Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook (1/18/16), 7QT and Theme Thursday: Focal Point

Last week was super busy with a sick kiddo and hubby but now that they are back to normal I am hoping this week will run smoother. I didn’t have time to post so I’m doing a triple play today and tomorrow I’ll post the my Downton recap. I’ve got my biweekly Monday Daybook plus I’m linking with Micaela for Theme Thursday (Scroll down to Take #7) and Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.Β  Here is a recap of what’s been going on lately.

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Grateful for…

  • Spending time with my dad, mom and brother, even if it was short visit.
  • A relaxing afternoon with a movie and popcorn with the kids.
  • An extra long weekend.
  • The grace of forgiveness.

Praying for..

  • Brian’s routine cancer screening test this afternoon.
  • The intentions of many friends.
  • Those who are struggling or suffering with heavy crosses.
  • The conversion of hearts back to God.
  • All pregnant moms (especially family members), those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.


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Around the House…

As I mentioned in my last goals post, I am participating inΒ  A Bowl Full of Lemon’s 2016 Home Organization 101 Challenge.

However, I doubt I’ll be able to follow the schedule since busy family life keeps me from having all the spare time I need to finish. But I’ll do the best I can and if I finish a little later than the rest, that’s okay. Last week was the kitchen and this week is the pantry. I am still working on the kitchen but maybe I can catch up.Β  I’ll post some before and afters eventually. πŸ˜‰

Family Chit Chat…

This afternoon Brian is going for his routine bloodwork for cancer. There have been so many people who have died from cancer recently that I am trying not to think about “what if it’s back…” so instead I am distracting myself with other happy news.

(UPDATE: Brian called while I was finishing this post. His said his blood count looked good but the doc has to check the rest of the bloodwork. If he sees anything amiss he’ll let us know.)

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I talk a lot about my three little guys on the blog and less about Bella, but only to give her more privacy as she grows older. However, this week I have to share in her accomplishments and ask for your help in voting!

Bella and 5 classmates entered the Verizon Innovative App Challenge and came up with an idea for “FITA” – Foreign Immigration to America, an app which helps immigrants in the transition to living in America. Out of 1200 entries from around the state, her team won to represent California! The team members received tablets and her school was awarded a $5,000 grant! - brm_10_2016_textOriginal Photograph of Bella by

We just found out that they have now won the Regional competition for the best in the western states. Now they are in the NATIONAL competition. There will be the chosen winner and the popular vote winner. Please help Bella and her team win by texting FITA2 to 22333. Then ask your family and friends to vote. (Voting open until Jan 31.) THANK YOU!!!

UPDATE: Please say a prayer for Bella and her team. They have a video conference with the judges on Thursday, Jan 21. I am sure they are excited but nervous!


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_kitchenIn the Kitchen…

Sunday – Tuna sandwiches and minestrone soup.

Monday – Turkey burgers and Southwest black been and corn salad.

Tuesday – Taco salad.

Wednesday – Italian chicken sausage, pasta with spinach and kale, salad.

Thursday – Breakfast dinner.

Friday – Homemade veggie pizza and Greek salad.

Saturday – Leftovers.


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Back in October I recorded PBS Masterpiece’s Home Fires on our DVR but we haven’t had a chance to watch it until recently. We are on Episode 4 of 6 and I am really enjoying it! The show it set at the beginning of England’s involvement in WWII and focuses on the women in a rural Cheshire community as their husbands and sons are leaving to fight in the war while they battle their one wars at home. It is addicting and we’ve watched an episode every evening. (Parent note: Although there is nothing graphic, there are adult story lines such as spousal abuse, premarital sex, same sex attraction and the death of loved ones.)


Listening to …

When I am alone I listen to the alternative (or whatever it’s called these days) radio station but when the kids are in the car I play the local Christian Air 1 station. There are a few songs I enjoy but the other day I heard Jordan Feliz’ River and I was immediately drawn to it. It has now become a family favorite being played over and over in the car and the kitchen while cooking. πŸ˜‰ Even though the song evokes baptism, I can’t help but think about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the healing grace of God. Now when we leave to go to confession I say it’s time to go down to the river. πŸ™‚

And even though Jordan’s new album Beloved is not the kind of music I would normally listen to, I am addicted to it! The lyrics to the title track Beloved are beautiful!



As I mention in my goals post, I am trying to read at least 12 books this year.

My January book is Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay. I read a couple pages last year but was reading too many books at once and put it aside. However, now that I picked it up again, I couldn’t put it down! It is the story of two estranged sisters who drifted apart after their mom died of cancer. Years later the eldest sister Jane is married with two kids and diagnosed with cancer. The younger sister Elizabeth is a talented chef in New York who is has lost the magic in her cooking. She decides to take some time off and visit her sister. Together they attempt the arduous task of healing physically and emotionally in a way that was just absorbing. I found myself caring about the various characters and was transported into their world – from the discussions of food in classic novels to the feelings of their raw emotions. Towards the end, I had to stop reading the book during the day and wait until the kids were asleep because they would wonder why I was crying. There is also a touch of God and the lesson that He can bring good out of even terrible situations but it is in no way heavy handed or overbearing. I finished the book last night and although I wanted a little more closure in the romantic storyline, the family healing was beautiful and moving. I definitely recommend the book.


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January started out with a huge bang! Then kinda fizzled out as life got busier. πŸ˜‰


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In the blogosphere…

Some posts I’ve recently enjoyed:

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We close off with Micaela and Theme Thursday. I missed last week’s Rule of Thirds so I am combining it with the current Using a Focal Point. // cwa_tt_red_flIt was raining this morning but the clouds are clearing up and the sun peeking through. I am a sucker for water droplets so I took a photo of some flowers on our deck.Β // cwa_tt_mvx_1_16_My previously ill Matthew was back to his giggly normal self. // cwa_tt_jphairMeanwhile, Matthew’s brother and bunk mate was resting on the couch so he may have the bug next. I snapped a quick photo of his luscious wavy hair.

I noticed that my focal points in all three photos were towards the right side so next time I’ll catch something on the left. πŸ˜‰


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo πŸ™‚

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  • We love “The River.” We call it our dance party song when it comes on in the car.

  • juebbing says:

    oooooh, a Downton recapper. I’ll be back for that combo post!!! (I actually burst into *happy* tears at the end of last night’s episode. I’m gonna struggle when things come to an end in a few weeks)

    • bobbi says:

      Hi juebbing! I know what you mean about the tears! Then when Branson walked through the door…oh, my!! I told my hubby it felt more like a season finale than a middle of the season episode. Thanks for stopping by but I better get off here and start wiring my recap! πŸ˜‰

  • libbyJane says:

    One of my three kids has curly hair. I don’t know why it is such a joy to me, but I love curls.
    And Oh sweet Lord, may all your loved ones be healthy! Cast your cares on him.

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Libby! I was up all night with two of my little ones with fevers but on the plus side they are now resting quietly by my side while I catch up on blogging etc. They haven’t combed their hair so there are waves and curls everywhere. LOL. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words. πŸ™‚

  • Laurel Muff says:

    ‘Lizzy and Jane’ has been sitting on my Nook for a while. I’ll move it back onto my to-read list!

    • bobbi says:

      It was sitting on my kindle all last year but I’m glad I picked it up. Maybe the cancer topic hit home but really the cancer was only a part of the story. The relationship between the sisters was really the force. I do hope you enjoy it. πŸ™‚

  • micaeladarr says:

    Oh, love the photos. I missed the update about Brian’s screening. Praying that the rest of his bloodwork is normal and all is clear, forever and ever amen. πŸ™‚ I’ll include Bella and her team in my prayers tomorrow. Eek!

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