Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

E-Book: Simplifying Your Domestic Church

A friend of mine mentioned that she is reading the e-book Simplifying Your Domestic Church: A Spiritual Journal to Help Declutter, Organize and Systemize the Home. I was interested in it because with another little one coming into the house, I’ve been trying to declutter and make more room, but there is room for so much more improvement!
I downloaded the ebook this morning and have started reading it. Each chapter has pages of practical tips on different areas. (ie. organizing, managing your time, money budgeting etc.) There is a page of self-examining questions. (ie. Do I have a hard time detaching from this of this world?) Then there is a page of saint quotes/scripture for each day of the week and a blank page for your notes. Some of the tips are geared towards a homeschooling family but I was able to adjust them to our own schooling situation. The book totals 110 pages and you can print it out or just read from your computer.
To learn more about the book, the author and her apostolate Project Nazareth check out this article. You can order the book at Catholic Heritage Curricula.

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