Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (5/14/13) & Theme Thursday: Mom (a few days late)


Hosted by Suscipio

Moments of Gratitude…

Today I am especially thankful for

  • My hubby
  • Being a mom
  • The love of family
  • Laughter
  • God’s grace


Beauty in the Ordinary…

Since Sunday was Mother’s Day, I received homemade gifts from the kids. It was so sweet to see their excited faces as I opened up the treasures they made me. And the feel of their little arms around my neck as they hugged me brought tears to my eyes.


In the Kitchen…

  • M – Chicken Cacciatore
  • T – Enchiladas
  • W – Breakfast Dinner
  • TH – Grilled chicken and mango salsa
  • F – Leftovers
  • S – Meatball subs
  • S – Dinner at in-laws



  • For all moms
  • For nuns/spiritual moms
  • For all women who love and nurture God’s children
  • For moms dealing with an unwanted pregnancy
  • For women suffering from infertility & the ache of longing for a child
  • For moms who have lost a child
  • For those whose moms have died



“A married woman must, when called upon, quit her devotions to God at the altar to find Him in her household affairs.” – St. Francis of Rome


Around the house…

We had two sets of visitors this weekend, so the house actually looks tidy right now. (Shocker, I know.) Although, I was driving myself insane cleaning up beforehand!  I admit, there were numerous things shoved into closets to accomplish that. I told Brian that  it is ridiculous that I have to kill myself to get the house decent enough to have company over. And it’s funny that there is a sense of peace that comes with having everything tidy and in its place. I suspect that is why they say cleanliness is next to godliness. Whereas mess causes me inner turmoil! I have been spring cleaning and purging but it is slow going. Plus now I have to tackle those closets of death that I cannot walk into or can barely close the doors. Say a prayer for me! 😉



My Bible

A Message of Hope: Confessions of an Ex-Satanist by Deborah Lipsky

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (That’s a re-read.)


Listening to…

Imagine Dragon’s album Night Visions


On My DVR…

  • Hallmark’s The Confession, The Voice, The Middle , Arrow, Grimm…


On the blog…

I’ve been on a blogging break this last week. I have just been so busy with home life, school events and other things that I haven’t had time to post. I’ve also been going through a “I’m tired of blogging and I’m going to quit” phase but I think that is normal for all bloggers at different times. Instead of shutting it down, I simply stepped away and forced myself not to link up with Hallie, and Jen and Cari. (Although I just realized it is not too late to link with Cari. :-)) It’s been good for me. Not having the self-imposed pressure of having to get a post done is freeing. There are also days like today, when I am just itching to type and touch base with you. So you won’t hear from me much for the next week or two but I may pop in occasionally. After things settle down a little more (May and June are always super busy) I know I’ll be missing blogging and having a creative outlet  like crazy and I’ll be back with a renewed spirit.

Also, for all of you who have commented recently, forgive me for not answering back. I read everything you write and I love hearing from you! 🙂


Posts I’ve Liked on my Bloglovin

  • Dishin’ It Out by (Tips for praying while doing housework. Also the source of my pondering quote.)




Plans for the Week…

This week I have on my schedule a school party, kids’ well check appts, a Mom’s night out (woohoo) and family confession.



I just realized that this is the last day to link-up with Cari’s Theme Thursday: Mom. So my captured photos are my submission as well. 🙂

I wanted to post a photo of me with my mom but she’s old school and not keen on personal photos posted on the internet. I found this one where you can’t really see her but you know she is there holding me up. I like this photo because it is reassuring to know that although she is not in my day to day life (living 400 miles away from me) she is still there offering her support and love from afar.  I know she is only a phone call (or plane ticket) away and it is reassuring just hear her voice and hear her laugh over a funny story. I owe so much to her – she taught me how to love, how to laugh, how to persevere,  and how to see God in all things and to trust Him above all else. Thanks, mom. I love you.

* * *

This was taken on Sunday during our Mother’s Day outing. I am incredibly blessed… blessed to be the mom of these four precious children. They may drive may crazy at times (and I them) but I couldn’t imagine my life without their sweet smiles, loving kisses and infectious giggles. 🙂

Have a blessed week!

Oh, and don’t forget to link-up here for this week’s Pinterest Party! (It can be an old or new post.) 🙂

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