Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook / 7 QT (11/15/16): Saints, Voting and Fave Links - logo_online_daybook_1

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od_logo_quiet2Grateful for…

  • A quiet morning without a packed schedule where I could spend a few moments blogging.
  • The grace of Confession. ( I needed it!)
  • A productive weekend, catching up on many of my To Do’s.
  • A date with my honey.
  • This morning’s school assembly where Andrew won a “Good Citizenship” award for the First Quarter.
  • For the love of family and friends.

Praying for..

  • Many special intentions from friends.
  • Victims of violence, racism and abuse and for the conversion of their oppressors.
  • Healing of our country and for our president-elect, that he helps facilitate that healing.
  • For peace in the heart of all men/women.
  • All pregnant moms (especially family members), those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.


In November, I usually post new goals for November and December but I really want to just continue working on my Fall goals until the end of the year. I will evaluate my progress and update those goals in January.


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Around the House… - ond_11_14_16_b

Yesterday I was complaining to Brian about how much time I spend in the kitchen – I feel like my whole evening is consumed with making dinner, which takes longer when you try to cook with more whole foods, and then all the time to wash all the pots and pans and dishes before I turn around and immediately start making lunches for the next day. I was fed up with it but as I was grumbling and washing, God nudged me and reminded me that all these dirty dishes meant that we had plenty to eat, we had lots of people gathered to share a meal and conversation with and I had running water and my own kitchen to get everything done. Suddenly I started feeling like I had little to complain about and much more to be thankful for. I guess I need to keep working this month on an attitude of gratitude!

Family Chit Chat… - odb_11_14_16_ajm

For the feast of All Soul’s Day Andrew’s class did a presentation at Mass. Here is my St. Andrew. I am so proud of him for memorizing his lines, bravely going up in front of the church and speaking clearly about his saint. For someone who has gone to speech therapy for years, this was a huge accomplishment. ๐Ÿ™‚


On All Souls Day we prayed for family and friends who have died, especially our beloved Dad/Opa. - ond_11_14_16_c

I spend hours pouring over all the numerous propositions on the California ballot. (You seriously want me to vote on whether porn actors should wear condoms?!!) Sigh. Pass the chocolate. - ond_11_14_16_ba

I voted. A week later I am still in shock over our president elect. I keep waiting for someone to jump out and yell, “Psych!”

There has been so much commentary about the election, I am not going to say anything different from what I have already stated. Our mission remains the same – love God and each other. We can change the world one heart at a time.

And for a bit of humor, if Leslie Knope moved to California, she wouldn’t have to worry about the marijuana issue any more.




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In the Kitchen…

I haven’t made my weekly menu yet but over the holidays, I’d love to try this recipe – A healthier version of carrot cake banana bread with cream cheese frosting. Yum!


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I only have two months to finish the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge. I still have these four categories left to fill by the end of the year. I’m working on these two this month:

A book you should have read in school. – A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

A book published before you were born. – Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Next month I’ll have to tackle these last two categories. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • A book you can finish in one day.
  • A book you own but have never read.




The usual faves including: This Is Us, Speechless, Big Bang Theory, Lethal Weapon, Designated Survivor and American Housewife.

I finally gave up on The Walking Dead. I kept trying to hold on and hope it returns to it’s former glory days but I give up.

Next on my “that sucks” list is Poldark. I used to looooove the show and the Poldark character but after Sunday’s episode I am ready to join Demelza in giving him a few slugs. Ugh.

To make up for it, we have been enjoying the glories Netflix show The Crown. Minus the few bare butt shots they had to throw in (really?), it is an excellent show so far. (We just finished episode 4.)




And for some spiritual nourishment, last night I watch Elizabeth Foss’ Blessed Is She Workshop about Advent. So good! Oh, and if you still haven’t order the Blessed Is She Advent Journal, I share more about it here.



Do you want to laugh and smile like a fool? Then watch this video all the way through. Fr. Romke, Fr. Manno and Bishop Malloy from the Diocese of Rockford, IL made a parody ofย  the โ€œCarpool Karaokeโ€ segments made famous by James Cordenโ€™s โ€œThe Late Late Show.” It is hilarious. (I especially like when they forgot to say grace before eating their ice cream and the look on Bishops’ face as they were singing at the end. LOL. ๐Ÿ™‚


Listening to …

During the holidays I don’t listen to my usual music. Instead it’s Christmas carols 24/7. This song from Sixpence None the Richer is still my favorite version of O Come O Come Emmanuel. When I am in the car and the boys are being loud with raucous yells, I press play on this song and they suddenly quiet down and sing along like an angelic boys choir. It’s a freakin Christmas miracle, people! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Recent Posts:

From the archives… - Creating A Sacred Space in Your Home - altar_collage_2A Sacred Space for Family Prayer (Nov 2015)

Revolution of Love Blog - tt_lean_maryW.jpgA Week in My Life 2014 – Tues & Wed: Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This (Nov 2014)

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I’d love to try something like this for the kids’ Christmas school party.


Around the blogosphere…


~ 7 ~ - od_logo_captured_2 - cwa_11_15_16_oceanWe don’t have snow here but I can handle a chilly day by the sea. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately. What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Any book or movie recommendations? Do share.

I’m linking up with Kelly for 7 Quick Takes.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, ๐Ÿ˜‰

PPS – * Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo ๐Ÿ™‚








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