Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook (7/30/14) & Embrace the Ordinary (vol 2) – Brian Update, Baby Joan Fund Update & Other Tidbits


Moments of Gratitude…

Today I am especially thankful…

  • That Brian finished his last round of chemo!
  • For this beautiful day with blue skies and a slight breeze – no fog and not too hot.
  • For the love and fellowship of family and friends.
  • For my father-in-law taking 3/4 of the kids to his house this afternoon.
  • For running water, stocked cupboards and a warm bed to sleep in at night.
  • For God’s mercy.


Embracing the Ordinary…

I’m linking up with Gina over at Someday Saints for Embrace the Ordinary. (Well, technically I was going to link up but I didn’t finish this post in time.) πŸ˜‰

Β After swimming lessons, the boys insisted that I take a photo of the swimmers. The impromptu shot has become a favorite of mine. There is a tiny glimpse of each of their personalities here – John-Paul is ready to jump off the bench and back into the car with his book, Bella is laughing at her little brothers’ antics yet plays along, Matthew is ready to pounce on the bad guys and be a super hero for all and Andrew is experimenting with his cool factor despite his quiet nature. πŸ™‚


In the Kitchen…

MondaySlow Cooker Carnitas, homemade refried beans and broccoli slaw. (It smells so good!)

Tuesday – Breakfast dinner.

WednesdayRoasted chicken, brown rice and asparagus.

Thursday – Grilled Tuna Melts & veggies.

Friday – Paleo Mexican Chicken Soup (with leftover chicken from Wed).

Saturday – Homemade pizza and salad.

Sunday – Leftovers

(From Jan 2014, after his surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.)


  • For Brian’s continued recovery from cancer.
  • For those who are suffering physically, mentally and spiritually.
  • For all those who have lost loved ones.
  • For all those who are persecuted for their faith.
  • For a deeper love of God.
  • For some special intentions.


On the homefront……

Brian Update – I am happy to announce that Brian is officially done with his chemo! Yay! He was having some issues with his stomach and we were freaking out a little because they were the same kind of pains he experienced two years ago when it was first discovered that he had a tumor. He went in for bloodwork and a scan. We got the results yesterday and the doc said everything looked good and his scan was clean. No tumors or growths or any signs of cancer. The doc thinks the stomach pain was side effects from one of the chemo pills he was taking. Being his last round, his body was just having a hard time processing all the chemo and it will take a little time for it to clear out of his body. This morning Brian was feeling better and his stomach wasn’t bothering him too much. The hard part now will be to keep up with eating healthy and healthy living and not becoming complacent! Thank you so much for all your prayers and words of encouragement, you guys. It means so much to both of us. We appreciate your continued prayers for Brian’s recovery and that the cancer stays away!

Joan Iris Update – Today I shut down the PayPal button for donations to my sister Elena and bro in law Vinine and the Joan Iris Fund. You guys were incredibly awesome!! We gathered enough money to but tickets for both my parents to attend the funeral and we have almost $950 extra to go towards funeral expenses. THANK YOU!!!!!!

At the last minute my brother Rob was also able to fly out for the funeral and he told me that being at the funeral was incredibly difficult and incredibly beautiful at the same time. There is great joy in knowing that little Joan Iris is with Our Lord in heaven but there is still the pain of being physically separated from her. Elena and Vinnie have displayed such courage and faith in God, despite their pain, that anyone who has witnessed it is deeply moved.

Also a big thank you to everyone who sent in their prayers, well wishes and contribution for the spiritual bouquet. I am putting the finishing touches on the little memorial book for Joan.

Β Here is a look at the opening page.



There has been a lot of news about death lately. Besides all the international and political turmoil these days, people we have known (whether personally or virtually) have died, some of them tragically. Just last night we received an email letting us know that our beloved school principle who just retired this year to spend more time with her family had suddenly and unexpectedly died. We were shocked. The only small silver lining was that it happened at a family gathering in her home town so she was able to spend her last days with those she loved the most. Some of the other deaths (such as Sarah and her unborn child) seem incredibly senseless. It is hard not to get angry and wonder what the heck was God thinking?Β  Why would she be taken away from her husband and young children this way. I don’t know. Intellectually I know God is in control and there is a bigger picture so on and so forth, but emotionally, it just sucks. But I guess it wouldn’t be faith if it was easy to understand.

“I do believe, Lord. Help my unbelief.”



Danielle Bean’s book Momnipotent.


Wearing the Cape by Marion Harmon


Listening to…

Itunes Radio – Weekly Top 50 Alternative currently playing the catchy Cool Kids by Echosmith. Downloading it now…Β  Do we ever get out of that “wishing I was a cool kid” mode? Just substitute the word kid for mom and I think not. πŸ˜‰



At the Movies – I went to see Chef the other night and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I loved this movie. The character, a once promising young chef finds himself middle aged, divorced, out of touch with his young son and stuck in a job that is stifling his culinary creativity. Circumstances bring him to quitting his job and buying a taco truck. In the course of the movie he finds his joy in cooking, in being a dad and in being a better man. The food will make your mouth drool. The music will have you dancing in your seat. The father-son relationship will have you wiping away a tear. Loved it.

Side-note – The movie is rated R for language. You know, in this movie (as in the last one I saw – Begin Again) if they cut out the F-bombs and such, both would have been PG. Go figure.

On TVCedar Cove Season 1 (Hallmark), The Last Ship (This one is really growing on me and there are a number of faith moments on it) and the new Hercule Poirot on Masterpiece.

On YouTube – The Walking Dead Season 5 trailer. Are you as excited as I am? πŸ˜‰


On the blog…

I’ve taken some time off so since my last Daybook and I’ve only posted three times:

Blessed Is She (Make sure to follow on FB, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest and sign up for emails. Join the sisterhood!) πŸ™‚

Embrace the Ordinary (vol 1)

Pinterest Party & Link-up (Vol 26): Southwestern Black Bean and Corn SaladΒ  (This link-up is open until Friday so add your links!


In the blogosphere…

I wasn’t able to attend Edel this year but I have been enjoying reading all the recaps. Jen has a link-up for all those who wrote a review. Check it out and get your fill. When you are done, come back and let me know – Are you going to Edel ’15??



My pin of the week – I am going to try this recipe from Katie at Kitchen next week – Cancer Fighting Asian Soup. πŸ™‚ Thanks to Teresa K for pointing me in her direction. Katie actually has a lot of recipes on her blog that I’d like to try, especially the ones with cancer fighting foods!

Photo credit – Kitchen Stewardship Blog


Plans for the Week…

Well, the week is half way done but tomorrow is our last swimming lesson for the summer. We may be doing some Saturday lessons for the boys in fall so they can keep practicing. Friday we are going to our church’s family night for a pizza party. The boys were begging us to take them. LOL. On Saturday I need to catch up on housework because not being home all week is really putting a damper on my chores. Ugh. Sunday we’ll try to go on a fmaily hike. We need to do a better job at making Sunday a day of rest and family time. Next week Matthew starts preschool! Where did the summer go??



Here are a few shots from the past two weeks.

Taken at San Carols Cathedral in Monterey

(Same place.) Rose gardens get a lot of attention but I am falling in love with these hardy succulent plants. πŸ˜‰

While I was snapping photos on my phone Bella was attending her first youth group – praying the rosary, playing and eating rosary cupcakes. πŸ™‚

Speaking of Bella, she just got new braces! This weekend she and Andrew attended a children’s symphony with their classical music loving Oma. πŸ™‚

Not wanting to be left out of the shot, Matthew did a donut on his Big Wheels, crashing into Andrew’s leg. Luckily Oma rang the door bell before they got into a scuffle. πŸ˜‰ #lifewithboys


Linking-Up with…

A Mama Collective’s Currently


Gina’s Embrace the Ordinary

(I don’t think she has a logo for it so I’ll use mine. ;-))

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd or Instagram (It’s set to private but I’ll approve you.) πŸ˜‰

PPS – This post may contain affiliate links.


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  • eysaint says:

    Wonderful news about Brian! And yes, I am totally excited about The Walking Dead! πŸ™‚

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Erica, sorry I’m late in replying but yes, we are happy about Brian. Ooh, and glad to hear you are a Walking Dead fan! Can’t wait until Oct. πŸ™‚

  • Gina says:

    Congrats on no more chemo! I’ll pray for continued recovery.

    Your kids’ photo is so fun. Thanks for sharing. And you’re right, I don’t have a logo for the link-up, yet. I will work on it!

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Gina, sorry I’m late in replying but yes, we are happy about Brian and no more chemo! We do appreciate your prayers. He is still dealing with lingering side effects so the prayers are needed. I did notice you have a new logo for Embracing the Ordinary now. Love it. πŸ™‚

  • I’ve been way behind on my reading! So glad to hear about the end of chemo – definitely a cause for celebration!! I love keeping up with you on ye olde Instagram – that post-swim photo is the best! πŸ™‚

    Edel ’15? Heck yes. If I can at all swing it, I will be there. Hope they make it bigger or tix may be hard to come by. :/

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Rakhl, I’m sorry for the late reply but yes, we are excited about no more chemo, even though the side effects are still lingering. We pray that will be gone soon too. πŸ™‚ I do hope we both can make it to Edel ’15. It sounds like so much fun! I don’t think I’d be as brave as Kelly with her rap lip sync but I’d be happy to cheer on her next year’s performance. LOL!

  • Your posts are always good beef stew in a Cheetos world. So much to fill a person up.
    Praying for Brian and Elena and all your family.
    Love all the pictures of shocking beauty you share with us.
    Hadn’t seen the Walking Dead trailer, can’t wait.

    • bobbi says:

      Hi Cari, thanks for stopping by! Sorry for the late reply but I appreciate the prayers and kind words. I don’t post very often so I try to make it a little more meaty. πŸ˜‰ I couldn’t believe you had not watched the Walking Dead trailer yet. When it was released while you were at Edel I thought about posting it to your Facebook so you could see it but I knew you were too busy having fun to check FB. LOL! I do hope to make it there next year!

  • Christina says:

    Bobbi, You and your family are an inspiration to me! I continue to keep everyone in my prayers for health and healing during these times. This post was like reading a great magazine! I have never watched The Walking Dead and frankly am scared to. Should I be afraid?

    • bobbi says:

      Thank you, Christina. That is very sweet of you. I appreciate your kind words and your prayers. Brian is off chemo but still dealing with side effects so we are praying those go away soon too! As for the Walking Dead, it can be scary and leave your heart pounding. It is also on the gory side so you’d have to be able to stomach that. I am more impressed with the human side of the stories. Quite often it is the fellow survivor who is more dangerous that the Walker. So if you don’t mind gore and getting scared, go for it. Otherwise, maybe try the opposite with my other favorite show Downton Abbey. At least you can have the drama without the gore. πŸ™‚

  • Bobbi, let try to make it to Edel 2015!!

    • bobbi says:

      Elena, I am completely serious when I say, yes, WE REALLY SHOULD TRY! We can be roomies! They may not get us up doing karaoke, but I’d be happy to cheer on the others. LOL πŸ™‚

  • Krista says:

    I love Cool Kids too! My 5-year-old niece sings it and it’s hilarious πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing.

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