Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (9/2/13) & Bible Verse Photography Challenge

Hosted by Suscipio

Moments of Gratitude…

Today I am especially thankful for

  • The extra long holiday weekend that doesn’t seem to be going too fast (like it usually does.)
  • At home date nights.
  • A pen pal letter in the mailbox. (Remember those??)
  • A cool breeze to counteract the humidity.
  • When a certain tween comes up and hugs me for no particular reason.


Beauty in the Ordinary…

A smile to a stranger that is reciprocated.


In the Kitchen…

M – Italian turkey patty, broccoli and homemade Mac and cheese (made with low fat smoked Dutch cheese. Yum)

T – Slow cooker BBQ chicken, baked potato, veggies & salad. (I use my high tech recipe – Place chicken in slow cooker. Pour your fave BBQ sauce over it. Cook until done. Viola. ;-))

W – Grilled ham & cheese and homemade minestrone soup.

Th – Chef salad topped left leftover BBQ chicken.

F – Leftovers

S – Pizza night with Greek salad. (Note to self – post the recipe to fave Greek dressing next week.)

S – (My mother-in-law’s birthday dinner) Enchilada Lasagna, homemade refried beans, green beans and salad.



  • That my stuffy head clears up and that I’m not getting sick.
  • For our new pastor and our previous pastor that they are both blessed in their new parishes.
  • For my kids and their new teachers and all their classmates.
  • For those suffering from heart ache, depression or addiction.
  • For some special intentions.



For me, January 1st has never been my New Year’s resolution day. It’s September 1st. After three months of summer play and lax schedules it’s nice to get back into a regular routine. After the kids go back to school I always go into “nesting” mode and want to clean up the clutter and get back on track with organizing and cleaning. I have a renewed fervor in the kitchen, trying different recipes and working hard to balance the budget. I have to seize those feelings and make the most of them while they are still strong!


Around the house…

This weekend I tackled my desk. This is a never ending chore because it collects clutter like crazy. Plus it also serves as my work space for small crafts so I had to get a handle on all the pens, craft scissors, washi tape etc. I rearranged and used a different organizing bin and things are so much nicer. Funny how a little order can bring inner peace. (Physically and spiritually!) I’ll blog about the updated desk soon. 🙂



Past Suspicion by Therese Heckenkamp

Living Life Abundantly: Stories of People Who Encountered God by Johnnette Benkovic


Listening to…

Sweet quiet, except for few twittering birds. (I’m alone at the moment.)


On my DVR…

The Great Food Truck Race, Masterpiece’s Silk, Duck Dynasty, Season 3 of Big Bang Theory, 1950’s Father of the Bride with Elizabeth Taylor and Spencer Tracy and 1943’s Shadow of A Doubt with Joseph Cotten and Teresa Wright. (One of my top 5 Hitchcock movies.)


On the blog…

I’m just trying to finish this post before I worry about beyond today. 😉


Posts I’ve Liked on my Bloglovin

I’m behind on my blog reading but I had to fave Jen’s post –

  • I also loved the article on Catholic called The Duty of the Moment. I loved the opening quote: “Doing the duty of the moment means focusing our whole person – heart, soul, body, emotions, intellect, memory, imagination – on the job at hand!  The duty of the moment done for God is glamorous, exciting, wondrous…..” Catherine Doherty, Grace In Every Season.

Changing stinky diapers and washing loads of laundry it anything but glamorous but it is beautiful that each of us – whether we are single, have a house full of little ones or are sending our kids to college – are all called to perform our duties of the moment for love of God and love of those we are serving.



As you can see, I was on Pinterest this afternoon. Lots of pins today. The first three pins were taken directly from A Bowl Full of Lemon’s Meal Plan. They all looked delicious.


Plans for the Week…

A few school meetings, appointments, a birthday dinner for my mother-in-law, possible Catholic moms’ meeting and maybe a real date out with Brian if our sitter is available. 🙂



I’m linking this photo with Ute at Flowers Round the Cross. Once a month she posts a scripture verse then asks bloggers to post a photo that captured that Scripture. Here is this month’s verse.

For thus the LORD said to me: “I will quietly look from my dwelling like clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.” Isiah 18:4

We’ve been having really weird weather. It will be warm and humid one day then grey and foggy the next. Last week after an unusual hot spell, a day finally came when the fog was so thick it was drizzling and covered everything in a blanket of water. The first thing I sought out were the cobwebs in the front yard because the water droplets look amazing on them. So although I already posted a photo similar to this one some time ago, I couldn’t help taking another.

Click on over to to read more almanacs/journals.

Click over to for the Bible Verse Photography Challenge.

Have a blessed week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

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  • Micaela @ California to Korea says:

    Oh my goodness, Bobbi!! That photo is breathtaking!!! I love the scripture passage, and your moments of gratitude, too.

  • Ute says:

    Wow!!! What an incredible picture!! I’m very impressed. Thank you so much for participating!

  • aleighanne says:

    Awesome photo!! I got a pen pal letter too and sent one back. Going to send one to the other two as well.

  • That picture is AMAZING! I’m going to have come back to click over to those recipes. They do look yummy.

    To me, September 1st feels like a reboot of January 1st. I like the extra nudge to get things back on track or on a different track before we head into the holiday season.

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