Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol 1 – Intro & The Kitchen


**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**


I’ve discussed in a number of previous posts (like here and here) about my battle with keeping a clean and organized house. I’m naturally messy and the amount of work I have to do to clean up and organize our house is overwhelming. However, it’s a project I want to undertake because it’s important to me.
I think there is some truth to the saying “cleanliness is next to godliness.” Someone once told me that a person’s exterior life reflects their interior life. I don’t know if that is true but I do know that after awhile I get tired, frustrated and grouchy with all the piles of papers and junk and disorganized areas of the house. A house with little kids will never look like a museum – and never should – but I could definitely use a little more order in my life and I know the difference it makes.
When I do clean up an area and have it organized it makes my life run a little bit smoother. (Who can’t use that?!) I am more at peace and feel that I am better accomplishing my mission in life – to raise a happy family and make our home a little taste of heaven on earth as we work towards entering our eternal home. It is my small way of showing God that I love him – to put aside my natural messy tendencies and find the orderly and creative woman I know is lurking in there somewhere.
So I’ve decided to start “Operation Clean and Organize.” Every week (or two) I’ll post what I am working on and how it is progressing. To start things off, I sat down and made a list of all the chores I need to do each day and those I can do once a week. I used the Family Chore Chart from iheartorganizing to organize my list. (I still haven’t figured out the quarterly or annual jobs. I’m barely getting the basics down.) Here is what I have so far. View image. As the weeks go by, I’ll tweak it as needed. (And although, prayer time isn’t a “chore” I wrote it down as a reminder that it can’t be skipped. šŸ˜‰
There is a small wall in my kitchen that is covered by the swing door that leads into the family room. I hung up the chart on that wall after I put it in a $1.99 Ikea frame that I had. I can use a dry erase marker to check off the list as I complete my work. I also hung up a clipboard that holds our Family Home To-Do List. I went through each room in the house and wrote down everything I wanted to do in there – from cleaning out closets to dusting tops of book shelves – as well as other projects I’d like to work on – from organizing the photos to updating my recipe binder to finishing the baby books. It may take years to complete my list but at least I can work on one thing at a time instead of doing ten projects at once and finishing none!
I also hung up in my kitchen a small board next to the counter where I cook and prepare food. I use it to keep notes and jot down things I need to remember. Above it I hung up (using removable Command hooks) a clip board for the recipes I’ll be cooking that week. I can read the recipe off the clipboard as I’m fixing it. So far it has worked great.
Next project Making a weekly menu.
Are you working on organizing your home? Is your home already organized? Share your stories and tips in the comment section. Thanks!


UPDATE: (9/9/11) Misty at Misty’s Mornings Blog has some creative ideas in her post Creating An Autumn Rhythm {four steps to a cleaning schedule}. I love making lists but not because I’m super organized. Sadly, the opposite. If I don’t write things down, I completely forget those same things! Anyway, Misty has some great ideas and advice, so head over and check it out.

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