Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook & 7 Quick Takes (5/8/15): Catching Up, The Water Diviner & Mini Super Heroes

Happy Friday (night!) It’s been a long week so I am relishing these few moments when I can sit and unwind and catch up with you.  I’m linking up with Kelly for Friday’s Quick Takes and with Jenny for Daybook Online Journal.

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Grateful for…

  • The quiet of the evening after a long and busy day.
  • The the sweet hugs and kisses I receive from my little guys that make me forget how crazy they can make me. 😉
  • For a teen who still seeks out my hugs to brighten her day.
  • For a husband that loves me even when I drive him a little crazy.
  • For a the grace of confession (that I will be receiving tomorrow.)

Praying for..

  • A family friend who passed away last night.
  • Those who are ill, especially for those fighting cancer, and that Brian remains cancer-free.
  • Those who are hurting, suffering or are far from God.
  • Those who are suffering from natural disasters, war and violence.
  • All pregnant moms, those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • Some special intentions.


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An entry from my prayer journal this week:

Today’s devotion said, “The absence of suffering is the world’s understanding of peace.” Too often, I think like the world. I want peace, quiet and ease, not the loud, messiness of family life. I keep thinking about the quote Jiza shared with me – “Know that even when you are in the kitchen, Our Lord is moving among the pots & pans.” (St. Teresa of Avila) It is here in the messiness of mommy life that I will find my sanctification. I don’t need to go out searching for it. It is right here before me. My goal today is to turn off the radio and the TV and spend some time in prayer while working.

(Side note: Jiza (who did all the photos from the CWBNCA) has a print of St. Teresa’s quote in her shop.


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revolution of love blog - od_logo_home2Around the House…

Monday through Thursday I am on the go, go, go and on Friday mornings I get to stay home so I have a week’s worth of laundry, random piles and various household chores that have to be done. I think I’d need a couple weeks of never stepping foot outside of the house to finally get caught up but we know that’s not going to happen. Sigh.  #neverhome

Family Chit Chat…

Can you believe May is here already?! And now that I think about it, it’s not only here but almost half way done! Ack! I wish everything would just slow down a bit. Well, May is always a busy month in general. It’ll be nice once summer vacation starts and we can go at a more leisurely pace, at least until about mid-July. By then I am looking at the calendar to see when the kids go back to school. 😉

Brian is doing well. He went for his regular monthly testing the other week and he is still cancer free. Blessed be God! He goes for more tests and a scan in another three months.  Brian’s dad/ Opa is doing relatively well. He is still in the convalescent home since he needs so much care but he is doing well. He still remembers us and lights up when the kids come into the room. Yesterday he exclaimed, “Here are my sweeties! It’s my happy hour!”

He has also been enjoying seeing Matthew in his various costumes….

revolution of love blog - cwa_opa_mvxOn this day Matthew was in his Swat Team gear because you know how rowdy the seniors can get. 😉

In extended family news, my sister posted a sweet video on her blog that celebrates the vocation of motherhood AND makes a big family announcement. Hint – I’m going to be an auntie again! 🙂

Hop over and watch it then give her some comment love. 🙂


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In the Kitchen…

Not only is the house a mess but I am in a total menu funk. I feel like I make the same handful of dishes and just keep rotating them. I need some inspiration. Hit me with your favorite go to healthy/mostly whole food dish!


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Earlier this week on a particularly busy day Brian sent me to the movies to unwind after the kids were in bed. (Love him!) I was able to add to my movie list –  The Water Diviner. I’ve heard some complaints about this movie, particularly about the story line not being very realistic but part of the reason I go to movies is to see life through another person’s eyes and experiences. Sometimes it is very realistic and sometimes it is a journey of imagination. Frankly, I almost always find something I like about a movie I watch so it is rare that I will not like a movie, therefor my reviews may be biased to the positive.

With that said, I really enjoyed TWD and Crowe’s performance as a father (with mystic like powers) who lost his wife and three sons tragically. He sets out on a journey to find the bodies of his sons killed during the Battle of Gallipoli in Turkey during WWI. His goal was to bring them home to be buried with their mother. There are twists and turns and a few times when you must suspend belief but I had no problem with that. The emotion of the loss of his wife and the heartbreaking death of his sons (especially since I have three sons of my own) had me nearly sobbing. The ending may have been a stretch but after the said emotion, I didn’t mind. Looking at the movie from a Christian worldview, topics to ponder include the issue of suicide and mercy killing, the negative portrayal of a priest and the positive view of prayer to God in a non-Christian setting, the futility of war and the grey areas of who is the “bad guy.” The war scenes are intense and, at times, graphic.


Listening to …

I’ve been listening to Mumford and Sons’ new album Wilder Mind. I miss the old sound and the banjo but the new album is growing on me. I especially like this live version of The Wolf from SNL.



For my spiritual reading… (I read a little each day during prayer time, that is why it is taking me forever to get through it.)

book_mary_heart_Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life

For my fiction reading…

book_girl_train_I finally started  The Girl on the Train.

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It’s been quiet lately but I am hoping to get back into it. I’ve been working on updating a few things on the blog. In a few days I’ll have a new header and profile photo, which was taken at the CWBNCA Conference, thanks to Jiza.

UPDATE: I finished the new blog header. Here it is.

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And I received my head shot from Jiza. 🙂

revolution of love  - ba_portrait_A_4_16_500Photography by Jiza at Olive and

Tomorrow (Saturday) I will be starting a new series called Spotlight Saturday. Every couple of weeks or so I will feature someone and their creativity – whether it is a crafty mama selling her creations on etsy, or a Catholic artist bringing beauty into the world or a blogger spreading the light of Christ through her (or his) words. I think it will be a great way to support the people who are making the word a little brighter with their God given talent.

Come back tomorrow to find out who the first featured artist will be. I’ll give you a hint… I recently bought one of her cute necklaces! 😉


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I’ve hardly had to time to read my favorite blogs lately, but I did read and save these.

Seven Quick Recaps of the Conference I Hosted –

The Wisest Advice My Mom Ever Gave Me About Love –

When Your Kiss Is Met with A Cold Shoulder –


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Here are some Instagrams I’ve taken this past week.

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1. Just a regular day in the ROL household, running errands with Spidey.

2. Being escorted by Superman makes me feel a lot safer.

3. May the fourth be with you. (I am accompanied by various mini super heroes all week long!)

4. I was creative in the kitchen on Sunday with whole wheat banana bread, coconut granola and Southwest corn and black bean salad. Nom nom.

5. My schedule finally aligned and I was able to join Andrew on his class field trip.

6. Sunlight is breaking through the clouds and brightening up the day.

7. They fight like cats and dogs sometimes but they love each other so much. Big brother John-Paul hugging his little brother Matthew goodbye as he goes to school.

8. I celebrated with Matthew at his pre school’s Mother’s Day tea. I love this age when all he wants is hugs and kisses and says things like, “Mama, you look gorgeous!” Aw, sweet blind love.

9. Flowers decorated the pre school for the Mothers Day tea. You can tell Matthew’s mom is a mommy blogger. 😉


So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life?

Have a great weekend.

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. 😉

PPS – This post contains affiliated links.


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