Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Operation Clean and Organize: Vol 4 – The Cupboards/Pantry (Part 1)


**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**


It’s been hard working on my organizing project since things have been so busy lately! This time of year will only get busier so if I don’t post on this topic that often, you’ll know why. However, I have been able to work a little bit on my pantry. My kitchen is on the small side, and technically, there is no pantry. I have the usual cupboards for dishes, plastics and pots and pans. Anything left over, I can use for food storage.
The one cupboard that gives me the most trouble is a tall and narrow cabinet on the side of the fridge and behind the swinging door that leads into the family room. The shelving is weird – the top has short shelves and there is a huge empty section on the bottom. I could try to redo the shelving but time is short and I needed a quick fix that I can live with right now.
The cabinet is mostly used for snack foods, lunch box items and taller bottles (oils, vinegars, cooking wine, etc) that don’t fit in the other cupboards.
I went to Target and purchase six stacking containers and one mini-drawer container. (Unfortunately the two stores I went to had only four white stacking boxes left but I found two black ones on clearance for 75 cents. I can live with two tones.)
I put all the lunch box items in the containers and labeled them.
The smaller items like boxes of raisins and fruit chew and the items the kids don’t eat (protein bars) are put in the mini-drawer container.
On the door of the cabinet I keep my pantry inventory list for food in my fridge and freezer.
For my labels, I printed on Avery Labels #8163 and stuck it to a colored index cards and trimmed the edges. For this door label, instead of an index card, I used a blank stationary card with a pretty pattern and cut it down to size. (I picked up a box of the cards at Target in the $1 section.)
I ordered the personalized pantry lists from Jen at They are available through her etsy shop.
Large size: View image
Then I placed them in sheet protectors and attached them to the door with blue painters tape. That way I can easily remove and update a list.
The last problem I had with this cabinet is that there was no way to keep the door locked so John-Paul wouldn’t dump out all the containers and snacks on the floor (after he sampled a few.) I finally figured out a solution. I purchased a package of Command Mini-Hooks.
I placed one next to the cabinet handle then I took a large rubber band and looped it through the handle and hung it on the hook. Now JP can’t get his little fingers into the cabinet and open it up. Problem solved!
Well, that’s all I have time for today. In the next weeks I’ll be finishing organizing the food cabinets in the kitchen and organizing the garage pantry. In the meantime, feel free to share your own thoughts and ideas! Enjoy your day. šŸ™‚

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