Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

The Premiere Show of THE GIST and What God Reminded Me


Each week, Catholic personalities Danielle Bean, Rachel Balducci and Carolee McGrath host The Gist. They discuss topics such as abortion, raising teens in the faith and confession. Along with guests such as Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Lino Rulli and others, they will give Catholic women the gist on everything from faith and the Church to exercising, make-up and how to stay sane. Tune in every Wednesday morning for a new show at 10:30 with rebroadcasts Thursday at 8:30 p.m., Friday at 4 p.m., Saturday at 6:30 a.m., Monday at 8 a.m. and Tuesday at 10 p.m. (all times Eastern).

I missed the first show since it is on at 7:30 AM in Cali and I’m usually in the middle of getting kids off to school. However, it is rebroadcast during the week and available to view online. If you missed it, I’ve added it here. Below I’ve also added my own comments about the show.

It was wonderful to watch these great Catholic women and moms. I feel like I already “know” them from reading their blogs and columns. There was a lot to be learned and here are a few things that struck a cord with me.
Topic – Working moms.
My take – Danielle said it best, “All moms are working moms.” Being a SAHM, I say, “Amen, sister!”
Topic – Comparing ourselves to others.
I loved Rachel’s comment, “The only people you can truly analyze is yourself and your situation…”
My take – It is so easy to look at other moms and see how much they are doing and think, how do they do it? It will sometimes make me feel guilty that I am not doing enough. But I have to remember that we are each in different situations and have our own unique vocation as a wife and mother. As long as we are open to God, He will direct us to exactly where we need to be. He’ll often challenge us but He won’t overwhelm us. If we are overwhelmed we may need to ask, “Am I doing more than I should be and spreading myself too thin?” If not, then ask, “Am I relying on God for my strength or on myself?” (Sigh. Been there. Done that.)
Topic – How do you do it all?
When Danielle asked guest speaker Lisa Hendey, “How do you do it all?” Lisa replied, “If I think about everything that I do in a day, it’s too overwhelming. So I start my day with prayer…and that’s a key component throughout the day. Praying just for the grace and the energy and the strength to do it all and really, I just do my best with whatever pot that is burning right in front of me…managing the priorities, looking at how I can be of help to other people and most importantly serving my parish and my family.”
My take – Prayer, Priorities, Serving family first but not forgetting others. Enough said!
Topic – Lisa talked about saints being role models, intercessors and heroes of our family.
My take – Often when I hear about the saints I wonder how I can relate to them because, well, they are saints. But really, they weren’t born with halos on their head. They had the same kind of human struggles we do. They had to fight their personal demons and rely on God to give them the strength to live holy lives. I can certainly learn from that! (Side note; I am in the middle of reading Lisa’s book The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul and I am eager to also check out her new book A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul.)
Topic – Prayer
In the next topic they ladies spoke about the importance of prayer in our daily lives and I love what Rachel said, “Right off the bat, establishing that our prayer life is the most important thing and I think as moms we can so easily justify and rationale away taking time to pray because laundry needs to be done, and lunches need to be made and children need to be cared for, but really, personal holiness and a relationship with God is the most important gift we can give our families.”
My take – I am guilty of this all too often! There is always something that needs to be done and although there are times when I can pray as I work, there also needs to be time when I quiet myself and simply focus on God. Some days it may only be for a few minutes but I must be willing to make the effort and establish the priority. Certainly if I have to time to post on my blog, pin an idea on Pinterest or watch a favorite tv show, then I certainly have time to shut it all down and give God a little silence.
Topic – The rosary and adoration.
My take – I love Carolee’s comparison of the rosary and exercise. Both are things we tend to want to put off yet both are important to our health (physical and spiritual) and we’ll feel better after we are done! And Danielle’s thought on Adoration reminded me that just as I ask Brian to watch the kids so I can run to the market alone, I can ask Brian to watch the kids so I can stop at the chapel and speak to God in his presence alone. (And I know he is more than wiling to do it!)
Topic – Family prayer.
My take – This should be a show topic itself! I already commented on this briefly in another post but a number of families I know pray the rosary every night with their kids. I commend them! For us, it has not worked out very well, but rather than forget the whole thing, we’ve adjusted it to our family needs. Instead, we try to say the rosary but with only one decade. Some nights we’re lucky just to gather us all together for a quick night prayer but we do what we can. Each family is different and their needs change as the family grows. The main thing is to be doing something.
Last Thoughts
With that said, I really recommend that you watch the show yourself. At first I was a little reluctant to devote time to it since the topic was on working moms but that was just a small portion of it. There were many topics discussed. On the one hand, it seemed like too many topics. Maybe there could have been less topics and more time spent on one or two subjects. (It seems like the saints, personal prayer or family prayer could have been their own shows.) On the other hand, the flow of conversation carried into many different topics and they commented accordingly. Either way, I really enjoyed the show and actually watched it twice. The second time around is when God impressed certain things on my heart and for that I am thankful.
So thanks, Gist Girls. I look forward to watching you again next week!

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