Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Making It Count Tuesday (Vol 8): Healthier Spaghetti & Meatballs

Welcome to Making It Count Tuesday, which is every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Originally hosted by Sarah and Pam, it’s new home in now here at RoL.

If you are new to Making it Count, you simply start with any one of those fabulous ideas you’ve found online. Then, do it. Make it. Cook it. Create it. Take it from the screen, give it life and let it bless your world. When you’re done, snap a photo, write about it and share it with us.

Make your time online count!


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My online time is limited today so this post will be short and sweet! (Savory?)

The other day I craving spaghetti and meatballs. When I’m short on time I’ll just grab a pack of frozen turkey meatballs from Trader Joe’s and a jar of ready-made sauce. But I had some extra time and felt like making the real thing so I went through my binder of online recipes I wanted to try.

I love trying new meatball recipes and I found this link on Cooking I figured if it was also healthier for me, then it was a win-win. It is a basic meatball recipe calling for…

  • 1/3  cup Italian seasoned breadcrumbs (I made my own breadcrumbs and added Italian seasoning to it.)
  • ¼ cup fresh chopped parsley
  • ½ tsp dried basil
  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 tsp olive oil


Combine first 6 ingredients in a bowl. Shape mixture into 16 (1 ½ -inch) meatballs. Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add meatballs; cook 5 minutes, browning on all sides. Add sauce. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Pour over cooked whole wheat spaghetti.

(Note: Here’s my question to you – how do you keep your meatballs looking round? Mine always look like a huge dice. Although, lately I haven’t been cooking meatballs on the stovetop. I stick them on a baking sheet, drizzle with a little olive oil and bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.)

Anyway, I followed the recipe for the meatballs but I wanted a different sauce.

I got the recipe for a simple marinara sauce from one of my favorite cook books Food Network’s How to Boil Water. I used this book initially when I was trying to get more comfortable in the kitchen. It has many great recipes that are simple enough not to overwhelm but tasty enough to make you feel like a semi-pro in the kitchen. There are also lots of photos and how-to tips. (And with the holidays here, it would be a great gift for someone moving out on their own, a bride-to-be, someone who is tired of too much take out and wants to get more pro-active in the kitchen or anyone that just wants to brush up on their cooking skills!)

You need:

  • ¼ medium onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbs extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1  28-ounce can whole, peeled tomatoes with juices
  • Sprig of fresh thyme
  • Sprig of fresh basil
  • Fresh ground black pepper

Here is a condensed version of the directions in the book.

Heat oil. Med-high heat. Add chopped onion, smashed garlic and 1 tsp salt. Slightly brown. Crush tomatoes. Add with juice. Boil. Lower and simmer for 15 min. Remove sprigs. S&P to taste. Pour over spaghetti. (Use whole wheat to keep with the healthier mode.)

This makes about 3 cups. I always double it because I like my spaghetti saucy. 🙂

Together these two recipes became this yummy meal.


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Now it’s your turn.

1. Choose a tutorial, recipe, or idea that has inspired you. Do it and blog a little about it. It doesn’t have to be elaborate — we just want to see what you’ve been up to!
2. In your post, rather than linking to your Pinterest pin, link back the original idea/blogger. We want to be sure that cool idea credit is given to the proper person. 🙂
3. Link back here so others can play along. (Feel free to grab the button.)
4. Link up below. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. And please use  your own original photo (not someone else’s!) as your thumbnail image. Copyright issues, you know. 😉

You have a week to post your link, so if you can’t get things going by Tuesday, no worries, put it up when you can. We’ll be here. Have fun!

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (12/10/12) – Vol 6

Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.


Moments of Gratitude…

  • For Brian’s 3 day weekend and the extra time we spent with him.
  • For the season of Advent and the opportunity to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child.
  • For a fun tree decorating party with the family (with only a minor amount of toddler mishaps.)
  • For Christmas cookies and Mexican chocolate.


Beauty in the Ordinary…

The wonder of Christmas in the eyes of a child. Yesterday after decorating the tree we turned off the lights and watched the tree sparkle. The kids were breathless. I love hearing little  voices exclaim, “It’s so bootiful!”


From the Kitchen…

I made a big pot of Tyler Florence’s yummy Chicken Meatball and Tortellini Soup. Brian was so excited he nearly did a happy dance.



  • For our friend who was sick with cancer. Within three weeks of its discovery, she died. This is the second person we’ve known to have died within a month of finding this type of cancer. We pray for the repose of Joy’s soul and for the husband and daughter she left behind.
  • For all those who are alone, in need or depressed this Christmas season.
  • For two special intentions.



I am super happy with my new blog layout but I’m not looking forward to cleaning up all the old posts that were damaged in the move!


Around the house…

Boxes of Christmas decorations that still need to be unpacked.


Listening to…


Michael Buble’s Christmas – Love this guy.


On My DVR…

A lot of our regular shows like Once Upon a Time and Grimm had their winter finales so we’ve been watching a lot of Christmas movies as of late. I can’t wait for Downton Abbey to start in less than a month! Woohoo!


On the blog…

Tomorrow is the Making It Count Tuesday Link Up. Bring those Pinterest ideas to life!

Also, share your Christmas Traditions to Keep Christ in Christmas! Link up to your posts (or add to the comment box) here.


Posts I’ve Starred in My Google Reader…

  •  The Kid’s Advent Wreath  by Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant – I love that they each made their own and it is not too complicated.




Plans for the Week…

  •  Laundry, laundry and more laundry.
  •  Finish decorating.
  •  Attend Andrew’s Christmas decorating party at school on Wednesday.
  • Work on my Christmas cards.



This was yesterday photo for Beth Anne’s #adventphotoaday. Day 9 was a view form your pew. Unfortunately I only has my iphone camera and it was a little blurry but you get the idea. 🙂 There is the outside of the Carmel Mission (where I had to go with a screaming child), the altar, a painting of The Visitation, and a display box of pieces of Bl. Junipero Serra’s coffin. (He is buried at the Mission. )


Saturday {pretty, happy, funny, real} vol. 53 / 7 Quick Takes (12/01/12) Mash-Up: Disneyland & Thanksgiving Recap


~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

– 1 –


Is It Really Dec? – I just looked at the calendar and noticed that it says December 1st. Is that correct? How did that happen? Then as I browsed Instagram and I noticed a number of bloggers that already have their tree and pretty Christmas decor up. Meanwhile, I’ve got scarecrows flying around the front porch during this winter storm and I’m tripping over plastic trick or treat pumpkins as I’m still doing laundry from our Thanksgiving trip. I’ve got until tonight to get all the fall decor down and at least get the Advent wreath and calendar project done so I’ve got to make this a fast 7 Quick Take/ {pretty, happy, funny, real} mash-up sharing a few highlights of our trip.

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We’re Never Doing This Again!…Until Next Year. – For the last few years we’ve had the tradition of spending Thanksgiving week in So Cal. We are at Disneyland the first half of the week then we head to my family’s house for the rest of the week. The kids and I count down the days and debate which ride we will go on first (even though it is always It’s A Small World.) Brian on the other hand, well, Disneyland is more of an exercise of erasing any time he may have accumulated in purgatory.

However, to be honest, as much as we love the staff and larger rooms at Howard Johnson, there is always a moment (or two) during our hotel stay when I ready to lose my mind! At that point everything is usually chaos…the kids are hyped up and jumping from bed to bed, Matthew is emptying out the mini fridge again and pouring milk into our clothes drawer, not to mention that I forgot to pack a family member’s undies (hence, I even have to make a Target run while on vacay.) I remember at one point I told Brian that he should video record this moment and play it for me anytime that I have the ridiculous idea of taking this trip again. But he knew it was of no use since, as usual, a little time passes and I forget all the horror moments and only remember the warm and fuzzy times. Heck, it’s only been two weeks and I’m already marking off the calendar for next year’s trip! So with that, enjoy the photos. 🙂

{pretty, happy, funny, real}
– 3 –

I hijacked this collage photos from my sis Jacinta!

The kids in front of It’s A Small World.


One of the evenings we camped out on Main Street to countdown the lighting of the Christmas Tree and Main Street, followed by the Christmas parade. Granted, we had to bribe ourselves to sit there on the hard sidewalk with coffee, hot chocolate and churros but it was worth it.

Andrew and Bella

Main Street


– 4 –


I think the kids were most excited about going to Disney California Adventure and seeing the new Cars Land. It is so cute!! For lunch we ate at Flo’s V8 Café where the boys got Christmas Lightning McQueen kid meals. They couldn’t have cared less about the food, they just wanted the car!



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I loved that we were able to meet up with family members while we were at DL.

My brother Jacob helped babysit his nephew/godson Matthew.

It’s a sisters (& Bella) day out!


Somehow I didn’t get a photo of my bro Rob with Maria & Max. Ugh!! And as for my parents, well, they are old school in thinking that you keep your private life private and not post it for everyone to see. Go figure. 😉

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On our final night there, the lights were off and I was trying to get the kids to sleep in vain. Then at 9:30 pm the fireworks started pounding the sky so they crawled out of bed to watch from the window.
Revolution of Love Blog _ Ho Jo Anaheim

(Taken with my iphone while I was still in bed. LOL.)


– 7 –


Finally, Brian was rewarded with his favorite part of the trip…leaving all the crowds and the noise and getting to the quiet and subtle beauty of the desert where my family is now living.
Revolution of Love Blog


The boys were in heaven with their dirt play time, especially Matthew.


The kids also got the treat of watching the original Star Wars for the very first time. Of course they then begged me for their own light sabers, and being the sucker that I am, I made another quick Target run.

John-Paul and Andrew

My favorite is this action shop that my brother IC snapped.


All in all, it was a lovely trip and we had plenty to be thankful for, especially for (almost) all the family being together and for the new friends/loved ones that shared the day with us.

One of the three tables we had set up.

(If you didn’t already read it, this is the Thankful Tree that my long-distance sis EL inspired.)


Have a great weekend! xoxo

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (11/26/12) – Vol 5

Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude…

  • A wonderful trip visiting my family in So Cal.
  • A safe drive.
  • The joy of having our own little home to come back to.
  • The smells of Christmas.
  • Having 1/2 of my Christmas shopping done. (For my procrastinating self, that is great.)



Beauty in the Ordinary…

I love hearing the kids giggle as they are playing with one another.


From the Kitchen…
I’ve got a few items that need to be eaten this week so my weekly menu will take advantage of that.

  • Mon – Brian is home and I’ll be running errands all afternoon so it’s Take Out night – Chipotles
  • Tues – (Ricotta cheese) Lasagna & Salad
  • Wed – (Charizo & Tortillas) Tosatadas
  • Thurs – Chef Salad & homemade bread (does a bread machine count as homemade?)
  • Fri – Tuna Melts & Veggies
  • Sat – Pizza & Salad
  • Sun – Dinner at my in-laws.




  • For my sis on her birthday today! (and for my little niece or nephew that she is growing. 🙂 )
  • For our friend sick with cancer. It has moved quickly and the prognosis is not good unless God grants a miracle.
  • For all those who are alone, in need or depressed this Christmas season.
  • For a number of special intentions, including for M., J., & A.



My need to make the most of the upcoming Advent season to prepare my heart for Christ and not get caught up in the busyness of it all.


The Hobbit (It has been years since I last read it and I wanted to refresh my memory before I see the movie.)


Around the House…

Suitcases that need to be unpacked, laundry that needs to be washed and toys from Disneyland that need to be put away.


Listening to…

That little voice in my head that is saying I should get off the computer and clean up all the stuff around the house. (I, in return, keep saying…just 5 more minutes.)


Working on…
Tomorrow’s blog post for Making It Count Tuesday Link Up. Share any recipes, projects, crafts or lessons you’ve been working on!


Posts I’ve Starred in Google Reader…

  • What Co-Creation Really Feels Like by Betty Duffy (I can relate since I had a hard time accepting my last pregnancy when it happened, but now I wouldn’t trade my happy little guy for anything in the world.)


Items I’ve Pinned…


What I’ve Been Watching

I haven’t had a chance to sit down and watch anything, which is why my DVR is at 95%. It’s deleting time.


Plans for the Week…

  • Order a few things the kids need before Cyber Monday is over, including a DVD of Nicholas, the Boy Who Became Santa. Luckily, Jenny just posted a link for it.
  • Work on my Advent calendar.
  • Contact the guy who hosts my blog and get the move to WordPress completed now that I’m back from our vacation.



My parents live in the High Dessert (hot in summer/snow in winter) and Matthew was ecstatic about his play time in the dirt.

The only thing that topped it off was being able to throw rocks into a puddle of water, Pure boy heaven.


Have a great day!

7 Quick Takes (11/16/12): A Blogging Vacation Edition

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

~~ 1 ~~

I’ll be taking a blogging break for a week or so as we go to So Cal to visit family (and Disneyland) over our Thanksgiving vacation. I won’t be posting on the blog but I will be posting updates and photos on the RoL Facebook page so we can keep in touch there. 🙂

~~ 2 ~~

On Monday, I said that I was hoping I’d have my packing all done (or close to it) by today. Did I accomplish it? Wait for it…

~~ 3 ~~

I washed all the laundry and picked out clothes for the six of us for seven days…

~~ 4 ~~

I packed a separated suitcase with food and snacks for the hotel/Disneyland portion of our trip…

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I even filled the car with gas, paid the bills and arranged for someone to pick up our paper and mail…

~~ 6 ~~

…She sayeth never.
I guess I better get to work.

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In the meantime, I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!! Lots of love to you and yours!
