Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Five Favorites, Vol 5: Organics, Zombies & Nuns

I’m joining supermama Hallie at for this week’s Five Favorites.

~~ 1 ~~

Avalon Organics Lotion

It may be spring, but my skin is still suffering from winter dryness. Avalon Organics Lavender Hand and Body Lotion has worked wonders. I love it.


~~ 2 ~~

New Catholic Mom Blogs

I love when I come across a new Catholic mom blog but it’s especially fun when I know the person writing it. My friend Amy started a blog called Cheap and Natural. Her tagline is: Discovering new and healthy ways to parent, eat, and live on a budget while being mindful of God’s creation and intended purpose. My favorite post so far? Household Tornado – Part 1: Prevention. (Hint it has nothing to do with the weather and all to do with messy toddlers!) Amy is sweet, smart and striving to be holy yet very down to earth. Go check out her blog and tell her I said hi. 😉


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 Catching Fire

Last week I started rereading The Hunger Games and a couple days later I saw the new trailer for Catching Fire. I can’t wait to see the movie in November. (For any non Hunger Games fans, make sure you read the book BEFORE you watch the movie. You’ll get so much more out of it.)


~~ 4 ~~

The Walking Dead

Brian and I have been looking for some new shows to watch on Netflix and a number of people recommended The Walking Dead and Mad Men. We started watching Mad Men and I hate to say it because I know a lot of you are fans, but I just don’t get the hype. We got through two episodes and all we could muster is “Eh.” Maybe we should have waited to get more into it but it’s hard to get past the fact that everyone seems to have “I-can’t-keep-it-in-my-pants-itis.” So thanks, but no thanks.

On the other hand, The Walking Dead has sucked us in. I normally will not watch slasher movies but since the ones being slashed here are not humans, I went ahead and gave this a try. Wow. Now, this is a gripping show. It is certainly not for the squeamish (a few times I had to say to Brian, “Close your eyes, Sweetie”) but the storyline is gripping. So far we have seen about 4 episodes of season 1.

Any other past shows you can recommend?

~~ 5 ~~

Catholics Who Know Their Bible & Sisters Who Rock

Source: Dominican Sisters of Mary Facebook Page

Okay, I saved the best for last. Brian was flipping the channel and came across the Christian game show The Great American Bible Challenge and imagine his surprise to find the Dominican Sisters of Mary as contestants. They not only won the game, they then won the semi-finals and are now on to the finals. (Date yet to be determined.) Way to go, Sisters! 🙂

Here’s the intro to the team.


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1 Comment

  • Amy says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post!!! And thanks for the blerb about my blog!

    I had no idea the trailer is out for the 2nd Hunger Games movie – it looks sooooo good! I can’t wait!!!

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