Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Five Favorites: Summer Activities with Kids at Lake Tahoe

Revolution of Love - Favorite summer activities with kids at Lake Tahoe (tahoe_logo)

Growing up, I always pictured Lake Tahoe as a winter destination. Being a native Californian, I had no desire to spend any length of time in Tahoe’s snow. However, after Brian and I got married his parents bought a time share at Lake Tahoe and invited us to join them for a summer trip.

Revolution of Love - Enjoying Lake Tahoe with kids (fam_tahoe_2002W)We were newly married and Bella had just turned a year old and we  had a lot of fun! My in-laws can no longer make the trips so they passed on the time share to Brian.

Revolution of Love - tahoe_driveThirteen  years and four kids later, it has become a much anticipated yearly trip, minus the couple of years we were busy giving birth to babies and such. Since we aren’t winter sports people, we have found activities to do with the kids during the summer months. Here are our five favorite things to do at Lake Tahoe with kids.


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Taylor Creek Visitor Center

© Revolution of Love Blog - Lake Tahoe 69x2We first found the Taylor Creek Visitor Center when we were looking for an easy trail where grandparents, toddlers and strollers were welcome. Since then, it has been an annual excursion. It is located in South Lake Tahoe off Hwy 89. They have a visitor center and four trails but we always go on the Rainbow Trail.

revolution of love - tahoe_walkThe kids enjoy reading the signs and seeing the different areas…

Revolution of Love - Lake Tahoe ff_tahoe_2Such as meadows and marshes.

© Revolution of Love Blog - Taylor Creek (tahoe_creek)Some years the water was flowing.

revolution of love - tahoe_walk3The stream had a lot less water this year but it was still pretty.

revolution of love - tahoe_walk2Mount Tallac

Revolution of Love - Lake Tahoe (tahoe_taylor_2)At the half way point of the trail, there is the Stream Profile Center, a small museum like room where glass walls give you a look at the creek below the surface.

Revolution of Love - Taylor Creek, Tahoe (tahoe_taylor_1)In summer the trout are juvenile but in the fall you can see the salmon run.

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Tallac Historic Site and Kiva Picnic Area

 revolution of - tahoe_picnic_1

After we finish walking the Rainbow Trail, we drive to the next door Tallac Historic Site and Kiva Picnic area. We enjoy our picnic lunch at the picnic area.

revolution of love - tahoe_conesWe haven’t gone on the official tour but we enjoy the scenery…

© Revolution of Love Blog - South Lake Tahoe, bw_tree_3…and walking the trail.

© revolution of - Lake Tahoe with Kids (tahoe_water_3W)There is also access to Lake Tahoe, if you prefer to picnic and swim there.

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Magic Carpet Mini-Golf

We don’t have any traditional mini-golf courses here in Monterey so when the kids saw Magic Carpet Golf in Lake Tahoe, they were eager to go there.

Revolution of Love - tahoe_golf_2WThere are three courses.

Revolution of Love (tahoe_golf_3W)Last year we tried the Dinosaur one, which the boys loved!

© revolution of - tahoe_golf_1EWThis year we tried the Storybook course and it was fun.

© revolution of - tahoe_golf_1WNext year we will try the Castle course.

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Tahoe Paradise Park

Last year we were looking for a park that had a playground for the kids to play and we found Tahoe Paradise Park.

revolution of love - tahoe_park_swingIt is tucked away in a residential area and feels secluded, which is nice since it’s never been overcrowded.

revolution of love - tahoe_ajm_jpn_15aAt first I wondered if it was in a “safe” area but there were a number of other moms and dads with little kids there so we were put at ease.

revolution of love - tahoe_park1WOnce you go through the gates, if you pass the lake and tennis courts and head to the back parking lot to the right, you will find the playground, picnic areas and fields.

revolution of love - tahoe_park2WThis year we packed a lunch and grilled BBQ sliders.

tahoe_park_1WThis was the view from the picnic tables. The only negative thing was that there was only a port-a-potty. Needless to say, we held it until we got home. 😉 © revolution of - tahoe_park4WIf you go beyond the trees you will find the banks of the Upper Truckee River. The kids weren’t interested in going through the brush to find it but I was able to get this shot. Again, the water was lower this year but still pretty.

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Pope Beach

Saving the best for last, our favorite Tahoe activity is, of course, playing in the gorgeous blue water of Lake Tahoe!revolution of love - tahoe_beach_2There are numerous spots were you can gain access to the lake but our hands down favorite is Pope Beach off of Hwy 89 in South Lake Tahoe. Most years, it has not been very crowded, although this year it was really busy with the heat wave, but not to the point where it lessened out fun.

revolution of - tahoe_beach_1We usually get there early and find a picnic area with a grill so we can make hotdogs and smores.

© revolution of - tahoe_beach_6We set up our tables them park our beach chairs farther down, closer to the water. There the kids can splash or build sand castles with Brian.

© revolution of - tahoe_beach_5Unlike the ocean, that freaks me out with it’s strong waves and drop offs, the shore of the lake is shallow and calm.

© revolution of - tahoe_beach_3The kids loved it, except for my one sand-phobic boy (cough…JP) who takes after his dad. 😉

© revolution of - tahoe_sunset_6We had so many fond memories at Lake Tahoe and it is fun to look at the photos and watch our family grow over the years. Recently we started inviting my parents to join us so the kids still have a set of grandparents (and sometimes an aunt and uncle) join us. I look forward to many more years to enjoy the beauty of Lake Tahoe as a family. 🙂

Where do you like to vacation during summer?

A big thanks to Jenna for hosting Five Favorites. 🙂

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. 😉
PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.

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