Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

It’s Here! The 2017 Blessed Is She Advent Journal

The other day I was updating my music playlists and I accidentally tapped O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Sixpence None the Richer. The boys ran into the room exclaiming, “We love this song!” They sang along and asked when we could start listing to Christmas music. Well, we are eager beavers in our house and start holiday prepping the day after Halloween. It may be way too early for some but it’s not to early to start thinking about getting your spiritual gear for Advent 2017!

Last year I used the Blessed Is She Advent journal and it was such a blessing to me. I am not exactly one to relish quieting myself down and I struggle to tame my mile-a-minute thoughts but the Advent journal really helped me to stop and focus on what matters the most during Advent – preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ.

This year’s Advent Journal was written by the lovely author and blogger Laura Fanucci and it was designed by the talented Erica Tighe of Be A Heart Design. I was thumbing through the journal and on the very first day it said:

Remember: what God desires is to be with you. To be in deepest relationship with you. To love you. Let yourself be in this moment with God. This is the heart of Advent: preparing your heart to receive Christ again. Remember that you can always return to the power and simplicity of this place – this eternal present moment of being with God in prayer.”

The word that jumped out at me was “Simplicity” because that was my word of 2017. It is as if God is bringing me full circle and reminding me of what He wanted me to focus on at the beginning of 2017. The simplicity of just being with Him. To realize that God desires to be with me and that taking the time to be with Him will change my life. I am so looking forward to using my Advent journal to help me spend that quiet re-connecting time with God.

With that in mind, I am excited to announce that the new 2017 Blessed Is She Advent journal is now available for purchase. It may seem too early to worry about it but I do encourage you to get it sooner rather than later because it always sells out. (And there are always people messaging me and emailing me to see if I know where they can get a stashed copy!)

Along with the journal, you will find the “There Is Wonder” print.

And this adorableAnything Can Happen” mug!

Or you can just do what I did and purchase the sale priced Advent Bundle that includes the journal, print and the mug. (Inset heart eyes smiley face!)

When you purchase your journal, feel free to share photos of you holding or using the journal. Use the hashtag #BISadvent so we can encourage one another on this journey of Advent!

Many blessings,

PS – This post contains affiliate links. I get a small compensation if you use my links, which helps to keep this blog online. Thank you for your support! xoxo

PPS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰


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