Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (10/29/12) – Vol 2


Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude…
~ For my morning walk along the beach this morning.
~ For a husband who will watch the kids when he is not working so I can have time to myself.
~ For the beauty of God’s creation.
~ For Bella’s safe return from her overnight field trip.
Beauty in the Ordinary…
I love when I return home, whether I’ve been gone for 15 minutes or hours and the kids exclaim, “Mama!” and give me a hug. It makes all the hard work of being a mom totally worth it.
From the Kitchen…
I tried a new meatball recipe and I’m making meatball sandwiches on garlic bread rolls with salad.
I think we are all praying for the people on the east coast (especially loved ones) that they are spared harm from the storm.
Earthquakes. We had a fair size earthquake last week and while the ground is shaking and rumbling, in my head I am always wondering if this is finally the “Big One.” I also calculate how long it will take me to grab all the kids and get them to safety. Thankfully, this one didn’t last too long and I could go to bed. Then last night we had a tiny earthquake and immediately I thought about Bella (who was in San Francisco at the time.) I wondered if the quake was north of us and if so, was it near San Francisco. I quickly checked my phone and looked up the CA earthquake site and saw it was south of us and just a small one. I know every state has their own natural disasters to contend with but I hate that there are no warnings to an earthquake. You just have to be ready at a moment’s notice.
The Lady of Milkweed Manor by Julie Klassen.
Small Steps for Catholic Moms by Danielle Bean and Elizabeth Foss (Currently out of print but hopefully will be reprinted soon.)
The Imitation of Christ.
Around the House…
Besides the usual Thomas the Train toys that land out in every room, I seem to have school paperwork, homework, permission slips all over. I need to get together a little system to keep it all together. I’m working on that now.
Listening to…
Brian playing on the deck with the kids.
Working on…
Andrew’s class website. I have about 100 photos I need to upload and organize onto it. (In fact, I am uploading as I am typing.)
Posts I’ve Starred in Google Reader…
Reader Space: Simply Organized! by – I need to continue working on my Operation Clean & Organize so I’ve been getting motivation by browsing some of my favorite organizing blogs. This is one of them.
Tech Talk Digest for Last Week from – I’m a bit of a nerd in that I loved to be plugged in.
When “carrying my cross” is code for “I’M A HUGE CONTROL FREAK WHO CAN’T LET GO!!!” by Jennifer at Conversion Diary – Jennifer is one of my favorite bloggers. I love the way she can have me laughing out loud yet teach me a valuable lesson at the same time.
I live in uncertain times (this post has nothing to do with what you might think it does) by Kate Wicker – This has something in common with Jen’s post above. Is it wrong of me to like when Super Catholic Mom Bloggers post about not being so perfect? It’s not that I enjoy their troubles, I just like knowing that we are all in this together and that we all have good days and proud moments and days when we want to just crawl back in bed. God’s grace is ready and waiting for all.
Items I’ve Pinned…
A Year of Slow Cooking: CrockPot Rotisserie-Style Chicken Recipe
Index of bread recipes for the bread machine
Plans for the Week…
~ Halloween Party at John-Paul’s school followed by a Halloween Party at Bella & Andrew’s school.
~ Trick or Treating
~ All Saints’ Day Mass & at home ASD party
~ Candy Overload
From my walk this morning…



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