Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Online Daybook/ Currently (March 22/16): Opa Update, Learning to Trust & Current Reads, Shows and Tunes

Hey guys, I took a little blogging break, not necessarily intentionally. It’s just the way life happened. Today is the first day when I have a few moments to myself to breath so time for a quick-ish update.

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Grateful for…

  • This quiet morning when I can just stop and breathe.
  • My FIL being settled into a new place.
  • The laundry being almost caught up. (At least until the kids come home.)
  • The recent rain and the current spring weather.
  • For food to eat, running water and a house to live in.

Ā© Revolution of -  - cwa_3_2016_altarPraying for..

  • Numerous friends (and their friends) who are going through heavy crosses.
  • A fruitful Holy Week and a last push to make the most of the days ahead.
  • People suffering from violence – whether within their home or their community.
  • People suffering from addiction and mental illness and their families.
  • All pregnant moms (especially family members), those trying to get pregnant, those who have lost their babies and for moms contemplating an abortion.
  • The souls in purgatory, especially family, friend and those most forgotten.


(See Family Chit Chat below.)


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Around the House…

There’s lots of stuff like this…

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And purging. I have been going through drawers and closets and trying to give away the things we aren’t using anymore. During the upcoming Easter break I hope to tackle the kids room for a thorough spring cleaning. Wish me luck. šŸ˜‰


Family Chit Chat…

Ā© Revolution of - cwa_3_2016_handIf you follow me on social media, you already know that last week my father-in-law was really sick. He had his third stroke, followed by pneumonia. He lost his ability to speak and he looked awful. I remember walking into his hospital room and he was staring out the window with tears rolling down his eyes. It broke my heart.Ā  We really thought this was it.

Ā© Revolution of - cwa_3_2016_picturesWe talked to the kids about it and discussed with them that Opa’s body was getting really tired and might stop working and he’d die. We talked about burials and heaven and the after life. (Being Catholic, we’ve already had lots of discussions about heaven, the after life and the communion of saints so it was not new.) Ā  I explained to them that it would be super sad for us but when Opa went to be with Jesus he would be happy because his body would be strong again and he could walk and run just like the days when he used to play tennis and go on hikes with them. We were prepared to let him go and just did our best to cheer him up and be with him.

Ā© Revolution of - cwa_3_2016_opaBut my father-in-law has always been a spit fire who couldn’t keep still and he wasn’t ready to give up yet. His lungs healed and we were able to move him out of the hospital and into a 24/7 care center. The first day at the care center he looked weak and tired and could barely get out of bed without a lot of assistance. Two days later I brought the kids to see him and his room was empty. We found him in the activity room, dressed, sitting in a wheel chair and watching a tennis match on the big screen TV. His face lit up when he saw us and our jaws dropped. Was this the Opa who we were ready to bury? I guess it wasn’t his time to go!

Ā© Revolution of - cwa_3_2016_crossIf I’m honest, I have mixed emotions about all this. A part of me is happy and excited to see Opa’s smiles again. I am glad we have more time with him. But it also pains me to see his body so broken and beaten. It hurts not to hear his voice, to see his frustration or that distant – I-don’t-know-where-i-am look in his eyes. As much as I try to hold onto the good, I feel like I’ve been in this continual state of slow mourning ever since his first stroke a year ago.

But after seeing him in that wheelchair smiling at the kids it was the first time I felt at peace with his situation. I knew he was in a good place and they would make his final weeks/ months/ years more comfortable. In the meantime, Opa is teaching me how to slow down and be patient and generous with him, about how to trust and let go and let God be in charge. I wish these could be easy lessons and not hurt so much at times but thankfully God has been more than patient with me as I’m learning.


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In the Kitchen…

SundayChicken fajita and rice soup and quesadillas

Monday – (Late night school meeting) Pizza and Salad

Tuesday – Italian turkey burger/patty with lower fat mac and cheese and broccoli .

Wednesday – Pork roast, brown rice medley and roasted Parmesan asparagus.

Thursday – Breakfast dinner.

Friday – Tuna melts and tomato soup.

Saturday – Leftovers.


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I’m currently reading…

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr


Prejudice Meets Pride by Rachel Anderson


(My Holy Week Reading – Divine Mercy for Moms by Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet.)




daredevil_1Season 2 of Daredevil started on Friday and we’ve only seen two episodes so far.Ā  We’re still enjoying it although it seems grittier and more violent.

poldarkWe also finally got around to watching the first episode of Poldark. We missed it when it first ran on PBS last year but heard lots of great things. Let’s just say that after one episode. I am officially hooked. šŸ™‚

the_passionDid you watch The Passion: New Orleans? I’ve heard mixed reviews. I saw that it is on Hulu so I’ll probably check it out later this week.



I haven’t had the opportunity to go to the movies this last month but Brian told me that tomorrow I should get out of the house and go so I will. I’ll probably watch Divergent.


Listening to …

Since I gave up “regular music” on the weekdays during lent, I’ve been listening to praise music. I especially like Trust in You by Lauren Daigle.

On the weekend it is favorites like Cage the Elephant’s Mess Around.


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Blogging has been slow lately but these have been my favorite posts of the year so far. šŸ™‚


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In the blogosphere…

Some posts I’ve recently enjoyed: - od_logo_captured_2

My photos of the week – shots of the ocean. Shocker, eh? šŸ˜‰

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So that’s what I’ve been up to lately! What about you? What’s currently happening in your life? Do share.

Have a great week!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope or Katch (past Periscopes), GoodReads, Letterboxd, or Spotify, šŸ˜‰

PPS – Disclaimer: “Revolution of is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

In other words, if you click on my affiliated links and make a purchase, I get a small compensation that goes towards keeping the blog online. Big hugs to those who click and help support the blog! xoxo šŸ™‚

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