Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (7/29/13)

Hosted by Suscipio

Moments of Gratitude…

Today I am especially thankful for

  • The blue sky after so many days of gray.
  • A roof over our heads.
  • Food in the cupboard.
  • Loved ones.
  • Stolen kisses.
  • Family fun days.


Beauty in the Ordinary…

I love when we plan a last minute trip with the kids to just get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air and each others company. Somehow the regular kid craziness gets a little tamed in the big outdoors.


In the Kitchen…

  • M – Tri-tip sandwiches and salad
  • T – Breakfast Dinner
  • W – BBQ chicken, baked potato & broccoli
  • TH – Spaghetti & Salad
  • F – Chicken quesadillas with fresh salsa & guac
  • S – Leftovers
  • S – Dinner at in-laws



  • For engaged couples, especially my sis
  • For those praying to find their spouse, especially those having a difficult time waiting
  • For those in abusive relationships
  • For those suffering from addiction
  • For the souls in purgatory, especially family, friends and those most forgotten
  • And for a number of special intentions



I’m thinking about a special Mass our Bishop is holding on Wednesday morning at the Mission. It is a Mass of Consecration praying for an end to the attacks on life, marriage, and family, as well as an end to the crime in our area. We will also pray for police, firefighters, civil servants and the military for the help and protection they need. I was going to skip it because we have swimming lessons followed by speech therapy that morning but I feel strongly that God wants me to be there so I canceled our lessons and rearranged our schedule. I hardly ever go to Mass alone with the kids but I think this will be an exception. Please join your prayers with ours on Wednesday morning (7/31) at 9:30 AM (PT).


Around the house…

Laundry, laundry and more laundry. (I couldn’t start this post until I folded and put away all the clean laundry waiting in 2 baskets. Now I’m waiting for the next load. I also have countless bags of clothes and toys etc to give to charity. (Note to self: Call St. Vincent de Paul about a pick up.)



Mysterious Albion (Vatican Vampire Hunters) (Volume 1) by Paul Leone

Ginny’s Gems: Home Management Essentials e-book by Ginny Seuffert


Listening to…

The wind rustling through the trees. (One of my favorite sounds after ocean waves crashing and falling rain. :-))


On my DVR…

The Next Food Network Star, Wuthering Heights (1939 version with  Merle Oberon and  Laurence Olivier), Masterpiece Mystery and The Killing.


On the blog…

I already had our How We Met Story posted on the blog but I finally posted the first two parts of that story.


Posts I’ve Liked on my Bloglovin




Plans for the Week…

Enjoying our last month of summer vacation!



I’m linking this photo with Ute at Flowers Round the Cross. Once a month she posts a scripture verse then asks bloggers to post a photo that captured that Scripture. Here is this month’s verse.

Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O LORD. Psalm 36:5-6

And my photo, taken at Point Lobos, CA.

Click on over to to read more almanacs/journals.

Click over to for the Bible Verse Photography Challenge.

Have a blessed week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram (bobbi_rol). 😉


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  • Jenny says:

    WOW! That is a beautiful picture! Laundry…laundry…laundry…I’m right there with you. Cleaning out the clutter is a great summer time activity don’t you think? It’s right before school and the pace of life seems a bit slower.

  • Emily Davis says:

    I’m scaling Mt. Washmore tomorrow myself. I usually do it on Mondays but we went to the park instead.
    So many are decluttering according to their Almanacs. I love that. Simplify!
    I love the idea of a Bible Verse Photography Challenge.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Emily, yes, I think summer is the time for decluttering! When I read about others cleaning things out it inspires me to get my act together. (I need all the help can get!) Do you blog? If so, the Bible verse photo challenge is the last weekend of the month. You should join us next month. Either way, I am glad you stopped by! 🙂

  • EML @ Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant says:

    Things are busy here so don’t have time to respond to all your point, but love reading everything and keeping up to date with the family.

    • bobbi says:

      Thx, E. I know just what you mean. I don’t comment nearly as much as I’d like on your blog but I love keeping up to date with you and the family. xoxo 🙂

  • Ute says:

    What a beautiful pictures! I love how all the lines lead into the center of the picture, into the great deep! Thank you so much for participating!

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