Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Congrats to Melissa!

Well, the finale finally came and Brian and I were so proud of both Melissa and Jeffrey. They did great! But when the final announcement was made I couldn’t have been happier – unless they gave both of them their own show! šŸ™‚ I can’t wait to watch Melissa’s new show next week. Be sure to check it out on Sunday at 12:30pm/11:30c. It’ll be called “Ten Dollar Dinners with Melissa d’Arabian.” Watch the trailer here. Sounds promising! šŸ™‚

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  • Dawn says:

    I, too, have enjoyed watching parts of FNS since last year, and I enjoyed certain shows on Food Network. However, my heart sank when you congratulated Melissa. Okay, she won “fair and square.” From a worldly perspective, that was all there is to this. As a Catholic, however, there is MUCH MORE. One of the challenges that Melissa had to participate in in order to win, which she eventually did, was immoral. She had to cook a meal according to a “strip club” theme. If that was me, I would have asked for another theme, or quit. That’s what she should have done. She is supposed to be the nice stay-at-home mom for us to all root for, but she was just as worldly as all the rest when it comes down to it. (I changed the channel when I saw that had happened. I found it totally inappropriate and sinful to watch anymore of that episode after she so casually agreed to such a degrading and perverted “challenge” like it was no big deal!) She may have “won,” but she offended Jesus in doing so. Is that praiseworthy? You have also spoken about how Michael was “so funny,” but he is sad if you ask me. He is obviously openly “gay,” and that is not something that should be taken lightly or promoted! Furthermore, all the contestants on that show are required to room together in a co-ed guesthouse, and there has been no discussion on this site whatsoever about how that is wrong, and a clear occasion of sin. I’m not saying you can’t enjoy and speak about FNS on your site, but it would be nice if you did so with the eyes of faith. After all, we could get worldly celeb-crazed group think from virtually any site on the Internet. Because we want better than that is the reason we take the time and effort to visit a Catholic site like yours! I mean no offense, but I share this as a fellow sister in Christ.
    God Bless,

  • bobbi says:

    Hi Dawn, thanks for your comments and letting me know your concerns. I’ll just make a couple responses. As to Melissa doing a “strip club theme” I don’t recall any show with that theme. There was a party for people at a dance/night club but that was not a strip club.
    I know Michael was openly gay. Yes, there were times when I thought he was funny with his quips. That didn’t mean I condoned his lifestyle. But I’ll admit that his humor eventually got old and he became annoying, gay or straight.
    As for the coed guesthouse, they had separate bedrooms for each gender and I don’t know about the bathrooms but I never saw them sharing it at the same time. Whether or not this was still “wrong” I’ll let you decide.
    I’m sorry if some my posts are too worldly for you. It is difficult because many faithful Catholics have different levels of entertainment that they deem acceptable. To some of my friends, they won’t watch any tv or listen to secular music at all. With others they ‘ll watch movies or listen to music that I feel not the best choices. Unless it is blatant, I’m not going to say which are right or wrong but that if it brings you away from Christ, leave it.
    I am happy that you have been enjoying the blog and have been with us for so many years! And I appreciate you taking the time to be open and honest in your concern. I do take to heart the comments you made and will be more careful in the future. And if there is a future post that you may deem as questionable or inappropriate, I apologize and suggest that you just skip them. I also suggest that if you want more solidly Catholic blogs, to start one of your own! I’d be happy to check it out. šŸ™‚

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