Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

New Daily Blog Topics

It still has been very busy here and it will probably stay that way until our school fundraiser is over in April. However, I was thinking about how I can organize my schedule but still make time for blogging. I decided I would divide my days into different topics.
Mondays – TV Talk Mondays I discuss the new Masterpiece Theater shows or other similar mini-series/movies. Currently we are enjoying a Date with Dickens and watching Bleak House.


Tuesdays – Operation Clean & Organize where I share my progress in taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.
Wednesday – Weight-In Wednesday is new. I share my progress in getting physically and spiritually healthier.


Thursday – I participate in Like Mother, Like Daughter’s photo journal with {pretty, happy, funny, real}, capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.

round button chicken

Friday – I participate in Jen Fulwiler’s 7 Quick Takes Friday.


There is no way I can post every day and I’ll certainly have posts that don’t fit into these categories but since these are the main things I write (or at least think) about, I’ll do my best to post at least a couple times a week with these topics.
If I have time I’ll try to finish writing my Weigh-In Wednesday thoughts and post it this evening. Either way, have a good late afternoon/evening/night!


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