Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Friday Five: Dream Edition

I used to love doing the Friday Five questions as a fun diversion. I haven’t answered them in ages so today I’m starting again for the heck of it.
What are some recurring dreams you’ve had? I often have dreams where I am in the home I grew up in as a child. I can still be at the present moment of my life but I am living in my old house. I spend the first 20 years of my life there so I guess it is pretty ingrained in me. (Thankfully, in my dreams I was no longer wearing big hair and leggings.)
What is the significance of dreams in telling you about yourself? I don’t see dreams as “signs” in the literal sense of the term but they can be an indication of what has been on my mind lately or issues I deal with often. Other times it is just insane stuff like the 50’s era horror movie dreams where I was fighting giant insects.
How do you feel after you’ve had one of THOSE dreams? I remember one time I had a dream (or nightmare) that Brian was having an affair and his boss at work was telling me not to worry about it since everyone does that these days and I should have an affair too. I remember waking up crying and being so mad at him. Of course, my Sweetie was bewildered at why I was upset with him for something that never happened. I think I was also pregnant when I dreamt that so the hormones were also wreaking havoc, the poor guy.
What was the last dream you remember? Yesterday I dreamt that I was back in school (circa junior high) and I was talking to my friend Eric about another friend who had died. We were consoling one another when the lunch bell rang and we had to go into the cafeteria. However, we could not sit together because a teacher assigned seats and I had to sit at a table with people I didn’t know well. However, when I got to the table all the seats were already taken so I decided to go back and find Eric. Then I woke up. (Okay, figure that one out.)
When did you last dream about something that later happened as you dreamt it? I once had a dream that I was sitting at the computer typing. Around me there were dishes that needed washing and piles of laundry that needed cleaning and Bella was asking for lunch and Andrew was dumping a container of oatmeal on the floor while I kept typing away at drivel. Then I woke up. Fast forward to his moment…yes, it is just as I dreamt it. This déjà vu is my cue to sign off for the day. Later!

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  • EML says:

    Okay, this is late but I was busy getting ready for company on Friday so didn’t have the time to do it.
    What are some recurring dreams you’ve had? Lately, I have been dreaming a lot about giving birth to my baby who is due in September. All the dreams have me delivering a healthy baby in a very quick amount of time. Except in one of the dreams were the baby weighed 15 lbs! In the dream I didn’t have any problems delivering a baby that large, but am not sure I would be so lucky in real life.
    What is the significance of dreams in telling you about yourself? I think they are just random thoughts that are in my head.
    How do you feel after you’ve had one of THOSE dreams? Since I have been pregnant I have been having plenty of THOSE types of dreams. Once I wake up and realized it was a dream, I am usually relieved that it was a dream and didn’t really happen.
    What was the last dream you remember? One of my husband’s friend’s GF crashed my husband’s Miata when she was moving it from the driveway. My husband was very upset about it, but his friend had a great idea of replacing the front of the Miata with his Grand National and if you knew what both of those cars looked like you would be laughing. My husband thought it was a great idea and they started to change the cars. I just remember laughing at them in the dream and thinking I wasn’t surprised they would try something like that.
    When did you last dream about something that later happened as you dreamt it? I hope that never happens to me since I never dream about normal things, but they are always things on the crazy side.

  • bobbi says:

    Thanks for sharing! 15 pounds?! That’s bigger than our thanksgiving turkey! Let’s hope that is a dream that does not come true!

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