Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Quick Takes: Mommy Burnout, The Fair, Beach Boys & Identity Theft

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

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Motherhood Can Kick Your Butt – During those early weeks of August when I took a blogging break I had on my list of Quick Takes Ideas this topic: “Motherhood is !@#$% hard.” At the time I was going through a mommy funk. I mean, I loved my kids and all but I was fed up with all the bone-aching tiredness and emotionally draining moments that have me praying for bed time. In fact, on my birthday when I was blowing out the candles and everyone said, “Make a wish!” do you know what my wish was? “Lord, I just want to be happy again.” I can laugh at it now since I am out of that slump but I honestly meant it.
Do you know what helped me out of it? During that time there were at least three of my regular mommy bloggers that I follow (and look up to) that shared that they were going through a mommy funk and/or shared about how hard being a mom can sometimes be, whether it was dealing with a major cross or just dealing with yet another explosive diaper. The mere acknowledgement that I am not alone in this fight was enough to help me refocus, regroup, and recharge. God’s grace kicked in and it helped my birthday wish come true. So if you are having a rough day, hang in there. You are not alone.

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Fair Days – This is our last week of summer vacation for us and we have been trying to take advantage of it. Yesterday we all played hooky, Brian included, and spent the day at the county fair. We had so much fun and it was an extra treat since this is the first time Brian has ever attended with us. We usually go on the “kids are free” day while Brian is working but he was able to get the day off at the last minute so he could join us. We went on rides, played games, and ignored the calories and fat content in the homemade corndogs, ice cream cones and the smoky goodness of Big Bubba’s BBQ feast. (Although I still don’t get the appeal of deep fried candy bars and cookies. But then again, I also don’t quite get what grits and hush puppies are. Maybe I need to expand my Cali native horizons. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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A Surfing Summer (without the surfboards) – As I mentioned before, this has been a Mat Kearney summer but there is another band the kids (well, the boys really) have recently been into – The Beach Boys. It all started when they saw the trailer for Despicable Me 2. We loved the first movie and have watched it a number of times. It is really cute, despite the few instances of “potty humor.” Anyway, they saw the trailer that has the minions singing the Banana song to the tune of the “Barbara Ann.”

I told the kids that the tune was actually from a song by the Beach Boys and that they are one my dad’s/Grandpa’s favorite bands. Furthermore, when I was little he used to sing along to “Barbara Ann” but he change the words to “Bobbi Ann” (I used my full name back then.) Of course they wanted to hear the real song and from there, they were hooked. So we’ve had quite a few surfing tunes playing over the last few weeks. Here’s a little Surfing USA fun to end your summer.

(Hey, didn’t the guys on here get the memo – you are supposed to be wearing your baggies not skimpies!)
Actually, any Beach Boys song reminds me of my dad. And when I am missing my parents I’ll listen to Motown. (If I’m missing my mom specifically I’ll watch I Love Lucy.) But the music just takes me back to fun times when they were cooking in the kitchen and dancing around and having fun embarrassing us. (I secretly loved it.) Their playful spirit and ability to laugh is something I treasure. To prove my point, yesterday my parents celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary and what did they do? They went to Disneyland! I love it. Next to the grace and mercy of God, I think it is their laughter that has held them together this long.

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Plugged In – The other day I was at the computer store getting Brian’s little netbook fixed and I saw the book Good Night iPad, which is a parody of the classic book Good Night Moon. Being a digital family, I thought it was hilarious. If you use an electronic reader instead of paperbacks, are attached to your ipod, find joy in facebook, twitter and instagram, have kids that can whip your butt at Angry Birds and have toddlers that are proficient in the use of iPhones and iPads, then you will enjoy reading this book! Check it out.

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You’ve Got to be Kidding Me – Which reminds me, did I ever tell you about my credit card being stolen? A couple weeks back we were trying to use our card but it kept getting declined. I called the credit card company and they put a hold on our card so they could verify a few purchases. They wanted to know if I happened to spend $2,000 at Chanel? Or (brace yourselves) $8,000 at Neiman Marcus? WTH? All you kidding me? No, that was not me! I asked the credit card guy how the purchases were made and he said it was a store purchase with a physical card. I told him that we had our cards in our wallets and never lost them so how did they get it? He said there are lots of ways to get our info and make “new” cards with my number. Anyway, the guy was really nice and removed the charges from our account and told us not to worry, that they’d take care of everything and they did. Brian said the thief should have spent that much money at Target and then no red flags would have been raised. Touchรฉ.

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I Need an Identity Theft Superhero – Meanwhile, when I was at the computer store (it was around the same time) I was talking to the computer guy about my card info being stolen. He said one of the popular ways to steal credit card info is by using RFID identity theft. This allows the thief to not even touch your card. You simply need to be within his vicinity while he is scanning your info through radio frequencies. I look it up online and there are tons of articles about this form of theft. I don’t know if that is what happened to me but it freaks me out a bit. I love technology and how it helps our lives but there is always a dark side too.
Funny thing is that a day or two after all this happened, I saw an ad in a magazine for RFID blockers that you can put in your wallet. They also sell RFID blocking wallets and purses to protect your identity. I would have shrugged all this off as paranoid but now I am not so sure!

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Mamarazzi Moments – Okay, but enough with the drama. I’ll end this Quick Takes with a few photos from yesterday.

fair_12_f.jpgI love my boys even though none of them inherited my love of roller coasters. They all wanted seats on the carousel that did not move up and down. Oh well.


Andrew & John-Paul


Matthew wants to know when he gets to ride in the car.


I think this was the boys’ favorite ride.


Mama tried to squeeze into this one.


The boys were tired of photos. They wanted more rides.

Have a wonderful weekend!!


7 Quick Takes (8/24/12): JP’s 3rd Bday & Photography Fun

Hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary.

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Well, another week and another 7 days of no blog entries. I seriously doubt I will get back to my normal posting until after all the kids return to school. (The rest start the day after Labor Day.) John-Paul started this week and he was a little apprehensive at first but by the end of the day he had fun and was all smiles.


JP after his first day of school.

Meanwhile Matthew was at Target trying on new hats.


“Evening, ladies.”

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This was also the last week of JP being 2 years old! Today my little man turned 3. It seems like such a short time ago that we brought him home from the hospital.


JP at 1 day old.


Bella & JP

a_jp_8_25_09_b.jpgAndrew & JP

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These days you can find him giggling and playing and making us laugh with his developing vocabulary.


Although, he has mellowed out a little in his old age and has taken to books. He carries one around with him all the time. The other day I told him he had to go outside and get some fresh air. My sister snapped a photo of his version of getting fresh air.


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As you may have noticed, I love taking photos and I hope to one day get a “real” camera. Lately, it seems all I ever have on me in my iphone and I have been snapping away. Usually I use Instagram and occasionally Hipstamatic and Tadaa to filter my iphone photos. The only thing with these apps is that you can only use them on your phone. I wanted to find something that I could use online to quickly filter a photo. I started using It is a great little system with three levels, depending on how comfortable you feel with editing. I used it on the photos posted in Takes 2 & 3. (The one of him reading was done darker with JP closer to my hair color. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Speaking of photos, this weekend is the fun and exciting Snapshots from a Sunday from Clan Donaldson. There is a different take this month and I am touched that Cari thought of me when deciding to experiment with a different format. Instead of each of us getting a different hour in the day (hello 3AM), we will all take photos at the same time – 4:00 PM (Eastern Time). Should be fun!

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Okay, let’s just add one more photo topic. If you are looking for photo hints while snapping your kids, check out How to Take Great Pictures of Kids over at Slow (And congrats to Zoe & B on the adoption of their two precious girls from Ethiopia.)

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Have a great weekend, everyone!


{pretty, happy, funny, real} vol 43 & 7 Quick Takes (8/17/12) Mash-up.

round button chicken

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~



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As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been away from blogdom for two weeks. It’s been super busy here and blogging was the first thing to fall to the wayside. However, I am itching to get back and I have a small window of opportunity so I’m doing another {pretty, happy, funny, real} / 7 Quick Takes Mash-up. Enjoy!

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Part of the reason I was so busy is that I was enjoying the company of two of my sisters who drove up from So Cal. I loooove when they are able to visit us! The first evening they were here we had a girls’ night out and went to see The Dark Knight Rises. Loved it.


It’s a little fuzzy since it was taken in the dark but you get the idea. ๐Ÿ™‚

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The second day we took the kids to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, one of the kids favorite places to visit, especially Andrew.



Walking on Cannery Row in Monterey.


Sharks at the Aquarium.


Can you spot Nemo?



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The kids at the play area of the Aquarium.


John-Paul having fun on the slide.


Matthew tries on a Nemo costume.


My munchkins.


Bella and Andrew with my sisters Jacinta and Bridgette. Bella looks so much like my sister. I’ll sometimes catch myself calling Bella “Jacinta” by mistake. (Thanks to the girls for letting me post a pic of them on the blog. Not everyone wants to plaster their images all over the internet. Go figure. heehee)

We also had a beach day, which made all of us happy.


The kids at play.


Bella and I with my sisters Jacinta and Bridgette.

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John-Paul, as usual, could not step out of the door without his books.


We were finally able to convince him to put them down long enough to play in the sand.


Andrew loves sharks so we thought it would be funny if he took a picture with the Sharkman on Cannery Row.

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Okay, I know it is no way near Halloween but these are too funny not to post.
I went to Costco this week and they already had their costumes out. Andrew was dead set on being Spiderman and when I saw Costco had them a lot cheaper than other stores, I knew I had to get it now while they had his size. John-Paul wanted to be a super hero as well so he picked out Captain America. I think they are hilarious.


John-Paul and Andrew

I was looking for a super hero costume for Matthew that didn’t have a mask and this Thor one seemed perfect, right down to the hammer.


Love those muscles. LOL.

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Lastly, tomorrow is my birthday! I will be 35…again…and again….and again….and…you get the picture. ๐Ÿ˜‰ However, Brian has to work late tomorrow so we celebrated last week while my sisters were here. They brought up a gift basket from my family filled with items they knew I would love – Itunes gift card, stationary, journal, notepads etc. The best part of the gift, though, was the card in which they all signed and wrote little notes to me. It was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. I miss them so much!




Since the girls offered to babysit, Brian and I were able to go out on a lunch date. Woohoo!



I finally got that pizza I was craving with tomatoes, roasted peppers, garlic, chicken and feta cheese. Yum!


We topped it off with a shared dessert – peach cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream. Mmmmm.

Have a great weekend!


Embrace the Camera: Vol 1


Hey there! I have been on an unexpected blogging break for the last two weeks but I am itching to get back into the swing of things. I was hoping to make a {pretty, happy, funny, real} today but I never made it to the computer. Since this day has less than two hours left I am trying something new instead. (I have lots of photos this week so I’ll do {p, h, f, r} tomorrow.)
I came across a new blog this morning – The Anderson Crew: Our Life with 3 Boys & 3 Little Ladies. I went on her site and Mat Kearney was playing and she had an awesome post called embrace the camera: 8/16/12. I fell in love.
She said in part:

i have been hosting embrace the camera for over 2 years now. 2 years of being intentional about getting some pictures of myself. and 2 years of inspiring others to do the same thing. we probably won’t ever look exactly how we’d like to look, so what is the point in waiting to capture ourselves on camera? we’ll always have flabby arms, roots that are 3 inches deep, a belly that looks like we’re 5 months pregnant, but ironically, we’re not…that is just the gift of having babies. 5 of them to be exact. we won’t ever be at the weight we’d like to be at. we’ll always be in need of make-up, or more sleep, or a brush for our hair. always. we’ll never be perfect. and yet, we hardly get in any pictures cause we think “just wait till i lose those 15 pounds” or “not today, i didn’t get a shower” (this is me everyday, by the way, since i only shower like once a week—TMI?)
the point is, time is passing by. as each second passes, it’s one second closer to us not being here. we may live 50 more years, or we may live 5 more days. we don’t know how long our time on this earth will be. it’s crucial that you get in more photos…for your loved ones. i laid down for a nap today, and as i was drifting to sleep, i thought hard about my childhood with my mother. i don’t have a lot of good memories associated with my mom, but the good ones i do have, are there because of a picture that goes along with it. i’m not saying that your kids won’t have any good thoughts about you unless you get a picture. i’m saying that those memories are vivid to me, because of a picture…

I find it a little humorous that Emily is worried about how she looks in the photos since she is gorgeous but we’ll let that go for now. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am a sucker for photographs – taking them and looking through old photos from the past and present. I love how a click of the camera can capture a moment in time and preserve it forever. You can look at that photo and recall the thoughts and emotions that were going through your mind at the time. It can draw the persons in the photo closer to your heart.
Emily’s reminder to make sure we are included in those numerous family photos and candid shots is what we need to hear since most of the time we moms are the ones snapping the pictures and we often think we aren’t “fixed up” enough to be in the shot.
Well, that was a rather long intro to a simple photograph taken this week at the beach. I think Bella and I have gotten a lot closer over the summer. Between our mom & daughter journal and being the only girls amongst the boys, we’ve formed a special bond that has yet to be tested by the teens years. ๐Ÿ™‚


So grab your camera and snap a shot!


Saturday Morn {pretty, happy, funny, real} – vol 42 / 7 Quick Take (8/4/12) Mash-Up

round button chicken

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~



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I believe here is where I insert the mandatory clichรฉd expression “I can’t believe it is [INSERT MONTH] already.” But seriously, guys, I really can’t believe it is August already! I have been MIA, but this week has been super busy and I have not had a chance to use the computer all week. So on this Saturday (while Brian is at work and the kids are sleeping in) I’m catching up with a {pretty, happy, funny, real}/7 Quick Takes Mash-up.

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I don’t have any pretty photos from my beach walks because this week has been so foggy and dreary, you don’t see the sun in the early morning or the later evening (and sometimes not even in the afternoon!) but I snapped these two while running errands.


This the park that is across the street from the youth library we visit. It was early so no tourists were around yet.


Bella and I were at the doctor’s office this week (we were following up on an ear ache she had) and this was our view out the window.

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We finished the last of our summer swimming classes this week. Bella has done a great job and although she is still mastering different strokes, she is able to swim from one side of the pool to the other. Andrew completed his introductory course and now that he is comfortable in the water he can move on to Level 2 this fall.


Bella practicing her back stroke.


Andrew with his certificate.

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I looked at my Google Reader, which was at ZERO last weekend, and it is now over 300. I skimmed through a couple posts and was happy to see that Hallie’s Betty Beguiles is now Moxie Wife (love it!) and that Cari posted her Snapshots from a Sunday, Vol 8. My time slot was 3:00 – 4:00 AM Eastern and I figured I’d take advantage of the different time zones and recorded what I was doing then using Pacific Time. At 12:23 AM I was watching the Olympics. Sometimes it is easier to watch in the late night because I can actually see the screen and don’t have kids bouncing off the furniture in their own Olympic events.


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Speaking of the kids and the Olympics, here are a few shots in their various events.


I was cleaning under the boys’ bed and Matthew seized the opportunity to prepare for gymnastics’ balance beam.


“But, mama, I won’ fall!” (Famous last words.)


Andrew and John-Paul are practicing their synchronized diving. (At least they did not strip down to their underwear.)


Andrew had a much better form but was very upset that his legs did not go straight up in the air like the other divers. I had to convince him that no, he could not try jumping off from a higher table. (Poor Matthew was not feeling well with his molar teething or else he’d be right up there with the big boys.)

I never did get a photo of their vault routine with them running across the coffee table and jumping onto a nearby chair filled with pillows. (Should I be concerned that I thought this was acceptable behavior from two rambunctious boys, as long as I was supervising? Somehow I think my sister with the well-behaved, scheduled children would disapprove.)

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Are your kids back to school this month? We don’t start until September but we have been getting our school supplies. As a kid, not counting Christmas, my favorite time of year was back to school time when I could buy new pencils and notebooks and various fun school supplies. To this day, that hasn’t changed.


Most normal women get giddy buying jewelry, shoes and make up. I swoon at the journal, stationary and office supply aisle.


While we were shopping, Bella and I found this converse shoe pencil pouch. We considering buying it to match our shoes.

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Okay, kids are waking up so I better wrap thing up. It’ll be another busy week but I’ll try to post once or twice. I am suuuuuper excited because two of my sisters living in So Cal are driving up for a visit next week. That means I get both a girls night out and a date with my Sweetie Boy while they babysit. It’s an early birthday present. Yay!
Have a great weekend!
