Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 10 – The Refrigerator


**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**


I am short on time today so this will be a quick one. I have already posted these photos of my fridge but not in the context of Operation Clean & Organize. I’ve been relatively good at keeping my fridge clean since I usually clean it out every week or two. On Sundays Brian always makes the family breakfast. After breakfast I wash the dishes and catch up on a little kitchen cleaning – like the fridge. I check what food or leftovers need to be eaten and plan the week’s menu around those items. Keeping on top of things makes my meal planning a lot easier and eliminates the problem of wasted food that we used to have.
Here is what my fridge basically looks like – including a munchkin looking for a snack.

To organize the fridge I got rid of the 101 mismatched reusable containers that overran my kitchen cabinet and I bought a big box of Rubbermaid Premier Containers when they were on sale at Costco. The lids and containers stack together so I keep the larger ones in my regular plasticware cabinet and the small and medium sized ones in one of my kitchen drawers.

The second best (if not best) investment I made was purchasing a number of Fridge Binz (see links below) for jarred items and lunch items like yogurt, jello, juice boxes, etc. I. LOVE. THEM. It makes finding things in the fridge much easier. Instead of rummaging for the tarter sauce or pickled relish that is stuck at the back of the fridge, you simply pull out your bin and there it is!

Here is the side view of the narrow bin.

I use these for our inside fridge and our outside fridge. If you’re interested, here they are. The also have shorter ones, ones for coke cans and pantry styles available. Just search “fridge bins” on Amazon.


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