Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook/ Currently/ 7 QT: June 2018 Review - logo_online_daybook_1


Happy 4th of July! I’m taking advantage ofΒ  little down time to get his post up. πŸ™‚ I am linking up with Ann @ In Residence for Currently and with Kelly @ This Ain’t the Lyceum for 7 Quick Takes.


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Grateful for…

  • Our country and our freedom.
  • Our military and all those who give their lives to protect our freedom.
  • Dates with my Sweetie.
  • Family time.
  • Summer fun and relaxing moments.
  • All the little things in life that we take for granted (until it’s gone.)

Praying for..

  • Our country and peace throughout the world.
  • My mom and the health issues/cancer she’s dealing with.
  • Many special intentions from family and friends, especially those carrying heavy crosses.
  • Those fighting cancer, illness and mental health issues.
  • For the poor, oppressed and refugees.
  • All pregnant moms (especially family members), those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friends and those most forgotten.


It’s been a roller coaster month, first with just all the hectic end-of-school activities, change of our summer plans and worrying about my mom’s health. When I found out that her cancer came back, it hit me hard. Normally, I cry and grieve and then I’m over it and can move on and get to work. But this time I was in tears at the drop of a hat for days. When it was time to pack and hit the road, I was dragging my feet. When we finally left and about an hour into the drive I realized I had left one of our bags at home. It was not an essential bag but I just broke down and sobbed…for hours. It had nothing to do with the stupid bag but everything to do with not wanting to see my mom sick. I wanted to be with her at Lake Tahoe walking a trail and laughing at one of her jokes or jumping on rides at Disneyland on one of our girls’ weekends away. I didn’t want to see her sick on the couch and have to face the reality that my mom could die. Intellectually, I know we are all going to die one day but there is a difference between a vague notion and the very real presence of a sinister cancer trying to steal the one you love.

Thankfully, by the end of the trip and after celebrating her birthday with so many family members and friends, I felt at peace. Mom was still mom and she’s still here fighting. This new setback with the blood clot situation should have me in tears again but I think I’m cried out at the moment. Oh, I still have stress and worry but praying and keeping myself busy is keeping me sane, even though I am not able to be at my mom’s side. I don’t know what the next few months hold for us but I pray for the strength to trust in Our Father and to hope in His merciful love. In the meantime, I want to make the most of the time I have with the ones I love and not waste time on matters that don’t mean much in the end.


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Family Chit Chat…

If you are following me on social media, you have probably seen the updates I have been posting. As of this morn, she has not had the clot draining procedure yet because the tumor is causing the blockage and severe pain. Her doc is consulting with the oncologist to see what’s the best options for her right now. Hopefully they’ll have a course of action by the end of the week. She is in a tricky predicament so your continued prayers are most appreciated.

Also, a big thanks to all of you who signed up for the 54 Day Rosary Novena. We have all the slots filled and I actually added more days for those of you who still wanted to sign up. It is a GREAT comfort to my mom to know she is being surrounded by your prayers.

Photo credit: My SIL Maria (Photo is missing my sis, BiL and 9 various nieces and nephews, but we’re a big clan none the less.)


First on June’s agenda was to change our traveling plans. Normally, my mom and dad go with us to our yearly summer trip to Lake Tahoe but with my mom’s health situation, we canceled our trip and went to SoCal instead to celebrate my mom’s birthday. Eight out of nine siblings were there (unfortunately one of my sisters’ kids were sick so she couldn’t make it) but my other sis Elena from Virginia flew in with family to be there. Along with numerous close family members, we were able to surround my mom with lots of love and support.


The 4th of July with an early 2-mile walk for my #rol100milesin100days walking challenge, a breakfast date with my sweetie, outside play with the kiddos (hoping the fog will clear and we’ll see some blue sky!) then a BBQ dinner and apple pie for dessert. Yum.


A professional manicure! I used to always have the ugliest broken, unfiled nails but ever since my sister talked me into getting my first professional manicure a couple months ago, I’m hooked. I now hate having ugly nails! Heck, I even bought my first pair of rubber gloves to wear while I washed dishes. I felt rather girlish and I liked it. πŸ˜‰


I love looking over the month’s memories! Including these:


June Memories – Meeting up with fellow Blessed Is She Team member Susannah SpencerΒ while she was visiting California. // Enjoying our schools’ Mini-Olympics with my three favorite athletes. // Taking Brian out for a birthday date at Lalla Grill. // Traveling to SoCal to celebrate my mom’s birthday with a big party/family reunion before she starts her cancer treatment. // After playful days, I love Friday movie nights and special treats, although some movies are the boys’ fave concert with TobyMac. πŸ˜‰ // I went to our first local Blessed IS She Brunch in a couple years and had a great time with the lovely ladies. I closed the month out with a BIS girls night to see Chef (one of my fave movies) in an outdoor theater (although next time I take an extra blanket!)


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I’m not big on baking but I have a huge bag of carrots (thanks, Costco) in the fridge and I thought it would be fun to make a carrot cake. When the boys found out they were eager to help me. (Well, except for one son who prefers to sit on the couch with his iPad and cheer us on instead.) πŸ˜‰ I’d like to try this recipe.

Classic Carrot Cake: Clean Eating & Guilt Free by Amy’s Healthy



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Finished…Β Β  (Reviews coming soon.)

One Beautiful Dream by Jennifer Fulwiler (Spoiler alert – looved it!)

(For Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Reading Challenge category – A memoir, biography or book of creative fiction.

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The Great Alone

For Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Reading Challenge category – A book by a favorite author. I loved Hannah’s book The Nightingale and was looking forward to this one. (Spoiler alert – my fave book of 2018 so far!)


Up next…

Go Bravely by Emily Wilson

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The Things We Wish Were True by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Anne Shaffer (I want to finish the book before watching the upcoming movie. See below.)



We were so happy for the start of one of our Masterpiece Mystery faves – Endeavor. (Although, definitely not with any kids around.)

We’ve been binge watching Brooklyn 99 and just started season 3. It’s hilarious. (Also, no kids around.)

Continuing on our rewatching Psych binge. Starting season 4.



I am really looking forward to watching the movie adaptation of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society! It will be available in the US on Netflix on Aug 10. Note: This trailer an also be used as a “Downton Abbey cast spotting” drinking game. You’re welcome. πŸ˜‰



Incredibles 2 – The Incredibles was definitely one of my fave Pixar movies so I was eager to see the sequel. I may not have loved it as much as the first, but it was fun and there were moments when I laughed out loud. The kids all gave it two thumbs up.

Jurassic World 2 – Jurassic World 2 rehashes all the same old story lines of previous Jurassic Park movies so not much is new, but we enjoyed the movie nonetheless. It’s definitely a fun summer popcorn flick with nothing too deep. However, I’d be very cautious about bringing young ones. Scary and gruesome for kids. I left my two youngest (sensitive 8 yr oldΒ  & and adventurous 7 yr old ) and let Andrew (11) attend with me and Bella. He did close his eyes for the dino eating bodies scenes so know your kids before deciding. I give it 3.5 – 4 stars. πŸŽŸπŸΏπŸ“½β€οΈ

Listening to …

AJR – Burn The House Down

And I’m still loving this one.

Mikky Ekko – What’s It Like Now – 4/10/2018 – Paste Studios – New York, NY


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Added to my Praise and Worship playlist…

Right on Time by Mary Castner

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Added to the boys’ playlist…

Austin French – Freedom Hymn


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Recent Posts:

Posts have been sporadic with all the family activities but there are some posts being work on,including:

  • How I meal plan.
  • Artist Spotlight featuring Rose Harrington Art
  • How to find time to pray in a busy day.
  • How I use my new Blessed Is She Planner.
  • More Friday Favorites.

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Around the blogosphere…

Here are some posts I’ve been reading…


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Family picnic time. πŸ™‚

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So that’s what I’ve been up to lately. What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Any book, movie or TV show recommendations? Do share.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, πŸ˜‰

PPS – * Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

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  • Moira says:

    Wow, I really appreciate all these recommendations! Always trying to find fun reads/watches to make it feel like I’ve done summer right. Thanks for sharing!

  • Anne says:

    Ooh your nails look fab! What a great color. And I’m really excited for the Guernsey movie too – your comment about a Downton Abbey drinking game with the trailer cracked me up because I was thinking “oh, a Downton reunion!” while watching it πŸ™‚

    • bobbi says:

      I know, right! It was so fun to see the familiar faces popping up. πŸ™‚ Also, I wanted ot say that I just started reading your blog recently and love it. It is so fun and informative. Just when I thought blogging had pretty much died, you added new life to it. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for stopping by, Anne!

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