Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Favorites & Link-up (Vol. 23) & 7QT

Happy Friday! I’ve taken a loooong break from Friday Favorites, but I’m picking it back up today! This list of faves happens to all be Catholic products so that’s extra fun.

Since I have seven faves, I’m also linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

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This Week’s Fave Book

61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and a True Story of the Impossible by Bonnie L Engstrom

Years back when I first heard about the Bonnie Engstrom and the story of her family, I was fascinated. The story was incredible and I imagined that Bonnie and Travis were ultra holy Catholics who lived a perfectly ordered life filled with prayer and devotion and little mess. It was an image that seemed far removed from the “ordinariness of life.” Years later, Bonnie and I both became part of the Blessed Is She team and we were able to spend time together at the BIS team retreats. (It’s funny how nervous I was to meet her in person!) Bonnie was an incredibly strong woman of faith, but she was far from out of reach. She was one of the most down to earth, personable women I’d ever met and I loved spending time with her.

That’s what makes Bonnie and Travis’s miraculous story so inspiring to me. God was able to weave his grace and light into the fabric of a seemingly ordinary Catholic family and work Biblical wonders – literally raising the dead back to life.  61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and a True Story of the Impossible is a beautiful narration of the power of God and how miracles are still happening today. Reading it is like peeking into the heart of a women willing to be vulnerable in order to give God greater glory and to inspire us to open our eyes to the spiritual world and the saints waiting to intercede for us. Once I picked up the book, I couldn’t put it down! I highly recommend it!


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This Week’s Plush Toy

Shining Light’s Mary Plush Doll

The Shining Light dolls are already adorable, but they’ve kicked it up a notch when they came out with a plush version of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mother Mary. When I saw them I lamented the fact that my kids were too old for plush toys. Well, maybe not. My boys saw them and loved them… not to play with but to add to our prayer shelf. I was more than happy to oblige. (One day I can pass them on to my first grandchild.) 😉 So whether you have a young child or want one for yourself as a decoration, these are so cute!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus plush can be pre-ordered. It will be released in October. And if you get the pre-order sale price you’ll already be ahead in your Christmas shopping. (Let’s face it. Christmas will be here before you know it!)

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This Week’s Fave Catholic Tee

Brick House in the City Tees

I’ve bee a fan of Brick House in the City’s Catholic Women’s tees and was excited to see they have newer men’s tees. I bought the Ite Ad Joseph Men’s Tee, which means “Go to Joseph”.

It also has the line “Mirror or Patience – Terror of Demons” (from the litany to Saint Joseph.) Brian loves it! (And I love him in it.) 😉

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This Week’s Fave Phone Accessory

Sacred Heart Pop Socket

A few months ago, Megan (who has one of THE BEST looking Instagram feeds!) posted about a new black and white Sacred Heart pop socket she purchased on Amazon. I loved it and wanted to get one as well. However, I chose the colorful Sacred Heart of Jesus Christian Tattoo pop socket. It especially looked great with my yellow phone case. It is a conversation starter! You can find a variety of other cool ones here.


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This Week’s Fave Candle

Photo credit – Feast Day

Feast Day Votive Candles

I’m a big fan of Feast Day Boxes but they also have some great stand alone products in their store. One of my favorites is their incense scented votive candles from 5B&Co. I originally bought them to use during our family prayer time, but they smelled so good I have all three sitting on my desk just below my computer screen. The scent just soothes me and calms my spirit, which is great when I am sitting here trying to figure out what to write. I’ll have to order another set of three or one of the larger 8oz candles for our prayer time because I don’t want to relinquish the ones on my desk. 🙂

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This Week’s Fave Happy Mail


Photo Credit – Pink Salt Riot

Pink Salt Riot’s Joy Box

I believe I have more than one love language and one of them is definitely gift giving. I love to give a small gift or a card to let a person know I am thinking about them or that they are seen and loved. That is probably why I fell in love with the spirit behind Pink Salt Riot’s Joy Box.

Photo Credit – Pink Salt Riot

Each Joy Box is filled with a collection of their gorgeous products – from prints and note cards to jewelry and accessories. Their challenge is that you give away half of the box to different people in your life that have a moment to celebrate or a moment when they could use a pick me up. What I also love is that the box is quarterly, instead of monthly so it is much more budget friendly. There are also options to purchase monthly, yearly or a stand alone box. Definitely check it out!


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This Week’s Fave Sticker

Blessed Is She Saint Stickers

I am a sucker for stickers and I especially love the new round Blessed Mother and Saints stickers from Blessed Is She. The are perfect for your laptop or planner! Which is your favorite? All are great, but I especially love the Joan of Arc one.

Photo credit – Blessed Is She

As an added note, many of you asked when the new Blessed Is She Calendar Year Liturgical Planners (Jan – Dec 2020) would be available. They are now available for pre-order. Added bonus, the are on sale during the pre-order period. (They usually don’t go on sale again after that.) Check out the shop and order the regular size or mini.

~ Friday Favorites Giveaway ~

Okay, now for the extra fun part! I am giving away a bundle of some of this week’s favorites. The box will include a copy of Bonnie’s book, various items from the Pink Salt Riot Joy Box, a sticker from Shining Light Dolls, and I’ll part from one of my coveted Feast Day votive candles. Enter on Instagram. Just look for my giveaway post – @bobbi_rol. Good luck and have fun!

Those are my favorites of the week! What have you been enjoying?

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify. 😉

Want to link up?? Here are the rules.

1. Create a post with your Friday Favorites.

2. Add a link back here so others can play along.

3. If you want to add the logo to your post, here is the html.

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter wp-image-10649″ src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ /></p>

4. Make sure you’re sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. The link-up will be open for two weeks. Have fun!

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