Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Holy Heroes’ Advent Adventures

This morning my sister forwarded me an email from Holy Heroes’ Advent Adventures. It sounded interesting so I signed up. Check it out for yourself. Here is a copy of the email.

If your family life is anything like ours, it seems that Advent comes at the most hectic time of the year. It is easy for our children to get caught up in the commercialism, materialism, and the me-ism of the culture’s pre-Christmas (or should I say “holiday”?) frenzy.
Instead of the frantic activity of “Only XX shopping days left until Christmas!” the Church prescribes something different: prayerful, conscientious, joyful preparation for the days approaching our celebration of birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
But, you’re really busy.
You have a lot to do to prepare for the wonder of Christmas Day.
So, this year, here’s how you can prevent your Advent plans from being overcome by the hub-bub of what the world tells you is the proper way to spend “the Christmas season:”
Take your family on the fun, free, and easy “Holy Heroes Advent Adventure!”
It’s free, it costs you nothing, nada, zilch. And you’ll get almost daily fun, easy, free–and time-saving!–activities for Advent.
You’ll find that we have done all the work for you, so you can also enjoy the Advent Adventure with your family. And you will all–from youngest to oldest–actually learn something during Advent which (we pray) will help you on your way to heaven.
It’s free. Click here to sign up.
Nearly every day during Advent, we will send you an email with a link that takes you to that day’s activities.
You’ll see short videos, listen to short audio selections, download coloring pictures, word searches and games, take quizzes to see what you’ve learned, and more.
***New Jesse Tree videos and printable, colorable ornaments (complete with Scripture citations) plus–BONUS!–a video and ornament for every “O Antiphon” which we pray the last 7 days of Advent
***More quizzes suitable for all ages and abilities to reinforce what you’ve learned
***New coloring pages and fun based on Glory Stories artwork and audio recordings
***A new discount code for all Adventur-ers which not only gets you discounts on every order, but also some surprise free stuff, too
***Now available for purchase: our year-after-year re-useable Jesse Tree DVD! Yes, ma’am: it can be used EVERY Advent, year-after-year, because we added EXTRA videos and EXTRA printable, colorable ornaments which you won’t see online in our free Advent Adventure…so although Advent changes in length every year, you’ll always have enough content to fill your Jesse Tree (and no excuses for not finishing the tree you started–the kids can pop in the video every day whether you’re too tired or not!)
It’s free, it’s for children of all ages, it’s fun AND educational, and all you have to do every day is open the email we’ll send. Enroll your own family, or forward this email to your grandkids, nieces and nephews, and friends.
May God bless you and yours,
Your Advent Adventure Guides

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