Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Join Me at Pinterest!

When I was younger I loved cork boards and bulletin boards. I would fill them with various photos, pictures, quotes, comics…whatever took my fancy. Even after Brian and I were married I had boards up in many of our rooms. (Heck, even my blog has too many photos on it!) However, after we did the remodel, I took all the boards down but one. Sure, the walls looked neater and more “grown up” but I missed them. But not anymore since I now have my online boards at Pinterest!
I had seen the word “Pinterest” at various blogs I follow but I had no idea what they were talking about. A couple weeks ago I finally checked it out and I am hooked! Instead of bookmarking things I want to remember, I pin it to my online boards. I not only have a quick reference but a pretty visual. And with their iphone app, I have it at my fingertips for those moments when I have to kill a few minutes while I’m waiting for something.
I must also admit that Pinterest has helped awaken my creative side. Instead of immediately dismissing a project or recipe as too hard or requiring too much time, I suddenly have the desire to give it a try! And even if the project is a dismal fail, at least I’ll have something funny to post about later. šŸ˜‰ So here are a few samples of pins on some of my boards – Styles I Like, Things that Make Me Smile, Recipes to Try, Organizing the Home, Decorating Ideas, Favorite Icons and Beautiful Places near My Backyard.
Disclaimer – Pinterest is fun but highly addictive. You must use self-control. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you.)

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