1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]? We leave next week for a trip to So Cal. The rest of the summer we’ll be here. Since we live in a tourist town it gets hectic so we like to go to the out of the way places or walk downtown in the eve when all the shops are closed. I hope to enjoy the beach more. We went last weekend and it was so beautiful. It’s warm enough to wear shorts but the water’s too cold for swimming so no bikinis in sight (except for a few hardcore Europeans not exactly built like models. egads.)
2. What was your first summer job? Hmm…did I have one? I was probably babysitting. I was always babysitting…mostly my many siblings!
3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go? I desperately want to go camping in the redwoods in No. Calif like we used to when I was growing up. I loved camping! However, Brian has never been camping (I cannot imagine my mother in law going anywhere where you couldn’t call down to the front desk for something!) So I’m slowly talking Brian into the idea. Next year he gets an extra week of vacation so I’m hoping we can do it!
4. What was your worst vacation ever? One doesn’t come to mind…perhaps when I was a kid I used to get car sick on curvy roads. Even today I can’t read in the car or move around while its moving. If Bella is really fussing in the backseat Brian needs to let me drive and he sit back there with her. I get a headache reading the map and he could write a novel in the car without the slightest bother. Go figure.
5. What was your best vacation ever?I would say the time my whole family (all 11 of us) went camping across country with nothing more than a 11 passenger van and a huge 3 bedroom tent that slept 12. It was hilarious. Man, I really should write all these memories down before they fade away! Now I am looking forward to making new vacation memories with Brian and Bella!
6/27/03 – friday five: summer edition
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