder what a child must go through when a parent dies and they’ll never walk through the door again. How do they cope… okay, now is not the time to ponder that one. (Remember, Bobbi, uplifting.) We’ll move on and since it is nearly 1:00 AM,Ā  I better wrap this up. I leave you with photos taken this week. Thankfully we did have a few happy moments too. šŸ™‚


When the kids were unable to kiss Brian goodnight at the hospital they would send him a photo saying goodnight. That made him happy.

The kids were excited that their daddy would be home soon but it made it difficult to change the sheets with three little monkeys jumping on the bed!

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I made the mistake of leaving my food on the table unguarded and Matthew discovered the joys of chips and guacamole and took over. (It was so tasty because I used BC’s recipe.)

Later, he washed down his meal (and himself) with a glass of milk.

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Today Andrew’s class made a Get-Well Booklet for Brian. Each child drew him a picture. It was incredibly sweet!

Here is the picture Andrew drew. It has two cats (that he wished he had but his mother is allergic!) and our two fish Rocky & Spike.

Lastly, Bella, my cartoonist,Ā  made a Welcome Home sign for Brian featuring all the kids. I love it. šŸ™‚

Okay, I think I can go to bed now. I can barely keep my eyes open. Have a good night! (or day!)

7 Quick Takes (1/12/13) & {p, h, f, r} vol 56: The Cancer & Surgery Edition

Hosted by Jen.


Hosted by Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Ā The view from the window of Brianā€™s hospital room.


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It has been a crazy last few days and I am actually typing this now in the hospital as Brian is trying to rest. Hereā€™s the scoop in a nutshell. Brian has been sick on and off for awhile. He had a few infections but antibiotics took care of them. However, he was still getting pain in his stomach and sides. On Friday he was scheduled to have some testing and procedures done to check everything out. They found three polyps (an abnormal growth of tissue) and were able to remove the two small ones during the procedure. The third was larger and suspicious for cancer. He would need to schedule surgery in the next week or so and have it removed and analyzed.

He came back home that afternoon but by the evening he had a high fever and severe chills. He went to the ER and they suspected a perforation from one of the procedures. They kept him overnight. In the morning his fever was down and the chills stopped but he was still in some pain. They decided to do surgery right away and take care of all the issues he’s dealing with. So tomorrow/Sunday morning at 7:30 AM (PT) he is having surgery. Please pray that all goes well, that he recovers quickly and that the polyp is not cancerous. (Update: It was cancerous but the surgery removed it all.)


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As a side note, my sister BC called me Wednesday night and said she and my other sister JC wanted to make a last minute trip from So Cal to spend the weekend with us. I told them that weā€™d love to have them. I told her that Brian had some tests on Friday but he was scheduled to be back at work on Saturday so that wouldn’t be a problem. Little did I know Iā€™d actually be sitting in a hospital room on Saturday instead! Ā The Holy Spirit must have prompted their trip because he knew I could really use their help with Brianā€™s unexpected situation. And thanks to my sister BCā€™s generosity, she rearranged her work schedule so she could take time off and stay here to help me with the kids while Brian is in the hospital. (His surgeryā€™s recovery time is 3-7 days.) I told Brian God was making arrangements for us before we even knew we needed them!


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{happy & funny}

I havenā€™t taken many photos this week but I borrowed these that my sisters took while I was in the hospital with Brian. I am incredibly happy to know the kids are in good hands while I am busy.

Matthew is exclaiming his new favorite phrase, “I did it!”

Andrew was having a blast.

Ā My sister said, “This picture was taken before Matthew had his feet in John-Paul’s food!” (JP was not very pleased!)

My sister said, “Matthew could not believe Captain America was in the house!”


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This is an old photo but I brought Brian our favorite small icon to his hospital room. I asked Our Lady to watch over him and Our Lord to give him strength and peace of heart.


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At 9:30 PM tonight Brian received the strength he needed at that moment. Our parish priest came by to see Brian and give him Anointing of the Sick. I am so glad I happened to be there so I could join them in prayer. Brian was really touched and I know it gave him peace.


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Speaking of peace, I am not sure what is wrong with me. Normally I would be completely stressed out over all this and dramatically picturing the worse case scenario as a funeral scene plays through my head. (Remember when I thought Matthew was going to die?) But strangely, I have not been worried at all. I have been praying but havenā€™t freaked out once. (If anything, I am freaking out because I am not freaking out.) I told my sister that either God is pouring buckets of grace down on me or I am in a huge state of denial. I think Iā€™ll go with the grace. At least it has allowed me to stay upbeat with the kids so they are not worried and just think daddy is having a reeeeeally long doctor visit.

Please keep us all in prayer and for those already praying, thank you so much! Iā€™ll keep you posted.

UPDATE:Ā An Update on Brian (1/15/13)


Making It Count Tuesday (Vol 9): Creating A Shutterfly Photo Book

Welcome to Making It Count Tuesday, which is every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Originally hosted by Sarah and Pam, it’s new home in now here at RoL.

If you are new to Making it Count, you simply start with any one of those fabulous ideas you’ve found online. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us.

Make your time online count!

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2012 was the year I discovered Instagram and since then my iPhone has been snapping photos like crazy! I usually print out my photos and stick them in a photo album but I hardly touched them this year and instead I have a big pile of photos accumulating. I was thinking about putting together a 2012 family year book and looked into Shutterfly Photo Books since I happened to have a coupon.

They offer soft covers, hard covers and premiums books. I loved the various customizable designs and themes they available and was pleased that I could easily use the 4×4 photos of Istagram as well as my standard 4×6. (In fact, the “Pictogram” themed book is made specifically for square photos.) Since I have never seen one of the finished projects before I decided to experiment first with a 8×11 soft cover since it was less than $20. I looked through all the themes and finally picked “Through the Seasons.”

For the cover and some of the pages, I simply used their template and added the photos. For others I chose different formats, backgrounds and stickers to make my own designs. Here are some of the pages from our book.

The cover.

(The back cover)

I was pleased with the way the book turned out and ordered more books as Christmas gifts for both grandparents. I may order another copy for me with a hard cover so it will last longer than the soft cover. I was also thinking of creating one of their mini books with the “Glad Tidings” Christmas theme to add the photos from Christmas that weren’t included in this book and won’t be added to the 2013 book at the end of next year. The only thing I would change the next time is to use a cleaner font (rather than script) on some of the descriptive sections and to use a darker color so it is easier to read. But besides that, I love the way it turned out. šŸ™‚

Well, that is my online project I completed! How about you? Did you do a craft you saw online or try out one of those Pinterest recipes? If so, share it with us! Add your post to the link up below!

Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose a tutorial, recipe, or idea that has inspired you. Do it and blog a little about it. It doesn’t have to be elaborate — we just want to see what you’ve been up to!
2. In your post, rather than linking to your Pinterest pin, link back the original idea/blogger. We want to be sure that cool idea credit is given to the proper person. šŸ™‚
3. Link back here so others can play along. (Feel free to grab the button.)
4. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. And please useĀ  your own original photo (not someone else’s!) as your thumbnail image. Copyright issues, you know. šŸ˜‰

You have a week to post your link, so if you can’t get things going by Tuesday, no worries, put it up when you can. We’ll be here. Have fun!

7 Quick Takes (1/4/13): New Years, Boy Bands & Hobby Lobby

Hosted by Hallie for Jen.

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Prayers Needed – For those of you who may not know, Jen the host of 7 Quick Takes, was in the hospital yesterday with bilateral pulmonary embolisms in both her lungs. As of late last night, she was released from the hospital to recover at home. Please remember Jen and her unborn baby boy in your prayers! (UPDATE: As of this evening, Jen is back in the hospital. It is unknown when she will be able to return home. Please continue praying.)


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Happy New Year – Well, itā€™s 2013 now. Can you believe it? How was your New Years? It was pretty quiet here. For the first time in a long time we didn’t go to So Cal to see my family again. (We were just there for Thanksgiving.) We thought it made more sense to split up our two big trips down there and go in spring instead. I hated not seeing them but I didn’t mind not having to pack and travel.

Instead I stood up and spent New Years Eve watching the Dick Clark special and Ryan Seacrest. Well, actually I recorded the shows and started watching at 11 PM and fast forwarded through 75% and just watched some of the bands/singers that I like.

I used to disregard Top 40 music but ever since I tried to increase my walking I needed more upbeat music to keep me motivated. I’m addicted to Spotify and have a number of playlists. One of the songs I like is Glad You Came by The Wanted. I had no idea what they looked like until I saw them on the New Years Eve show.

I couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that these guys I listened to were from a little boy band. Are they even allowed to stay up past 11 PM? The next thing you know Iā€™ll be listening to One Direction. (Oh, wait. I think one of their songs is on my playlist too.) Sigh. How did it come to this? Maybe the Mayans were right.


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2012 Recaps – The blog has the usual end of the year recaps. You can read the top RoL posts of 2012 here. Thereā€™s a link-up so feel free to add your Top Post(s) to it as well. Iā€™d love to read them! It’s open through the month of January.

Also, Dwija has a link up for 2012 in 12 Photos. I posted mine here but it was so hard to choose only one photo for each month!


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Shopping Fred Mertz Style – One of my favorite I Love Lucy episodes is “Ethel’s Birthday.” Every birthday or Christmas we always joke that Brian repeats Fred’s line, “What did I give you? I mean, how do you like what I gave you?” That’s because, truth be told, I usually pick out my own gifts. (Yeah, I am one of those wives.) Well, when I was visiting my family in So Cal over Thanksgiving, I went to their local Hobby Lobby. We donā€™t have one here and everyone had been raving about them so I thought Iā€™d check them out. There were so many cute things and they were having their after Thanksgiving sale so items were super discounted. Here are three things I particularly liked and saved as my Christmas presents.

I love this small carrying case!

(Purchase the complete set here.)

I love this retro metal chest of drawers. I had to stack my journals up in order to make room for it on my bookshelf. I think it reminds me of my youth. It reminds me of Doc Martens and 80’s/90’s alternative music. šŸ˜‰

(Purchase online here.)


I bought this plaque to hang up in my kitchen.

(Purchase online here.)


Plus with all the trouble Hobby Lobby has been in for fighting the HHS mandate, I was happy to give them my business. In fact I saw on Twitter that tomorrow (Saturday, 1/5/12) is Standing with Hobby Lobby Day so plan on doing some shopping. UPDATE: If you don’t have a Hobby Lobby where you live, you can order online. I added links to the items I bought above. There is also a 40% off coupon for one item and discounted Shipping for today 1/5.


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You Should Have Picked the Toaster – Speaking of the Lucy episode “Ethel’s Birthday,” do you remember the pants Lucy bought Ethel? I found a similar pair at Macy’s.

Now I know what to wear at all those smart dinner parties I give.

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Twitter Style – Okay, there was one gift I received from Brian that I wanted but did not see beforehand. He bought me the One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book.

I know, I know, like I need another journal. But I hardly write in my regular journal these days and this style is much easier because it is the Twitter version of journaling. I simply record a thought or two about the day, which I can certainly handle. Then when I want to go into greater detail, I make a notation on the entry and expand my thoughts in my regular journal. Itā€™s great.

There is also a version just for moms. This would be a great gift for a new mom who is more worried about taking a shower that week than writing more than a sentence a day.


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Going Sol0 – Okay, I better wrap this up. This weekend Iā€™ll be flying solo as Brian just left for a weekend retreat. It took awhile to convince him to go but Iā€™m glad he did. It will be good for him to get away and spend some time in prayer. Plus, the retreat place is up in the woods so it is a perfect setting to reconnect with God. So please say a prayer for him (and a prayer for my sanity. šŸ˜‰ )

Oh and be sure to stop by next week for Making It Count Tuesday. For Christmas I made Shutterfly photobooks for my parents and Brianā€™s parents. Iā€™ll share with you how it turned out. šŸ™‚

Have a great weekend and blessed Epiphany!