Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol 13)

Happy Friday, friends! Welcome to Friday Favorites (a link-up posting every 1st and 3rd Friday.) I’m glad you could join me! Here are this week’s favorites. πŸ™‚

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

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This Week’s Fave Emotional Support

Family, Friends and our Online Community

It has been a stressful month. First there is the ever present worry about my mom’s cancer and some health setbacks she had this week. Now Brian is due for his yearly cancer testing/scan, so I’m naturally worried that his cancer doesn’t come back. Plus, it seems like so many little things are going wrong that in themselves are minor, but all at once are a pain.

Thankfully, I am surrounded by prayerful and supportive family, friends, as well as an online community, that is constantly supporting my mom, my family and me. My mom was deeply moved when I told her how many people have messaged me that they are praying for her and offering rosaries orΒ  Masses for her. And this isn’t just immediate family or friends we know, but people who follow me on social media and have gotten to know about me and my family online.

I have gotten numerous messages that started out with “you don’t know me but…” It brings tears to my eyes just typing that. It is so beautiful that there is this community and sisterhood of believers ready to support one another and pray for one another, even if we don’t know each other in real life. The joy that knowledge brings is a tiny foretaste of heaven and the Body of Christ loving one another as brothers and sisters. I love it.

And that support has allowed my next fave…


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This Week’s Fave Make Me Smile Moments

Time with Family

The prayers of everyone has just filled my heart with the boost I need to be strong, trust in God and look for the joy amidst the worry. It allows me to cherish the moments I have with my family and to make memories together because life is short and precious.


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This Week’s Fave Evening Entertainment

Pixar Movie Fest

Speaking of family time, Bella may have inherited my love of Disneyland but the boys inherited my love of movies. This summer, after our evening family prayer, we cuddle on the couch to watch (part of) a movie together. We have been working through the Pixar Collection. I logged the ones we’ve competed in my bullet journal. Tonight we’ll finish Finding Dory. πŸ™‚

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This Week’s Fave Catholic Bracelets

My Saint, My Hero

Long before John Stamos got into the picture, I have admired the lovely bracelets of My Saint, My Hero. I first purchased the Forever One Mr & Mrs Blessings Bracelets to share with Brian and the Wave of Prayer bracelet in aqua. (Although, I think that color is no longer available.) When I went to the Blessed Is She Wild Retreat, I received the “Breathe” bracelet, which was very appropriate because I was stressing out big time that day. LOL.

I love the mission of My Saint, My Hero. It is “to bring faith, hope and purpose into everyday life.” They promote the fact that “God is real, prayer works and love heals.” Plus their products are “wearable blessings, crafted in love and prayer and empower women through meaningful work.” Their hope and “prayer is that these pieces help awaken souls to live in the presence of God and know: ‘I am true. I am good, I am beautiful. I am blessed.'” How awesome is that?

Since my birthday is next month, I am adding either the Empower Seed of Life Bracelet or the Stellar Blessings Ocean Blessings Bracelet to my wish list. πŸ˜‰

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This Week’s Fave Music Playlists

My mom asked me to make her a playlist of inspirational music that will motivate her to fight her cancer. I made this “I Can Do It” playlist for her. To be honest, I have been listening to it frequently this week! Above is the Spotify link. Or if you use Apple Music, as I do, here is that link –

When my mom is not in the mood to fight and she just needs to cry out to God for strength, I made her this “Jesus, I Need You & Praise Music” playlist. Above is the Spotify link. The Apple Music link is –


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This Week’s Fave Summer Top

Photo credit: Old Navy

Old Navy’s Relaxed Bubble Sleeve Tops

Old Navy is a great place to find casual clothes whether you are the mom or the daughter. Bella found some cute tops and shorts (with the coveted 5″ inseam instead of the standard skimpy 1-2″) in her small size and I found these cute tops in a larger size (they have up to XXL in the store.) These tops are summery and can be worn off the shoulder or, as I opt, on the shoulder. I have the navy stripe and the white one pictured above. Although, they are on sale right now so I think I’ll grab another (or two.) πŸ˜‰

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This Week’s Fave Social Media/Blog Award

A Knotted Life’s Sheenazing Awards

Way back when blogs were actually a common thing, Bonnie at A Knotted Life started the Sheenazing Awards to promote readers’ favorite Catholic Blogs. These days, there aren’t as many bloggers but (almost) everyone is on social media. Bonnie is bringing back the Awards to promote the best in Catholic social media –Β  from bloggers, vloggers, instagrammers, podcasters and more.

I loved voting for my faves and finding new favorites when the results were posted. Click over to A Knotted Life and cast your vote by Saturday, July 21. So fun!

Okay, that’s it for now!

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. πŸ˜‰

Are you ready to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for three weeks. Have fun!

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