Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

“Honeymoon with the Pope”

I received an email that read in part:

My name is Teresa Grodi and my husband and I recently had an opportunity to attend the Sposi Novelli audience with the Holy Father in Rome. This opportunity is available to all newlyweds within the first year of their marriage, but it is a HUGE undertaking to plan. So, upon our return, we decided to make a website to help other couples who would like a chance at this blessing! We are not selling a product or anything, it’s just a way to assist people šŸ™‚

The website is and I looked over it. It has lots of great info and tips and I’m sure it was be a invaluable resource for those interested.
We’ve had friends who had their marriage blessed by the Pope. Brian and I celebrated our first anniversary with a trip to Rome and although we didn’t get a blessing from the Pope it was an incredible experience just to be there. (If I knew about this website and had the chance to do it over again, I definitely would have tried!) So if you are thinking that it might be a possibility for you, check it out!


Brian and I at St. Peter’s Square celebrating our (recent) First Anniversary, Jan 2000.

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