I just came back from the doc to check two more moles/beauty marks to see if they are cancerous. I’ll get the results to the biopsies next week. With all this seriousness, I could use some down time with the Friday Fill-ins. (You can answer in the comment box or your own blog.)
1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was on Father’s Day/Brian’s birthday when I took Brian out. (I think we are about due to get out again!)
2. When people are rude is something I intensely dislike.
3. The full moon brings out the crazies.
4. “You’re still young” is one of my favorite local expressions. (That’s the one good thing about living in a place with many senior citizens! Thirty-something is still considered as a whipper-snapper!)
5. Sometimes it’s best to just let it go.
6. PBS’ Masterpiece Movies is are the best movie movies I’ve seen so far this year!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to eating the brownies Bella and I made, tomorrow my plans include catching up on laundry and Sunday, I will attend a bday party at my inlaws.
Friday Fill-In (8/15)
(Visited 16 times, 1 visits today)
Brownies! Yum!
Laundry! Yuck!
Have a good weekend!
Mine’s here
1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was on last Friday when my sister came for a visit. (I really want to go to Chilis and get the Buffalo Chicken Salad, yum!)
2. People who drive while talking on the phone is something I intensely dislike.
3. The full moon is neat to look at.
4. “?” is one of my favorite local expressions. (I can’t think of anything.)
5. Sometimes it’s best to not worry and just let things happen.
6. “In the Face of Evil” is the best movie I’ve seen so far this year!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing with a DVD and popcorn, tomorrow my plans include actually going to the theaters to watch the Dark Knight and Sunday, we will have cake at our birthing class (yum, yum).