Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (1/28/13) – vol 7

Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.


It has been nearly two months since I’ve done a CWA and after the day, week, month, year I have been having, I could use a moment to stop, reflect and be thankful.


Moments of Gratitude…

  • It has been a whirlwind with Brian’s illness, surgery, discovery of cancer and recovery and as difficult as it has been, there have been so many moments of grace and small details taken care of by God, family and friends that it has made this time so much easier. I can’t help but be thankful. However, on Friday, we had a bit of a scare because there was a complication in Brian’s recovery. He had to go for more bloodwork on Saturday to figure out what was going on. Thankfully we received the results last night and his bloodwork looked good and the problem seemed to be subsiding. So for your prayers and God’s continued grace, I am most thankful.
  • It was funny that throughout the ordeal of the surgery and cancer I was unusually calm and at peace, reassuring Brian that I knew everything was going to be alright. However, with this recent bump in the road, the grace of not worrying was gone and I was stressing inside and Brian was the one who was calm and reassuring. So I am also thankful for Brian and I taking turns with who gets to worry and who gets to comfort. 😉
  • I am still thankful to my sister and my mom for giving so much of themselves while they were here.
  • For the family and friends who gave a helping hand from cooking meals to covering shifts to keeping us in prayer. xoxo


Beauty in the Ordinary…

As if this wasn’t enough to be dealing with this weekend, we were thrown another curve ball. It is not life threatening but it is a major pain in the arse. One of the kids came home with head lice and so far the three oldest have it. So instead of enjoying the cozy evening Brian and I planned watching Downton Abbey together, I was up until midnight nit-picking. Literally!

However, having all this one on one time with each kid as I combed through their hair could be seen a blessing in disguise. When it was Bella’s turn we started talking about a number of things and she opened up to me and I was able to share with her. It was a true bonding moment. And this morning she was eager to write me a letter in our mom-daughter journal and it just warmed my heart. So although it was a pain, God still brought a beautiful moment out of it. (Um, but now I’m done so you can get rid of the lice, Lord.)


From the Kitchen…

This chilly weather calls for minestrone soup. (I won’t call this 55 degree weather “cold” so the east-coaster won’t start getting upset with me again for being a spoiled native Californian.) 😉



  • For Brian’s continued recovery and for his appointment on Thursday, that his doctor tells him that he is clean and does not have to go through radiation.
  • For the death of the pesty lice bug and may we never see its ugly head again.
  • For all the pregnant mamas, especially my sis, my sis in law and friends.
  • For those suffering from infertility and miscarriage.
  • For moms who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy.
  • For a number of special intentions.



Yesterday’s First Reading (Nehemiah 8) particularly the line, “Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength.”


Around the house…

Piles of sheets, bedding, pillows, jackets, and clothes waiting to be washed in hot water.


Listening to…

The sounds of the kids playing on the deck.


On My DVR…

Last night’s Downton Abbey episode. All I know from all the comments I’ve seen is that it is heartbreaking. I think tonight I may finally have that long cry I’ve been holding back.


On the blog…

Very little. I’ve been preoccupied. I am sorry to those who left a comment and I never responded. I love hearing from you but haven’t had much free time to answer.


Posts I’ve Starred in My Google Reader…




Plans for the Week…

Frankly, I am just trying to make it through the day before I worry about the rest of the week. 😉



When I am feeling overwhelmed, this cute face and kissable cheeks makes me forget any troubles. 🙂


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  • Tina says:

    Through all the trials it’s wonderful to see the Holy Spirit present. You have much to be thankful for, even in the unwanted critter department. 🙂

  • Jenny says:

    I don’t watch the show, but I completely get the food cry…it sounds like you are due for a gully washer of a cry. Prayers for your family for strength, peace & healing.

  • Sue Elvis says:


    I’m so sorry to hear you’re husband is fighting cancer. I pray for his complete recovery.

    Lice? I hate them! My kids don’t go to school, but they still occasionally pick them up. I am sure I learn heaps of patience every time we have to deal with an outbreak. Maybe I need the lesson in patience and acceptance!

    I had to skip over all the Downton Abbey news as I’m a new viewer and don’t want to spoil anything. Would you believe, I am still watching series 1? I guess I have lots to look forward to.

    God bless!

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