I’m linking up with Kelly for Friday’s Quick Takes.
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Grateful for…
- A car that runs well, even though I am currently at the service center getting a mandatory smog check.
- My sweet Matty, even though he is at the age when he constantly asks one question after another without taking a breath.
- The sun that is breaking through these gloomy clouds.
- Family and friends that fill our lives with love.
Praying for..
- Those who feel alone and unloved.
- Those who are suffering abuse and for the conversion of their abusers.
- Those who are ill, especially for those fighting cancer, and that Brian remains cancer-free.
- All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
- The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.
- Some special intentions.
The prompting of the Holy Spirit. I remember many years ago listening to a priest give a talk about the Holy Spirit. He said that the HS will often prompt us to do something, usually to help another person. Maybe something will pop into your head, such as – I should give so-and-so a call or I should offer that lady in the grocery story some help or I should tell that struggling young mom at school that despite what she may feel, she is doing an awesome job. The priest said that often these kind of things comes from the Holy Spirit. It really made me think about how we are Jesus’ hands and feet. We are the ones who are called to share his love with others.
There are many times when I get these kind of ideas in my head. My first reaction is, “Yes! That would really be a kind ting to do.” My second reaction is to think, “Yeah, but I’m kinda busy or that person is going to think I’m crazy if I go up and talk to them.” I either procrastinate so long that the opportunity is gone or I just plain chicken out. Lately, I’ve been trying to listen to this little prompts in my head. I do a quick “test” of the action. Will it cause me harm? That eliminates prompts like, “Maybe I should pick up that scary looking hitchhiker on the side of the road.” Um, no. Is it safe and doesn’t take me away from my immediate duties? For example, I think I should bring over soup to a sick friend but I have to pick up my kids from school. Instead I make plans to bring the soup after I pick them up. Other spur of the moments ideas can be done right away – like offering a word of encouragement to someone. The only thing I may harm is my pride if I am rebuffed.
For example, on Mother’s Day we were at Mass and we had the usual mothers’ blessing. All the moms were asked to stand up and after the priest blessed us the ushers went around and handed us little angel pins as a gift. I noticed that there was one older mom/grandma standing on the opposite side of the aisle from me that was mistakenly overlooked. I felt bad for her and thought that I should go over there and give her my pin. My mind answered, “Wait, what? I can’t just walk over to a stranger. She’s not going to care about some pin. That’s silly.” But the thought would not go away so as soon as the priest walked passed me during the procession, I went over to her and told her that I noticed she didn’t get a pin and I didn’t want her to think she was forgotten so please take mine. She said she didn’t want to take mine but I told her not to worry because there are more in the back of church and I’ll get another. She looked at me and smiled and then gave me a big hug and said thank you. (I’m getting teary eyed just recalling that look on her face.) It was the simplest of gestures but for that woman, it was what she needed to hear just then. So the next time you get a little prompt from the Holy Spirit, take it to heart. God may need you to be his hands and feet at that moment.
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Around the House…
I am in the process of working on my June goals and one of them is to tackle the numerous areas of the house that need serious purging and cleaning. I’ll share that with you on another posts.
Family Chit Chat…
As I mentioned I am the gas station getting my car smogged. Luckily, the gas station has a table, umbrella and surrounding flowers so customers have a nice spot to wait. I am getting some writing done while Matthew watches Spiderman videos.
We are nearing all the end of the school year activities. Next week is spirit week at school followed by the annual mini-Olympics. Plus Bella is in the school musical of Annie, Jr so she has been having long practices after school and on the weekends. It is fun but very busy and I am really looking forward to the slower days of summer when I am not constantly shuttling around kids from one activity to another. Plus we have our Tahoe trip coming up next month and I am sooooo excited for that! Woohoo!
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In the Kitchen…
It is Memorial Day weekend so I will definitely need to make something BBQ. And since I am I trying to make one new recipe a week, I thought I’d try this Healthy 7 Layer Dip. Sounds tasty!
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(At the Movies) No new movies this week but I’ll be back in the theater next week. I’ve got a list of ones I want to watch in the coming weeks including The Avengers: Age of Ultron (I’m waiting for a date night with Brian to see that one), Tomorrowland (I’ll be taking Bella and her best friend), Far from the Maddening Crowd (I’ll probably go see that solo next week). If time allows I may see Woman in God before it leaves theaters. I was going to skip Mad Max but Jennifer Willits was talking about how much she enjoyed it on her podcast so maybe I’ll add it to the list. For those who are wondering how I can go to the movies so often, that is one of the perks of your kids being a little older. They go to bed and (usually) stay asleep and you can slip out for two hours without it becoming a monumental endeavor. That and I have a rockin hubby who lets me have the night off. (Plus I have a number of theater gift cards I am using up.)
What movies are you looking forward to this summer?
(On TV)
Awhile back I wrote about the Hallmark series When Call the Heart. I said:
We’ve been watching a lot of action/superhero movies so tonight we will catch up on the new Hallmark series When Calls the Heart. It is based on the book(s) When Calls the Heart (Canadian West Book #1) by Janet Oke. The show has a “Little House on the Prairie” feel, perhaps because it is directed by Michael Landon, Jr. Plus, I am a sucker for a romance story and I’m rooting for Elizabeth and Jack.
Season two has started and the love triangle has shifted, now giving Jack some competition for Elizabeth’s affections. If you haven’t been watching, Season 1 is now available on Netflix.
Listening to …
I won’t be able to download the new Monsters and Men album Beneath the Skin until June 9th but in the meantime I can enjoy their single Empire.
Same as last week.
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I am working on updating my blog logo. I narrowed it down to four choice. Please do me a favor and tell me which one you like the best! Thank you!!
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Oh, and don’t forget to enter the contest to win one of Jenna’s Mini-Hoop necklaces! Only 2 days left!
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In the blogosphere…
7 kindnesses to show your spouse while raising small kids by Whole Parenting Family.com
Using PicMonkey to Make Graphic Designs by Catholic All Year
Beautiful Like Me by Roses for Mommy
Life Lessons in 17 Years of Marriage by A Catholic Reversal
7 Valuable Life Lessons: Virtues of an Imperfect Mother by The Pitter Patter Diaries.com
By Our Love, By Our Love by Fumblin Toward Grace.com
Infertility and Big Families by Annery at Home
From Me to You #2 {Giveaway Series} (Win a Blessed Is She Journal) by Saint Affairs
Taos Pubelo: A Sacred Place by Sew Travel Inspired.com
Sidewalk Chalk Fun by Sweet Litttle Ones Blog.com
Rhubarb Streusel Pie (Yum!!!!) by Coppertop Kitchen
Using PicMonkey to Make Word Art by Catholic All Year
Our Lady of Fatima — Anniversary Celebration with Free Bow by Catholic Fit Mom for Life
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Here are some Instagrams I’ve taken this past week.
1. I want to tell you how much I love my new @chatbooks with my IG photos. (Only $6 a book!) Thanks for the heads up @jiza_zito. #projectblessed
3. #projectblessed – Together. The boys and I worked together to plant flowers around the house.
6. #projectblessed – When you NURTURE playful fun in your children you never know what (or who) to EXPECT around the corner.
So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.
Have a great weekend!
PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram.
I like #3 the best for your new logo, but I would make the writing more flowy or curvy like the circle. Some of the pretty cursive you’ve used would look nice.
Thanks for voting, Natalie!
Are you suggesting I use a different font or actually hand letter it?
Oh just a font.
I like logo #1 the best.
I like number 4
I’m liking #2 for the logo.
I really love #2! You’ve got some great links this week!
I like them all, but I love #3. I just wish it had the tag line.
That is so funny about the incessant questions…my daughter is in that stage…and my son is in the copying everything staged…so they both are asking me the same thing a million times! haha And thank you for sharing our sidewalk chalk games post! -Jess
P.S. I vote #4!
That’s funny, Jess. It drives me crazy sometimes but other times the things he says just makes me crack up.
Thanks for stopping by!
I love these posts because I really get to know you and love your perspective! I cannot choose between 1, 2, and 4. I think I really love 2 the most. Thanks for the link too! God bless.
Thanks, Christina! The Daybooks are a lot of fun to do. I appreciate you voting for the logo as well. Thanks for stopping by!
I would love to read a post on things to do with kids in Tahoe. I haven’t been there since I was 15. We are going on two short trips to Santa Cruz and San Diego this summer. Its been over a decade since I’ve been to either so I can’t wait!
Hi Meg, your trips sound like a lot of fun. I haven’t been to San Diego since I got married! (15 years.) I’ll be posting about Tahoe later this month. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for voting, everyone!!
[…] Online Daybook & 7 Quick Takes (5/22/15): Smog Checks, New Logos & Prompts from the Holy Spi… […]