Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Monday Morning Ponderings

It’s Monday again and I’m still amazed that the weekends can pass so quickly. Brian is off at work and the kids are still snug in their beds so I thought I’d make a post. This morning I can’t stop thinking about a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine who has a serious illness. It has made me really think about the brevity of our lives in comparison to eternity. It reminded me of a promise I made to God that I wouldn’t just settle for being comfortable in life, but instead, I’d try to make a difference. I promised to love God with all my heart and to do whatever He asked of me to help others come to a greater love for Christ. It made me reevaluate how I have been living this promise.
I know we all need a little relaxing “downtime,” but I think we can get caught up in a lot of frivolous things that, although not bad in themselves, can keep us from doing what we are called to do as Christians – to love God with all our heart, mind and strength and to evangelize the world so others may do the same. So I challenge you to join me in asking God this question: “Lord, is there something in my life that is taking up too much of my time and energy? And if so, please give me the wisdom and strength to correct it.”

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