Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 5: Episode 3 Recap

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So what did you think of last night’s DA? The storylines seemed to go a bit slower but it was still enjoyable.

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

The show opens up with Mary and Gillingham in bed after a week of playing house. Gillingham is smitten and Mary plays along but as soon as he is out of the room Mary’s expression shows that she is only playing the part and her heart is not in it. (Didn’t I say that Tony was not right for her. He was too “nice” and she needed a man like Charles Blake that would challenge her and keep her on her toes. And hopefully, without having  to get her into bed first. But I digress.)

Unfortunately, Violet’s butler, Mr. my-facial-expression-are-priceless Spratt spotted Mary and Gillingham outside the hotel. Being the little rat that he is (okay, maybe that is harsh but I still can’t forgive him for sabotaging Mosley) he told Violet what he saw. Violet’s jaw nearly dropped but with lightning fast speed and she crafted the perfect excuse and feigned shock that Spratt could think anything so undignified and Spratt gave some of his best facial expressions yet. Grandmama saved the day and kicked butler butt at the same time

Now Lady Mary must face the music with Granny. I am glad someone tells Mary that times may have changed but most people would still be shocked at this behavior. I still think it is odd, particularly after how she suffered when her previous fiance found out about Mr. Pamuk. Mary tried to justify her actions but she really only succeeded in looking like a bratty teenager, complete with haughty looks and eye rolls.

And if all of this wasn’t enough, Mary had the gall to ask Anna to take her diaphragm and sex book and hide it in her cottage. Seriously? But then again, she also once asked Anna to help her carry a dead naked man from her bed so maybe that’s not so far fetched.

On a side note, I am assuming the birth control is going to be found in Anna’s room. Will Bates find it? Will he think that is why they haven’t been able to conceive a child? Will this tie back into Green and the rape and somehow make it look like Anna was guilty of… I can’t even finish the sentence. I don’t know. It just seems like more drama is going to come out of that one.

Speaking of Bates,  a witness has come forward and she heard Green say, “Why have you come?” Apparently Green knew that Bates may come after him for what he did to Anna. He made sure everyone would be suspicious of Bates if anything were to happen to him. Bates gave his alibi but technically he still had the opportunity to get to London. (And there was that ticket to London that Mary burned last season.) You know, all I can think about this did-he-didn’t-he storyline, is two song titles –  Let it go and shake it off! It is getting old and I cannot take much more of looking at Anna’s anguished face as she suffers from worry. After all that she has been subjected to, please let her have some happiness!

(Spoiler alert!! If you don’t like sneak peeks of what’s to come, skip this paragraph……… I was getting a photo for this episode and I accidentally saw a photo for an upcoming episode in which  Bates AND Anna needed to prove their innocence. What the what?? This can’t be good for my blood pressure!)

Rose and Her Russians

Here is another example of behavior that seems out of character. What has happened to Rose? Last year she was scandalously involved with a jazz singer and then sneaking around dance clubs disguised as a lady’s maid. Suddenly she is organizing teas for Russian refugees. I don’t begrudge her charity work but it seems like a big leap without much explanation as to why she has had such a change of heart. Am I missing something?

The one good thing about this storyline is that it gave us an opportunity to see Granny speechless when she came face to face with an old Russian friend (flame?) she knew years ago. Mary teased her about it but she insisted there was nothing to it.

Secrets Revealed

Baxter continues to agonize over whether or not she will tell Cora the rest of her story. I wanted to kiss Mosley when he firmly told her that she should tell the truth on her terms since either way, the outcome would be the same. Baxter had courage and shared the story that she allowed a bad man to change who she was and stole for him. In the end she was left to carry the blame but she has learned her lesson. Cora forgave her and let her stay. Baxter looked obviously relieved and overjoyed that the weight was lifted off her shoulders. (Now go give Mosley a kiss of thanks, Baxter.) 😉

It has already been established that lately Robert has been displaying more love and affection to Isis than his wife. Cora expressed her feeling of uselessness, longing again for he days when she was busy and making a difference in the world. At times Robert treats her more like an accessory than a partner in marriage. Meanwhile, Mr. Bricker is more than infatuated with Cora, not only paying her compliments but he genuinely values her opinions. After their evening at the art gallery, Bricker is about to burst with want to kiss Cora but he lets Cora take the lead. Cora is flattered and enjoys the attention but she knows that she cannot step over that line. They are treading on dangerous ground but I am happy they showed some moral restraint. Cora went back inside Rosamond’s home only to find Robert fuming that she was out with Bricker. He speaks cruelly to her and she goes to bed.

It’s interesting that in the previous season when Robert was feeling useless and unloved, he had his fling with the maid. Now it is Cora’s turn to be temped to do the same. Whenever I see these scenarios play out, I am reminded of the importance of couples to nurture their friendship and romantic love. It is so easy to get bogged down by the routine of the day that we forget that our spouse still needs to feel loved and desired and appreciated. It is something you must constantly work out whether you are newlyweds or married 20 years. When that is not available in the marriage it is much more tempting to acquire it elsewhere. Okay, and that is a completely random thought. Did I mention that it is very late and I am feeling a bit punchy for want of sleep. So let’s wrap this up. Who else haven’t we discussed…. Edith!

Oh, Edith. I can’t help but hear The Smith play whenever you are on screen – “Please, please, please, let me,” “How soon is now,” “Heaven knows I’m miserable now…” It could go on and on. I have no idea where this storyline is going. Will she finally tell the truth? Will she kidnap Marigold? What was Robert saying to Edith in the preview about telling the truth? I have no idea. Where do you think the storyline will go?

Okay, let’s stop there. If I forgot something, please add it in the comments!


Favorite Quotes

Isobel: “Surely servants are human beings too.”
Violet: “Yes, but preferably only on their days off.”

Mrs. Patmore: “Sympathy butters no parsnips.”

Violet: “An unlucky friend is tiresome enough. An unlucky acquaintance is intolerable.”
Isobel: “You’re all heart.”

Violet: “Can we be confident that there will be no unwanted epilogue.” (I cringe at the thought of a baby being refereed as such , but it is a classic Granny quote.)

Violet: “In my day a lady was incapable of feeling physical attraction until she had been instructed to do so by her mama.”


Okay, your turn. Tell me what you think!

Find other Downton Abbey Episode recaps here.

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  • DrMomAZ says:

    Violet really does get all the best lines! I did love poor Anna’s line when talking with Mary after Mary requested that she hide the unmentionables… something like “I can’t help but feel as though I am doing something sinful” by hiding Mary’s sin. That Anna is worth her weight in GOLD!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi DrMomAZ, yes, Violet does have the best lines! I know the line from Anna that you are talking about. (I was actually going to go back and find it for the quote list but the kiddos were watching a movie.) I also think that is why it is hard to see Anna suffer so much, because she is such a good person and has a loving heart she feels the pain and injustice more keenly. (If that makes sense.) Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again! 🙂

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