Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

Operation Clean & Organize: Vol. 8 – The Kid’s Bathroom Counter


**Taming the procrastinating, ADD, mess cat within me.**


When we remodeled the house and added a bedroom, we closed off the old master bathroom and made it into the kids’ bathroom. It has only one sink but a long countertop. Invariably, there were various toiletries and clothes thrown all over the counter. To try and keep things a bit more organized, I placed a basket on the counter for each child. (I bought these plastic baskets/bins at Target.) Inside their basket were extra diapers/undies and any products they alone used.

I placed name tags above their basket to remind them of which one is theirs. After they dress in the morning I also have them fold their pj’s and place them in their basket for the next night. (Although “wad” would describe it better than “fold.”) It has worked out well and eliminated the need to search through sheets and under beds for their pj’s before bedtime.

There is another small counter in the bathroom that I use when we have guests. I have extra bins and labels with the names of frequent guests – such as my mom who spent a few days with us while I was out of town.


I keep one bin for them to put their toiletries and things and one basket filled with extra shampoos, lotions, toothbrushes etc for them to use while they are visiting. I don’t have a picture if it here but along with their towels I’ll have a little welcome gift for them – chocolate or mints, a burned CD of favorite songs, a special soap or lotion in their favorite scent, stationary or mini-photo album, a favorite magazine or snack (best choices for when my brothers or dad come visit.) I just think it’s a nice touch to let my family or friends know that I am happy they are visiting our home.


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1 Comment

  • I love this idea! I have been thinking about how to get the kids bathroom more organized. However, we don’t have much counter space in the kid’s bathroom so I think I will give them each a drawer. I also like the buckets for the guest room. I need to do that to our guest bathroom.

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