Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Catholic Woman’s Almanac (11/12/12) – Vol 4


Hosted by Jenny at Suscipio.

Moments of Gratitude…
~ For all the sacrifices made by our veterans, the military and their families.
~ For mornings with no alarm clocks.
~ For snuggles and kisses from your babies.
~ For seven short days until I can see my mom, dad and siblings again! (Except for you EL, I miss you!)
Beauty in the Ordinary…
It may be a little early but a beautiful Christmas carol can stir your heart with love of God and neighbor. Who couldn’t use more of that??
From the Kitchen…
I have been craving something pumpkin – so either cookies or muffins.
~ For all the souls of veterans, especially those most forgotten.
~ For our military and their families, especially our friends and loved ones.
~ For a friend who just discovered she has liver cancer.
Nothing profound, rather, I am wondering why I am making a post when I should be packing for our trip to So Cal next week. (This time next week we’ll be in Disneyland!)
The Christmas issue of Real Simple magazine.
The Story of A Soul by St. Therese
Around the House…
I woke up this morning and I am still smitten with happiness over the new corner of my bedroom. The more I try to clean, declutter and organize, the more I understand what already organized people say – in the long run it will make your life
easier and happier! LOL.
Listening to…
The sounds of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and the kids exclaiming, I wish we could have popcorn and jellybeans for Thanksgiving!
Working on…
I am moving the blog over to WordPress but I still have bugs and many pages to clean up. It should be up and running in a few weeks.
Oh, and I just remembered that tomorrow is Making It Count Tuesday. I’ve got to get my post and the link-up done to post tonight! Be sure to share any recipes, projects, crafts or lessons you’ve been working on!
Posts I’ve Starred in Google Reader…
Being Thankful [Free Printable Thankful Cards]
Advent and the Year of Faith from
2012 Printable Advent Chain from
Items I’ve Pinned…
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup Great for cold season.
Slow Cooker Pizza Soup Never heard of that before but looks tasty.
Hot Cocoa Cookies Can you say YUM!!
Trader Joe’s Paper Bag Gift Wrap Love!
Arripidae dress from Shabby Apple I couldn’t pull this off but what a cute Christmas or New Years dress this would be!
What I’ve Been Watching
This weekend I wanted to catch up on my DVR-ed Calling the Midwife but I realized the final episode didn’t get recorded. Grr. I just finished watching the episode with the brother that died and Chummy with the pig. I think this was my least favorite episode so far. The brother and sister storyline, well, I couldn’t really wrap my head around that. I felt like I was being emotionally manipulated to think it was okay. And Chummy…I love the girl but she drove me crazy with that darn pig. She couldn’t take a moment to change her flippin dress?! But her boyfriend, what a sweetheart. I’ll have to see if I can find the show online. I am dying to see how it goes when Chummy meets her boyfriend’s mother.
Plans for the Week…
~ Pack!! (Preferably not at the last minute.)
From my walk the other day…


They’ve been doing construction on the Mission’s roof to make everything earthquake safe.

Have a great day!


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