Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Churches in San Francisco

A friend of my sister on the east coast is moving to the San Francisco and they were asking me if I knew of any solid Catholic churches there. I had no idea but thanks to Lisa in San Fran I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of great churches. (I’ll have to plan a trip soon to check some of these out!)
So in case you are traveling to San Francisco and want to find a church to attend Mass or make a visit, here’s Lisa’s recommendations.

San Francisco is blessed with many beautiful and good churches. Here are a couple of suggestions.
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church (Dominican Friars)
2390 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 567-7824
I’ve been a long-time parishioner here and it’s one of the largest parishes in the Archdiocese. It’s one of the most beautiful churches in SF; good homilies and holy priests; reverent Masses; a solid parish with various devotions and activities throughout the year; excellent choir; vibrant young adult group. They’ve been very supportive of the Walk for Life West Coast since we first started it in 2005, and youth groups camp out there during that weekend each January.

SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
(Salesian Priests and Sisters)
666 Filbert Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 421-0809
Very beautiful church in the North Beach section of SF. Much smaller parish, but very solid and orthodox, and reverent Masses. Has a young adult group also. They’ve been most supportive of the Walk for Life West Coast since we first started it in 2005. They let hundreds of young adults camp out that weekend each year who travel from all over to attend the WFL.
Carmelite Monastery of Cristo Rey (Carmelite Nuns across the street from St. Ignatius Church at USF)
721 Parker Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 387-2640
Daily Mass: 7:00 a.m. each day
The Nuns here are great – have known them half my life.
Monastery of Perpetual Adoration
771 Ashbury Street (between Waller St. & Frederick St.)
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 566-2743
Haight/Ashbury section of SF
Daily Mass: 7:00 a.m. each day (The Chaplain is solid and orthodox)
Cathedral of St. Mary
1111 Gough Street
San Francisco, Ca
(415) 567-2020
I rarely go here myself, but they have good and solid priests, the homilies are good and the Masses are reverent, and they have a good choir. The Cathedral is in the modern style.
There are many other churches worth visiting/seeing like Mission Dolores .
There are also other special places that I can recommend in the Bay Area that are worth a weekend visit — like Our Lady of Peace Shrine in Santa Clara, and St. Albert’s Priory in Oakland.

Bobbi’s note: Brian and I have visited the Our Lady of Peace Shrine in Santa Clara. It is a beautiful church and worth a visit!

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