Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook (12/11/15) & Theme Thursday & 7 Quick Takes

You know, I don’t post nearly as often as I’d like but when I do post, I try squeeze into as many link-ups as I can! 😉 Today I am linking up with Micaela for Theme Thursday (Scroll down to Take #7) and Annabelle at Written by the Finger of God, who is temporarily hosting 7 Quick Takes for Kelly.  (Was that too confusing?) Here is a recap of what’s been going on lately.

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Grateful for…

  • A peaceful moment to myself after a busy day.
  • The love of family and friends.
  • The joy of the season.
  • Having the necessities of life.

Praying for..

  • The intentions of many friends.
  • Those who are struggling or suffering through this holiday season.
  • Victims of abuse, violence and war.
  • The conversion of hearts back to God.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.


Earlier this week. I got upset with Brian about something. No need to go into details but it was something that has bothered me before and that I have already brought to his attention. I fumed quietly for awhile then told him why I was upset. He apologized and said it was not his intention to hurt me and deep down I knew it was true but I was still mad. I didn’t want to let go of the anger. Instead I fell into the trap of a passive aggressive “okay, fine” attitude. But it was not fine. That little voice in my head kept egging me on with things like, “How long have we been married? Why does he still not understand these things? If he really loved me he would just know. Why is it that I am always doing x-y-z and he isn’t?”

Well, those kind of thoughts can eat you alive if you let them. I had to learn to let it go and see things from his point of view. I forced myself to give him the benefit of the doubt, to realize that he really didn’t mean to hurt me. Instead I turned my eyes to all the ways he shows me that he loves me, even when I am acting very unlovable. Then I thought about all the times that God has forgiven me for the countless things I have done wrong. Suddenly, Brian’s transgression looked very minor. (I couldn’t help but think about that marriage post I wrote earlier this year.) Thankfully, with God’s grace, when he came into the kitchen to give me hug I was able to accept it whole heatedly, ready to let go of any residue of anger left. Blessed be God.


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Around the House…

Advent is in full swing here! Our Jesse Tree is going well, although instead of daily we only pin up symbols 2-3x a week at best!  I’m not concerned since we can only do so much.

I know there are some who do not put up Christmas decorations or listen to Christmas carols until Christmas in order to highlight Advent and I think that’s great! We’re just not one of those families. Yesterday we celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas by decorating the house and putting up our tree. The kids filled out their Letters to Baby Jesus. It was sweet to read what they promised to do for Jesus and who they chose to pray for during Advent. Their wish list wasn’t much of a surprise – Legos, Minecraft, books and for Matthew, all things football right down to a Green Bay Packer uniform. You know I’ll be posting a shot of that one! 😉

Family Chit Chat…

Everyone is doing well, except for a few of us (myself included) that have colds/coughs. Nothing serious just really annoying. I think the change in weather from Disneyland (in the 90’s) to my parents (in the 40’s) and all the traveling and stress of road trips just wore us down. But it was all worth it since we had so much fun! - cwa_12_2015_DLHere are some pics from Disneyland.

  1. This year is the 60th Anniversary of Disneyland. I went to DL often as a child and first took Bella to DL during the 50th. Ten years and four kids later, we are still celebrating at the Magic Kingdom. 😉
  2. The Ferris wheel at California Adventure.
  3. It’s A Small World, Christmas Edition.
  4. Me with my sweet Bella.
  5. I was bummed that my dad couldn’t make the trip this year (he had a big job to finish) but my mom was there! We’ve had some rocky years in my youth ( particularly when I was going through my “being an idiot”) stage but thankfully we are best friends now. 🙂
  6. Brian, John-Paul Bella and my sis Jacinta. (We were so excited she could join us this year!)
  7. My crazy boys. Life would be dull without them!
  8. My super hero sweetie. Swoon.
  9. On the carousel.
  10. The Star Wars exhibit was really cool…
  11. …as was the Marvel super hero exhibit!
  12. Santa was spotted wearing his SoCal winter clothes. 😉
  13. Mack was a favorite at the new light parade.
  14. The Christmas tree is HUGE.
  15. The fireworks were amazing! (Unless you are trying to sleep in the hotel at 9:30 PM, then it sounds like you are being bombed!)
  16. Hand in hand with their Auntie Jacinta. As Matty would say, this was the best trip EVAH! - cwa_road_11_26_15aAfter Disneyland we headed to my parents’ home to celebrate Thanksgiving. - cwa_12_1_15_collageC

Thanksgiving celebration, movie time with the kids, date time with my sweetie and cousin love!

There was a lot of celebrating and sharing our love and gratitude! Our Gratitude Tree made it’s appearance for the third time in a row. Next year we will have to make a second tree since our family is growing with the blessings of new spouses and children! It truly was a special Thanksgiving and a HUGE THANK YOU to my awesome mom who has made our feast year after year. I wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of stress but she tackles it like a boss! (Love you, mom!)


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_kitchenIn the Kitchen…

Sunday – Whole wheat pasta, turkey meatballs and salad.

Monday – Taco Salad

Tuesday – Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans

WednesdayWon Ton Soup (I’ve never made this before but want to give it a try!)

Thursday – Breakfast Dinner

Friday – Date Night!! (woohoo!)

Saturday – Leftovers


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Non-stop Hallmark Christmas movies. I know, I know but I’m addicted. 😉


Listening to …

It’s pretty much Christmas music 24/7 at our house, although we have to take turns.

Bella and I love the crooning of Michael Buble…

But the little boys found my old Relient K Christmas CD (remember CD’s??) and they are loving the punkier sounds of Christmas.


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I am finally on the last pages of Jennifer’s book Something Other Than God. (The chapter I’m on now has me in tears…)


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I haven’t posted a Daybook in over a month! So here are the last month’s posts.

For all you planners out there, tomorrow I’ll have my “Tips for Choosing A New Planner” post and on Monday “How I Use My Bullet Journal” post.

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In the blogosphere…

I haven’t had much time for blog reading (grr!) but I do have these saved to read this weekend!

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We close off with Micaela and Theme Thursday, which is following the “holylens prompts from Abbey at Surviving Our (I love when bloggers team up with their projects!!) Since I never posted last week, here at the prompts from week 1 & 2. - #holylens // holylens_collage_11. The “O Antiphon” banners were on display at the Mission. That is a sure SIGN that Advent is here.

2. During Advent I’m doing the Waiting in His Word: A Mother’s Advent Journey scripture study. I am really trying to start each morning in meditative prayer then putting WORDS to paper. I’m hoping it will help me keep my eyes on Jesus instead of holiday stress!

3. The love of money may be the ROOT of all evil but Timothy tells us what a man of God should pursue. I made a quick scribble to hang on the fridge as a reminder – “Pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience & gentleness.”

4. I’ve been using my Blessed Is She journal for my night exams and gratitude list. What I’m most grateful for tonight is the rosary club that started at the kids’ school. My heart was so SATISFIED to unite in prayer with fellow moms. - #holylens //holylens_collage_21. The storm clouds are rolling in and it reminds me of today’s Gospel – “The rain fell, the floods came and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it has been set solidly on ROCK.” May God always be our rock and our salvation.

2. I love when I SEE the colors of the liturgical season in nature.

3. We are searching through the HARVEST of this year’s trees trying to find the perfect one to bring home.

4. Last night, after a long day, I was ready to crash on the couch. Thankfully I REMEMBERED that St. Nick had shoes to fill! - #holylens //holylens_collage_31. Looking towards the ROOF of the Mission, this is what I saw – organ pipes and St. Serra.

2. The kids love looking at the “Baby’s 1st Christmas” ornaments and figuring out who is who. Not to be left out, our little ANGEL ornament represents our two baby saints waiting for us in heaven

3. After a couple of busy days with hurried prayer, it was nice to REST in the Lord this morning. (You can tell the change in our room decor.) 🙂

4. (This one chokes me up.) Opa would always kiss the kids on top of the head when we visited him. Now the kids HELP him out by bowing down so he can still kiss them while visiting him in the nursing home. #holylens #worksofmercy #yearofmercy2016

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, 😉

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo 🙂

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  • Thanks for the ping-back, Bobbi! I’m looking forward to reading your blog — love your design, by the way. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Mary! You have become one of my favorite (new to me) blogs. Now I just need a wee bit more time to sit and read it. 😉 Have a blessed Christmas!

  • Laurel Muff says:

    I love how beautifully intentional your Advent has been, plus how forgiving you are with things that just don’t happen. It looks like you’ve been truly blessed this season! 🙂

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Laurel. There have been high points and low points but the Lord has been able to teach me in both. For that I am thankful! Have a blessed Christmas!! 🙂

  • micaeladarr says:

    Um , your photos brought me to tears. The one of Opa kissing your little guy. Oh my heart.

    Also, the part you were “pondering,” about marriage and arguments… are you sure you weren’t describing me instead of you?

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Micaela! It has been hard with Opa, especially since this is the first Christmas without him “normal.” Matthew asked me when Opa was going to finally get better and it was hard to get him to understand that he won’t get “better” and he can no longer take him for walks in the woods and play ball with him. But at least he is still here with us and still remembers who we are, so that is something to hold onto. As for the pondering, we are all learning similar lessons! I’ll say a pray for you and you can say a prayer for me. xoxo 🙂

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