Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Five Favorites (Vol 14): Family, Jane Austen & Sherlock

I’m linking up with Hallie for Five Favorites this week. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Family Time

I have been relishing the time we can spent together as a family, particularly before Brian goes for his surgery. I know it is wrong of me but in the back on my mind I will think…what if something goes wrong? What if they can’t get all the cancer out? What if the unspeakable happens… I try not to go there and think positively but my drama queen tendency rears its ugly head. That is when I say a quick prayer and just focus on loving my sweet man and my babies and ignore the what ifs.

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Monterey Walking Trail

The stress of these days would normally have me munching stale Christmas cookies but when Brian found out the cancer returned, we revamped our diets and stopped eating take out, processed food, white flour and regular sugar (as much as we can.) I have also been trying to deal with the stress by going for walks on my favorite trail along the beach. One good side affect of these changes is that I’ve lost a couple of pounds. There’s many more to go, but it’s a start. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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The Support of Family

On Thursday two of my sisters will come and stay a few days with us to take care of the kids and the household so I can spend time with Brian in the hospital.ย And if that wasn’t a big enough blessing, once they leave my mom will be flying in and staying a week with us. Just knowing that they are coming is a balm to my soul. They know just when to give me a sympathetic hug and when to get me laughing hysterically. I wish it were under different circumstances but I’m loving that they are coming anyway.

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Jane Austen Bookmarks

When I saw these Etsy Jane Austen Bookmarks from Castle on the Hill, I could not resist them! They have each of the Bennet sisters from Pride and Prejudice and one with Mr. Darcey for good measure. So cute!

There are also sweet prints like this one –

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice – Jane Bennett and Mr Bingley take A Stroll

Or maybe you prefer a more modern print. Try this –

Downton Abbey Lady Mary

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Sunday Nightย  Sherlock/Downton Abbey Fest

I think these guys have made it to my Five Faves before but they deserve to a repeat performance. Brian and I just finished watching the premiere of Sherlock, Season 3. The show has a different feel and Sherlock has been humanized a bit but I loved it. Sunday nights have become my night of TV bliss. Downton Abbey followed by Sherlock. It doesn’t get much better than that, baby! (Even though next week’s bliss will be watched in a hospital room. ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Also, if you are into Downton Abbey, here’s my take ofย  Sunday night’s episode.

Thanks again for the prayers!! Keep em coming. ๐Ÿ™‚

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