This whole house ordeal has been pretty stressful the last few weeks but things are finally falling into place! As you may know, we are moving into the home of Brian’s grandma (who passed away a few years ago.) Currently his Aunt L lives there but she has been trying to move into a local senior citizen community. However, the waiting list is incredibly long and the wait takes years. Last month we finally thought there was an opening but it fell through at the last minute. Things didn’t look good and Aunt L was really bummed.
Two weeks ago Brian and I made a novena to Saints Ann and Joachim to end on their feast day (July 26). We had two intentions in mind – namely that we’d be blessed with another child and as a secondary prayer, that everything with the house would work out as God wills. The last day of the novena we received the call that there was a surprise vacancy and Aunt L was next on the list but she had to move in immediately. Thank you, St Ann & St Joachim! (Now we’re just waiting for our bambino!)
This week I’ve been packing/reducing 30+ years worth of Aunt L’s stuff and we’ll have her moved in completely by Saturday. I must say that I checked out her new place the other day and it is so beautiful. There are so many activities for them on the site there’s no chance of Aunt L being bored or lonely! She is really happy – something I was worried about. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable in our new place unless I knew Aunt L was happy in her new home. So hopefully we will have her settled in by the end of this week then we can start work on making repairs on the house before we move in. Needless to say, this will keep us very busy so I may be more absent than usual! I’ll pop in when I get tired of boxes and cleaning and need a quick break! Take care and have a blessed week. b.
8/4/04 – House/Moving Update
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