Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (10/22/12) – Vol 1


Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude
With a change of schedule and a couple kiddos under the weather, I landed out going to Confession, Ā½ hr of Adoration and Mass alone on Saturday evening. That quiet time away was just what I needed. Lately I have been feeling God calling me to quiet down and draw closer to Him. It was just the spiritual recharge I needed, especially as I am trying to make the most of this Year of Faith in my spiritual growth.
Beauty in the Ordinary
It has been a rainy day today and one of my favorite sounds of nature (besides the crashing of the waves and the wind rustling in the trees) is the sound of rain. Rain always reminds me of God’s grace washing over his loved ones.
From the Kitchen
I’ve been trying to clean out the freezer/fridge and with the leftovers I’ll make chili beans, pasta salad and chicken-apple sausage links. (Tomorrow for Making It Count Tuesday I’ll post about what I originally made with those sausage links.) šŸ™‚
Praying that Brian will feel better and to get rid of the bug he’s been fighting, for all the pregnant mams out there, for all the mamas at heart who are trying to conceive a child and for a special intention.
How I stumbled onto Suscipio. I originally was at Priceless Fishers then I clicked onto a link to find out more about The Catholic Child’s Teaching Bible, which then led me to Suscipio and the Catholic Women’s Almanac. I had seen the CWA on a few blogs but never knew where it originated. I have been clicking around and have added the blog to my reader. Some great reading!
I love Jane Austin and Jane Eyre so when I came across the author Julie Klassen, who had the same love, I thought I’d give her historical romance novels a try. I just finished The Maid of Fairbourne Hall and The Apothecary’s Daughter. Now I’ve started her first novel The Lady of Milkweed Manor. When I finish that one I’ll post a review of what I read so far.
It takes me a lot longer to get through non-fiction books so I am only Ā½ way through The Popcak’s Beyond the Birds and The Bees.
For my spiritual reading am using The Imitation of Christ.
Brian’s cell and work phone number. LOL. I know it sounds crazy but I am so used to speed dialing or clicking his name on my iPhone that I never punch in the actual
Catholic Women Bloggers to Encourage
My sister (because I am missing her so much!) – Barefoot and Sometimes Pregnant
Colleen’s Green Grass Besides enjoying her blog, I love her mad photography skills. šŸ˜‰


Jesus beckons.


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  • jennyh92 says:

    I’m so happy you found Suscipio and linked your CWA. We are reading The Imitation of Christ together through the end of the year. I look forward to your thoughts on the book.
    The Tabernacle at your church is amazingly beautiful and veiled! So many of them are not.
    I need to make some time to go by myself to visit our Lord. I take the kids once a week, but I need to try to get there by myself.

  • A veiled tabernacle ~ absolutely beautiful!!
    Stopped by from over at Suscipio

  • I love this and might have to join! Also, thanks for the shout out.

  • says:

    Hi Bobbi! Hopping over here from Susipio..I’ve been cleaning out our freezer and pantry, too, and trying to use up the odds and ends. It amazes me how much stuff gets shoved to the bottom of the deep freeze or to the back of the pantry. Sometimes there are nice surprises – Sunday we had filet mignon that I found at the back of the kitchen freezer!
    Hope your family feels better soon.

  • bobbi says:

    @jenny Thanks, I’m glad I found you too. šŸ™‚ It’s been a long time since I’ve read the Imitation but there was a copy at the church and I did one of those “I’ll open to a random page and see what it says” and God seemed to speak directly to my heart so I thought it would be a perfect time to pick up the book again.
    It’s hard getting out without the kids but thankfully, my husband has a new work schedule so I am able to get a few pockets of time here and there to myself. As mom and wives, we truly need it! Anyway, thanks again for stopping by. Hope to get to know you better as I continue reading your blog. šŸ™‚

  • bobbi says:

    @takingthyme – Thanks for stopping by…and I love your blog name! šŸ™‚

  • bobbi says:

    @angela – Thanks for stopping by! I know what you mean about the freezer. I literally have to keep a list of what I have in there or it gets completely forgotten and freezer burnt. Either that or I keep buying duplicates of what I already have because I thought I was out! Thx for the well wishes we are doing much better now. šŸ™‚

  • colleencr00 says:

    How did I miss this post weeks ago? Thank you so much for the kind shout-out! I feel so privileged to be mentioned on your beautiful blog. You bless us all with each one of your posts!

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