Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Create in Me A Clean Heart: My Lenten Goals 2015

Happy Ash Wednesday! I already posted about things we will be doing as a family for Lent but I haven’t shared what I’ll be doing. To be honest with you, I usually don’t buckle down until a couple weeks into Lent but I want to break that cycle!

I went to the morning Mass at the kids’ school and the theme of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving has been on my mind. How can I apply that to my busy mommy life?

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Prayer is what I need the most now, especially with the stress our family has been under lately. I am still having trouble being less like Martha and more like Mary. But Lent is the perfect time to get serious about making improvements.

My prayer plan is pretty much already in place. I have my Blessed Is She prayer journal and I joined Elizabeth Foss’ online workshop Restore. I’ve got the tools now all I have to do is make sure that I USE them in more than just a pretty photo! I arranged my schedule so I could have 15-20 minutes in the morning to pray. Then in the evening after the kids go to bed, I’ll spend 20 – 30 minutes on the workshop. I did it last year and it was sometimes hard to carve out time and I was always behind the scheduled days, but it made a huge difference in helping me get through a difficult season of life with Brian’s cancer.


In order to accomplish the prayer time for Lent, I need to cut back on screen time – the computer/ phone in the morning and TV at night. I’m not going dark like some friends, but there will be some black out stretches during the day. I’m hoping the increased prayer will also help me to fast from impatience. In the morning of this holy Ash Wednesday I was yelling at one of my kids to stop fooling around and get their school shoes on. That is a logical request but yelling it like a lunatic is not the same as saying it like a sane parent. I could hear God whispering to me, “Yeah, you see that there? That’s what you need to give up for Lent.” Oh, man. I think it would be easier to give up the chocolate.


This one was a no brainer because since Christmas I have been walking around the house, stepping over toys and moving piles of junk from one corner to the next saying, “Ugh! We have too much stuff!” So it’s time for the annual 40 bags in 40 days. We’ll be sharing our possessions with friends or St. Vincent de Paul. I would really like it if I could also get back to my 31 Day to Clean: Having A Martha House the Mary Way cleaning challenge. I started it a month ago but when Brian’s dad had the stroke, my normal routine went out the window and I put it aside.

Revolution of Love Blog - lent_psalm_51I share these things with you, not to brag or “blow a trumpet.” Quite the opposite, I know my weakness. I am prone to start strong then give it up. I want to hold myself accountable. By sharing this with you, I know you will be there to offer encouragement when I am feeling discouraged and there to give a swift kick in the rear when I am being a stubborn brat. I know there are some moms that spend Lent like John the Baptist with a locust snack. I look at them and think, “Damn, girl! How do you do that?!” I’m still working on things like… not saying, “damn.”

We are all on different paths and at different levels.  Some of you can accomplish a lot. Some of you forgot today was Ash Wednesday. Some of you don’t need to give up anything because you are living Lent in your current family situation. However, all of us are seeking to cross the same finish line. We want to grow closer to God and love Jesus more at the end of this Lent. So to you, my fellow sisters, let’s take this journey together and encourage one another.

Is there something you want to work on this Lent? Do you have a special intention you’d like me to pray for during Lent? Do share. (And say a prayer for me too.) 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram. 😉

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  • Love your take on not “going dark,” but instead planning for “blackouts.” AND…I gotta quit sayin’ “damn,” too 😉 Looking forward to your insights on Restore!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Wendy, I’m so behind on commenting on my past posts. Sorry! How’s your Lent been going? I definitely need a jump start to finish off strong. I’ve been lagging a bit. Have you been enjoying Restore? I am behind on that too but a lot of the material was from last year so I wasn’t too worried. 😉

  • Jen says:

    Giving up Coke and adding on reading and prayer.

  • Nikki says:

    “However, all of us are seeking to cross the same finish line.” love this line. It is so simple yet such a “WOW” and so true statement all at the same time. Definitely need to remember this and not just for Lent.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Nikki, I’m so behind on commenting on my past posts. Sorry! I’m glad the line touched you. I have to remind myself from time to time! Hope your Lent is going well. 🙂

  • […] Bobbi at Revolution of Love has a great post about her Lenten resolutions. She also posts lovely, warm looking pictures from her daily walks…by the ocean…in the sunshine…with gentle breezes. […]

  • Michelle M says:

    This year, I would be happy to merely surrender to whatever it is that God calls or allows without complaint. Only I didn’t know it until I read your question at the end. So yes, that is it! Thanks. I’ve gotten off to late starts the past couple of years, but more and more I just want to know myself and be realistic.

    Your blog is so lovely. I will pray for you to have a fruitful Lenten season.

    • bobbi says:

      Aw, thank you, Michelle. I do hope you’ve been having a fruitful Lent. I was going strong but have been lagging lately. I am jump kicking the last 2 weeks to finish strong. I think you hit the nail on the head with your not complaining comment. If I could do that for the next 2 weeks I’d be gold. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂 (I’m super behind on commenting that’s why this is so late!)

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