Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook (6/8/15) & 7 Quick Takes: Birthdays, Books & Movie Reviews


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I was supposed to post this Friday but I was too busy with school events! Oh, well. I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes and Jenny for Online Daybook Journal.


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  • That John-Paul is back in school after a week of being ill.
  • For sunshine after days and days of gray gloom.
  • That there are only three school days until summer vacation.
  • For unexpected acts of kindness.

Praying for..

  • Those who are being persecuted for their faith.
  • That I don’t take my faith (or God’s grace) for granted.
  • All the students who are graduating and for their future ventures.
  • Those who are ill, especially for those fighting cancer, and that Brian remains cancer-free.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.
  • Some special intentions.



Last week I got an email from a sweet reader named Vanessa and it really brightened my day. I kept thinking about this one line she wrote.

“Thanks for giving other moms a peek into your life! Sometimes all we need is to know we’re not alone in this.”

I could not agree more!! What is that saying? “Motherhood is not for wimps!” (Or it could have been, “Pass me the chocolate. STAT!”) Either way, I am always encouraged when I hear/read about another mom share her triumphs and her trials. I am eager to rejoice with her or to give her a shoulder to cry on.

I remember awhile ago when a friend confided in me with some struggles she was having interiorly.Β  I was a little shocked, not because of what she said, but because in my eyes she was Mrs. Happy Super Catholic Mom and I envied her more than once. Once I took her off the pedestal I saw her for who she really was – a mom that has done amazing work but who also struggles in different areas of her life. I’ve felt a lot closer to her since then. I also stopped imagining that other people have this “perfect” life.

All of us Catholic moms, no… Make that all of us Catholic women should have a sort of kindred spirit. We are all in this fight together and no matter where we are in our vocation or circumstances in life, we all need support, respect and encouragement to be the women of God that we’re meant to be.

So thanks for reaching out to me, Vanessa. It meant a lot.

My challenge to you who happens to be reading this, go reach out to someone who could use a kind word or a hug of encouragement. πŸ™‚


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Around the House…

Yeah, you don’t even want to look around my house because I’ve been gone all week and am sooo behind. Yesterday Andrew had to wear pajamas when he got home from school because there were literally no more clean clothes to wear. Thankfully, this weekend I did a lot of catching up! My kids happen to still be in pajamas but it is strictly by choice, I swear! πŸ˜‰


Family Chit Chat…


Thursday was Matthew’s last day at pre-school. We have been attending the same pre-school for the past decade. All four kids are alumni and today was our last official day there. Next year Matthew will attend the big kids school in the Pre-K (or Transitional Kindergarten) class. It will be our one year to have all four kids in the same school before Bella goes off to high school. High school! Gosh, that really freaks me out! We are entering a whole new era in our family and I’m not quite sure how I feel about that! πŸ™‚

revolution of love - ajm_collage_2015_640Today is a special day because it is my sweet Andrew’s birthday! Eight years ago, after years of secondary infertility and two miscarriages, God finally blessed us with the gift of Andrew’s life. He can be funny and crazy but he is more often my soulful child who likes to ponder and think about deep subjects. He reminds me so much of Brian and I pray he grows up to be a good and holy man like his father. I love you, sweetie boy!



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In the Kitchen…

I haven’t picked out my new recipe to try this week yet. Any suggestions? I’ve got a lot of chicken in the freezer. Actually, I also have a bag of red potatoes to use up. Hmm…a recipe is starting to formulate. I’ll keep you posted. πŸ˜‰


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(At the Movies) Over the past two weeks I saw two movies.

It has been awhile since I’ve been to a great period drama movie andΒ Far From the Madding Crowd did not disappoint. Honestly, I loved it. I have never read the book (by Thomas Hardy) so I can’t tell you how it compares. The main character Bethsheba Everdene is an independent woman that comes into unexpected wealth. She sets out to prove that she can be a strong and successful mistress of her land despite the conventions of the time. Meanwhile, Everdene is courted by three suitors – a humble farmer, a rich land owner and a dashing soldier. In theory it may seem a little cliched but it works really well and you feel for not only Everdene but for each suitor, in some capacity. I didn’t know how the story was going to end and was holding my breath that there would be some tragic conclusion that would depress me but I was ever so pleased with the way the movie ended. This has definitely fallen into my “Buy the Blu-ray when it is released” category. (Parent note: Adult themes. Some sensuality. A scene of animals dying violently. It was sad but the woman sitting next to me completely freaked and was sobbing.)


The second movie I watched was Tomorrowland. I really, really wanted to like this movie but I came out thinking, meh. The story premise was interesting and the visual effects were stunning at times but in the plot there were too many moments when the movie just lagged and got boring. (Bella literally almost feel asleep on me at a few points.) The ending was getting heavy with it’s soapbox preaching, however, my favorite part of the movie was the last five minutes when they were searching for people who were creativelyΒ  making a difference in the world. It was beautiful. It’s too bad there weren’t more moments like that. This has definitely fallen into my “Sat through it once but wouldn’t watch it again” category. (Parent note: The violence is stylized and but it could be unsettling for the youngest viewers.)


(On TV)

This week Brian and I started watching the Netflix series Daredevil. We’ve only seen two episodes so far but we both love it. It is dark and gritty but very well done and it has a touch of Catholicism. I’m interested to see how it develops.


Listening to …

This song is a couple of years old but it is still a favorite and the video is just cool. Plus, John-Paul’s’ Pre-K class lip synched the song today for their end of the year ceremony. Now the song is stuck in my head but thankfully the memory is sweet. πŸ™‚




I finally finished The Girl on A Train. I gave it three out of five stars. The story was slightly confusing since it was written from the viewpoint of three women and you had to keep track of each of their points of view and whether is was a flashback or real time but it wasn’t that big of a deal. However, the lives of the women are so depressing, it’s hard not to feel a little down after reading. One is an alcoholic struggling with a number of personal issue. One is sleeping around as she struggling with pain from her past. The third is a home wrecker who has no remorse. That being said, by the time the mystery started unfolding and clues were being gathered, I could not put the book down until I found out what happened. If you were a fan of Gone Girl, then you’d most likely enjoy this story too. (Parent notes: Not for Kids. Sex is mostly implied and not graphic. Some language.)

The next book on my list…

book_mr_knightlyDear Mr. Knightley: A Novel



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Here are last couple of posts…

Pinterest Party & Link-up (vol 36): Slow Cooker Pulled Pork – The RoL Pinterest Party is back! The link-up is open for another week so join in with a new or old posts. πŸ™‚

Dating Q&A: I May Have Faults but Can’t I Want a Guy to Like Me as I Am and Not Expect Me to Be Perfect?

Dating Mr. Wrong: Questions to Ask about Your Relationship

Also, a big thanks to all those who voted for my new logo. This design was the winner.

Revolution of Love - logo_rol_mainI just tweaked it a bit with a different font and added the tagline.

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In the blogosphere…

A small sample of posts I’ve been reading and enjoying…

The Triumphant Return of Answer Me This – Catholic All (Yay!)

How to Keep the Spirit of the Visitation Alive by Heather guest posting at

Tricks to Help You Save Money and Stop Impulse Buying by

Sodality: How I came to be a “Church Lady” byΒ  Parenting with Peer Review

From Sales Manager to Laundry Lady by Little Silly

Going Deeper {Fabulously Featured at Catholic Sistas by Real Catholic

Caring for Oneself by

Why I Always Tell My Age by Annery at Home

I was going to pick one of Erica’s posts from Saint Affairs but the girl is on fire and there are too may good posts to choose one. So just head on over and read you last few posts!





One Fun Thing A Day by Big White Farmhouse

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Here are some Instagrams I’ve taken these past two weeks.

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1. #projectblessed – Plant. I am notorious for killing my plants with neglect. However, now that I’ve put Andrew in charge of watering, they’ve blossomed! No filter.

2. #projectblessed – On the ground. Go into ANY room in our house and you’ll find something similar on the ground. (I didn’t even have to pose it.)

3. #projectblessed – Waking up. Upon waking up I thank God for another day of life and pray for the grace to love Him through the happenings of the day. (Something that has yet to come easy.)

4.#projectblessed – Small. I set my alarm for 9:30am to remind me to pray for a friend at that time. A simple prayer seems so small but those prayers are like drops of water in the ocean. Alone is may not be much, but joined together with others, it goes farther than the eye can see.

5. #projectblessed – It’s time for #BISsisterhood Monday intros and #projectblessed – portrait. I’m Bobbi, wife to Brian, mama to a teen daughter and 3 Jedi aged 7, 5 & 4. I live along the coast of central Cali so I enjoy being outdoors. When I’m indoors I’m blogging at Revolution of, contributing to BIS, catching a movie or rationalizing why it’s okay for me to put off laundry until tomorrow. The question this week is what are my hopes. Short term: this summer I hope to get my house in order and get rid of the growing clutter. Long term: I hope to love God more deeply, love my husband more selflessly and love my kids more patiently.

6. #projectblessed – Reflection. The last few days have been drizzly but I love raindrops of leaves and the reflections they hold.

7. I feel like I’ve been slacking in the kitchen lately so today I’m making up for lost time. I’ve got pulled pork in the slow cooker, homemade BBQ sauce on the stove and banana bread in the oven. Next up is coconut granola.

8. #projectblessed – What I’m reading & On my table. On my nightstand table is my ridiculous stack of books I was supposed to read by the end of the year but I have a hard time just sticking with one! I’ve been forcing myself to finish one before moving on. Right now it’s “Dear Mr. Knightly.”

9. #projectblessed – Waking up & Listen. I woke up to the sound of birds tweeting. I think they were excited to see a bit of blue sky after days and days of gloom!


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great weekend!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads Letterboxd, Spotify or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post contains affiliate links.

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  • Jennifer says:

    Thanks so much for linking to my latest post Bobbi. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    I like how you setup your 7 Quick Takes with pictures to capture each topic and a format that is really readable. I continue to be impressed by the pictures that you take. Are you a photographer by hobby per chance?

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the kind words. I love taking pictures but I am definitely an amateur that likes playing around. I bought a nice camera and shoot mostly in auto but I would like to venture into learning how to use all the other settings. I always feel like there are so many new things I want to learn but daily life eats up a lot of my time. LOL. I’m sure you know how that goes. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for stopping by!

  • Laurel Muff says:

    We’ve been grilling up a lot of chicken lately, storing it away for use during the week. It saves so much time! Plus, now that it is warming up, it’s nice to have it as a cooler meal. And red potatoes make a great breakfast hash!

    Thank you for your review of ‘The Girl on the Train’. I’ve gone back and forth about getting it (and ‘Gone Girl’) to read but I think I’ll pass. I need more uplifting reads right now. πŸ™‚

    And thanks for giving a shout-out about my post this week, Bobbi!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Laurel, I loved your idea of grilling the chicken – although our grill is not working right now – but I am making a big batch of BBQ chicken today. And breakfast hash, that sounds soooo good. Can you believe I have never made that before?? I have always used store bought but now I want to try it. Do you have a favorite recipe? If not, I’ll check out Pinterest and see what sounds good. πŸ™‚ Did you ever find another book to read? I just finished “Dear Mr. Knightly.” I’ll post about that one on my next ODB/7QT post. Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚

  • bwfarmhouse says:

    I just love these posts! Hoping you have a wonderful summer break!
    And thanks for the shout out too!

    • bobbi says:

      Thanks, Ashley. I love doing these posts as well. They are always fun and catch family and friends up when my blogging is sparse. πŸ˜‰ Hope you have a great summer too!

  • Laura Rose says:

    I love,love, LOVED the section about what you were pondering. It is so true–that feeling that we get sometimes that we are alone in this, but then you read an honest, open blog post or have a heart to heart with a friend and realize we are all struggling in different ways. It’s funny how just knowing that you aren’t alone in suffering is an encouragement. And of course, when someone goes that extra mile to lift you up or just give you a hug–wow, how powerful those simple acts can be! Thanks for sharing! I love this whole thing. I might have to join the fun one of these days.

    • bobbi says:

      Isn’t that the truth, Laura! It’s not as if I am happy in their struggle. I just feel more united and not alone in the fight. I love sisterhood and keeping the sisterhood of motherhood strong is important. I’m glad you are a part of it! Have a wonderful summer! πŸ™‚

  • Annery says:

    Love this! Happy birthday to your sweet boy! And I absolutely love the new logo!

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