Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 16 – The School File


**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**

With three kids in school, every weekday afternoon we have a barrage of school papers coming through the door – homework, project assignments, permission slips and completed schoolwork. I would find them scattered all over – on my desk, on the dining room table, on the prayer altar, or worse, in Matthew’s hands. I decided I needed a file to keep everything in one spot.
I went to my home away from home, Target, and found just what I needed. I purchased a Greenroom Eco hanging file folder and folders.



I already had a bunch of green hanging files I could use.


I then labeled the folders and placed them in the file.



Now when the kids come home, they empty out their backpacks and each paper goes into its proper file. Completed homework that we don’t need for future reference/studying goes in the recycling bin. (A few select art projects go in a larger scrapbook/file that they can keep.)
I also love that the file it portable so whether Brian takes it to the dining room table to work with the boys or I take it to the family room to fill out paperwork, it can easily be moved. I also clipped a sheet of notepaper to the front and jot down any projects we need to be working on and when they are due.
This was a simple project but it has already made a huge difference!


Now I just need a way to organize all the backpacks, lunchboxes, school jackets etc in the front door entryway. I am seriously considering buying one of those preschool locker sets that the boys have at their schools. It may not be the usual house decor but it would make things so much neater! If you have any other suggestions to keep it in order, PLEASE let me know! Thanks!


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1 Comment

  • silencegolden says:

    I don’t know if it would work for you, but I have one of those fabric bins for each kid where they put their backpack and jacket inside. They don’t have lunch boxes, but they could fit in there. I must say I don’t know how you do it with three kids in different schools.

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