Revolution of Love

Revolution of Love

Do small things with great love.

7 Posts In 7 Days & I’ve Picked Three New (to Me) Blogs to Follow Next Week

As I mentioned on Friday, I am participating in Jen’s 7 Posts in 7 Days Challenge that starts Monday. I know this is not an easy challenge for anyone that blogs and has a life away from the computer. However, one of the things I love about link-ups like this is that I always manage to find a great new blogger I had not known previously. Many of my favorite people on my blogroll I met through someone’s link up. So to keep up the tradition, I am randomly choosing three participating bloggers from Jen’s link-up. I will read their 7 posts this week and comment at least once on their blog.

Here are my three picks –

Valerie at Momma in Progress.

Her tagline: Navy wife and homeschooling Momma to three Secret Agents. Loves coffee, chocolate, and all things Disney.

I first chose her because her photo had Darth Vader in it and we are a family that loves Star Wars and Disney, plus her little agents are adorable! Also, we love sending packages to our military and the mamas fighting solo at home need some TLC too. πŸ˜‰

* * * * * *

Β Jeni at Patron Saint of Poopy Diapers


–Blessed Mother Teresa

I picked her out of the crowd because the name of her blog is HILARIOUS. I literally laughed out loud. I was browsing through a few posts and I already love her. You’ve got spiritual insight and a no fear approach to poopy humor. My kind of gal. πŸ˜‰

* * * * * *

Juliana at Urban Simplicity

Her Tagline: Musings about raising four kids in a Victorian row home in the city, crafting pursuits, fiction writing, vintage fashion, and musings on post modern life.

I chose Juliana’s blog because of her beautiful portrait. It is lovely… the vintage black and white, the icons, her style. Looking at her blog, she seems creative, smart and interesting. I’m looking forward to learning more about her. πŸ™‚

So tonight I am going to catch up on all my Bloglovin reading and clear out the queue in prep for next week. πŸ™‚ Until then, Happy Sunday! (And come back Monday when we discuss the Downton Abbey finale!)

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

7 Quick Takes (2/21/14) and Theme Thursday: Dishes

I’m linking up with Jen for today’s 7 Quick Takes. πŸ™‚

AND I’m linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday: Dishes. (Scroll down to #5 for that one. ) πŸ˜‰

~ 1 ~

Mama Time – Aw, it is that magic time of the evening – 7:30 PM. We finally have our bedtime routine down pat so by 7:30 all the boys are tucked in bed with the lights out and Bella is reading quietly in her room. Andrew and John-Paul sleep in the same room and Matthew, like all the little guys did, sleeps in our room until he turns three. (Then he graduates with the big boys.) I turn off the lights and stay in the room with Matthew until he falls asleep, which takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes. In the dark, stillness of the room I either read or turn on my laptop and start typing (or browsing) for the next hour while Brian showers and prepares for the next day. Then we meet back in the family room at 8:30 to spend time together, chat and watch a show or movie. As much as I love my life as a mom, I relish this quiet time to relax after a hard day and unwind.

~ 2 ~

Tender-hearted Wrestlers – It’s funny how the boys can drive me up the wall with their antics and constant NOISE but this evening as I passed their room, I saw Andrew helping John-Paul button up his pajama top. It was so sweet to watch them working together. It reminded me of earlier in the day when Matthew’s toy broke and John-Paul said, “Don’t worry, Matty. You can play with my toy instead,” and he gave it to him. It melted my heart. So although most of the time they are jumping around and wrestling each other (and with his shirt off, Matthew has the physique of Nachooooooo) it’s nice to get those tender moments that reveal their sweet nature and loving hearts.

~ 3~

Brian Update – A big thanks for your continued prayers for Brian. He is recovering well from his surgery and will be able to go back to work in another week. Although on Tuesday he will have outpatient surgery to put a port into his chest for his upcoming chemo. I googled it to see what it looked like and it was not pretty. Let’s hope it’s better than I am imagining. The whole situation is weird because he seems back to normal (besides all the weight he’s lost) and at times I forget about this whole mess but then I remember that the cancer is still inside him. I worry that it is growing while he is recovering from his surgery. But I do my best to put those thoughts aside and ask God to grant us a miracle and banish the cancer from his body. Until then, we keep fighting.

Speaking of my sweet man, he is ready to relax and watch a movie with me so I’ll finish this in the morning. Have a good night! πŸ™‚

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Good morning. I only have a few minutes to finish this so I’ll try to get it done quickly. πŸ™‚

~ 4 ~

Jen Throws Down A Challenge – My fingers will be busy next week since Jen is hosting another blogging challenge of 7 Posts in 7 Days. It was a lot of fun the last time and I’ll see if I’ll be able to make it through next week. I have enough favorite link ups to inspire me each day of the week! πŸ˜‰

~ 5 ~

One of those favorite link-ups is Cari’s Theme Thursday, even though I am a day late for this week’s challenge of DISHES. I thought I could snap an easy pic of the dirty dishes sitting on the sink but I have a sneaky feeling some of you have a load of your own dirty dishes waiting for you. πŸ™‚ Instead I am submitting this photo I took of the banana oatmeal honey cookies (no sugar) that I got from my sister. I’ll most likely post the recipe on Tuesday’s Pinterest Party, unless my sis asks me not to because she wants to post the recipe. What say you, sis?

When Brian and I moved into our first real home (not longer renting an apartment) we decorated in a sort of Spanish Mission style. I found these red dishes at Costco and fell in love with them. (I’m not a dainty dish girl. I am a sturdy stock girl.) πŸ™‚

~ 6 ~

Mamarazzi – Spaking of photos, I’ve been having fun participating in theΒ  SlowMama Photography Challenge on Instagram. Instead of having a topic each day, we only have to take one photo a day for the month of February. So far I haven’t missed a day. For those of you that don’t follow me on Instagram (bobbi_rol), like you, Mom, πŸ˜‰ here are some shots I took with my iphone in the past week.

Β Taken at the Carmel Mission. This reminds me of a page out of yesteryear.

After we drop off John-Paul at preschool, Matthew always asks if we can “go see Dedus” (go see Jesus). I’m happy to make a visit to the Adoration chapel with him. I love to see him “praying.” He reminds me of his Daddy. πŸ™‚

Time for whole grain blueberry pancakes.

Taken the other day during one of our morning walks along the beach.

Matthew is enjoying the scenery.

During this time of year you can catch a lot of harbor seals along the beach.

It is fascinating to watch them waddle along the sand or jump into the water.

Β If you are one of my snow bound friends, I pray that the sun shines on your face and spring reaches you very soon!

~ 7 ~

Have you ever been on instagram and wanted to pin a photo to Pinterest or repost a photo that you loved? There are a few online sites that can do that but my favorite is They also have a lot of cool stats about your photos. For example, these are my top five liked photos.

Okay, my time is up but I’ll be back soon for 7 Post in 7 Days. Have a blessed Friday! πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Moments of Grace Online Daybook (2/17/14) & Project Snapshot Mondays Vol 1

This is my first Daybook (formerly Catholic Woman’s Almanac) of 2014. Our host Jenny has a beautiful new blog and logo. I’m happy to be linking up with her this morning.

I am also linking up with sweet Pam for my first Project Snapshot Mondays. Scroll down to the bottom for that one.


Moments of Gratitude…

Today I am especially thankful for

  • Warm sunshine and a gentle spring breeze. (I cannot imagine what real winter weather must be like.)
  • That Brian is getting stronger and recovering from his surgery.
  • That my mom will be visiting us again next week. A huge treat!
  • For a really enjoyable 4 day weekend. Usually it goes by too fast but not this time. I feel like we were able to really relish the time off together.
  • For a hubby that insists that I get out of the house once in a awhile and sends me to the movies after the kids are asleep. (He wants me to go tonight. What should I see??)


Beauty in the Ordinary…

When the usual noise and mayhem quiet down and one of the littles comes over and hugs me for no reason. This makes everything else worth it.


In the Kitchen…

M – Lasagna that my mother-in-law made us.

T – Moroccan Style Chickpea Chili (But this time I am going to add a little ginger to it.)

W – Garden Salad topped with BBQ Chicken

Th – Breakfast Dinner – Eggs, (no nitrate) ham, country potatoes & tomato slices.

F – Slow Cooker Lentil Soup with Kale & Grilled Cheese

S – Leftovers.

S – Enchiladas & Homemade Beans



  • For Brian’s continued recovery from cancer and for the chemo treatments that will most likely start next month. (He has outpatient surgery on Tuesday to begin the process.)
  • For all those suffering with cancer and other illnesses.
  • For those suffering the cross of infertility.
  • For those who have lost a child in miscarriage, especially for a dear friend of mine.
  • For our military, especially those having a hard time being away from their loved ones.
  • For some special intentions.



On Thursday I shared about the struggle I was having with Brian’s cancer and this whole situation. ItΒ  just seemed like everywhere I turned people were dealing with heavy crosses. Then on Friday I found out that a close friend lost her first child in miscarriage. It was a long awaited baby and after the “safer” 8 weeks time and she was devastated. It was the straw that broke this camel’s back. I just lost it. My utter sadness for her turned to anger. I cried out to God asking why He would do this. When it was time to say our family prayers I told Brian to pray with the kids without me because I wasn’t feeling well. Instead I went into my bedroom and told God that I could not pray because I was was too mad and couldn’t talk to Him right now.

Someone may think that is a bit blasphemous but the thing is, I could be honest wit God like that because He knows my heart completely. He knows that deep down I am upset with the situation, not Him. It’s like when I am really upset and Brian tries to talk to me. I tell him, don’t say a word to me because I am too mad to talk right now. He understands me and knows that I just need to blow off some steam and let myself cool down. Before long I am back in his arms crying and telling him I’m sorry for getting so upset. It is the same with God. Thankfully, it is rare that I reach that point but it just seemed like everything was hitting me at once and I couldn’t get my head above water. Once I calmed down and thought things over I was able to run back into His arms and pour my heart out in prayer once again. I was able to tell Him that I love Him and trust Him, even when nothing makes sense to me. It is amazing how patient God is with us, me in particular.

Maybe one day I’ll be able to reach the trust point without having a tantrum first but for now, it’s baby steps.


Around the house…

Much needed spring cleaning. With my mom coming next week I’ll really get a kick start!



I haven’t had much time for reading lately. I did finish reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. I wanted to finish it before I saw the movie next month. (If you haven’t guessed, I love going to the movies!)


Listening to…

I first heard about the band Bastille from Carolyn and then Hallie mentioned them. I have been listening to their album Bad Blood on Spotify and finally just downloaded it to my itunes. I’m addicted to the whole thing. Different times of my life always have a certain “soundtrack” of songs that I would listen to a lot. Right now this album is my soundtrack.


On my DVR…

Sherlock is over. Boo! But we still have one more episode of Downton Abbey. I’ve been posting my DA comments here.

The other night Brian and I caught an episode of BBC’s Fr. Brown, based on the stories of GK Chesterton. Fr. Brown is a Catholic priest has a knack for solving mysteries in his English village. We’ve only seen two episodes so far but for a simple TV series they are well done. The Season 1, Episode 3 that we saw had a bizarre love triangle (husband, wife and zany mistress living in one house) but in the end Fr. Brown spoke beautifully to a main character about the love and mercy of God. It was not what I was expecting from a non-religious show. You can catch Fr. Brown on BBC One on Friday nights. (I’m not sure if they are available on Netflix or Hulu yet.)


On the blog…

I’ve been posting a lot more lately. My laptop had been a godsend to get some late night blogging done on the couch while the kids sleep. At the end of a stressful day I have found blogging to be my happy place. πŸ™‚


Posts I’ve Liked on my Bloglovin

I’m behind on my blog reading so instead of telling you what I liked, here is a list of my blogroll on Bloglovin.




Plans for the Week…

Perhaps the movies tonight. Back to school routine tomorrow. School fundraising work. My mom’s arrival on Sunday. woohoo!



(I am linking up this photo with Pam for Project Snapshot Mondays.

After what I was saying in “Pondering” about being stressed and overwhelmed with negative things, I went out for a walk the following day. I was thankful that God understands our frailty and His mercy always comes when we need it most. No matter how dark it gets, there is a moment when light shines through and your heart (even if it is temporary) is alleviatedΒ  from the pain and you feel refreshed again. It can come from a loved ones hug or a kind word from a friend or a moment of grace after prayer or even a glorious scene of nature after a night of storm clouds.

That is what happened here. It rained the night before so everything was freshly washed, bright and sparkling. The ocean before me was such a vivid blue it was like the scene from Wizard of Oz when it goes from black and white to technicolor. It was a reflection of the beauty and majesty and power of God. It was as if he was whispering, “Everything is in my control, little one. Stop worrying and just keep following me.” Blessed be God.

The Pacific Ocean near Monterey, CA. Shot with my iphone. No filters used. It’s not as good as in person, but close enough. πŸ™‚

Thanks to Jen and Pam for hosting! πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

TV Talk: Downton Abbey, Season 4: Episode 7 (Ep 8 in the UK)


I can’t believe this was the last regular episode until the Christmas special next week. I can’t wait for that! In the meantime, let’s discuss. πŸ™‚

Edith – At the beginning of the episode when Edith first started looking dreamy-eyed at Mr. Drewe, I thought she was smitten. (At least this farmer is not married… or wait, is he? Does he have a wife and family?) However, she was actually thinking that she could leave her baby with him. (So maybe he does have a wife to care for the baby.) Either way, Rosamond had other plans in Switzerland…plans in which Granny saw right through. I was a little surprised that Violet took the news so well but then again, after the Mr. Pamuk incident I suppose not much would faze her. Sigh. The whole thing is just a mess. I’m guessing that Edith will give up her baby and then her babydaddy will return and proclaim that for legal reasons he needs an heir to his estate pronto. Alas, he does have an heir but he can’t be found because he is off climbing the Alps sharing very little conversation.

Anna and Bates – Fortunately, Anna finally tells Mary about Greene. Unfortunately, it is too late to stop Green from coming to Downton where he shares a meal that has as much appeal as nails on a chalkboard. I was waiting for Bates to stab him with his butter knife but instead Bates was chillingly calm. He was also very calculating (and a little cruel) as he questions Anna about Greene, knowing perfectly well that Green was the attacker. Although everything points to Bates taking a murderous trip to York, I am am not sold that he actually did it. (Although I did call the car accident last week, even though I think my version of the story was better. πŸ˜‰ ) Frankly, I am disappointed in the whole thing. It seems like deja vu. It’s too much like when we saw Vera mysteriously dead in her house, right down to the same prime suspect. Been there, done that, Fellowes! I do hope the Christmas special next week flashes back and shows us how Greene died and that Bates really wasn’t involved.

This episode was appropriate for Valentine’s weekend because romance was everywhere you turned!

My new favorite romance is Baxter and Molesley – Now this is a downstairs romance that I can get excited about! I love the little conversations and encouragement that Baxter and Molesley have been giving one another. It is so sweet. Although, my favorite scene was definitely when Baxter talked Molesley into trying to ring the bell. The look on his face had me laughing out loud. Then Baxter was rewarded when Molesley defended her from Thomas. Bravo! More please!

Another surprise romance – There’s another possible romance between Isobel and Lord Merton, Mary’s godfather. It was sweet to see them together and hilarious to see Violet’s facial expressions during it all.

Mary and Her Men – I’ve already said what I thought about Lord G and Blake here and here. My thoughts haven’t changed. It was humorous to watch them spar with one another as they fought for Mary’s affections. Lord G scored points for finally breaking it off with his fiance. And Blake scored points when he offered to hold Little George. There is nothing quite as attractive as a man who feels comfortable caring for a baby (even if he couldn’t actually get him to stop crying.) πŸ˜‰

Tom and Sarah – I am not sure how I feel about Tom pairing up with Sarah yet. (Although Brian declared, “I don’t like her. She’s a pest.”) I wouldn’t go that far. I just think she needs time to get used to the fact that the family is not as shallow as she perceives them to be. (As Blake found out with Mary.) I did love when Tom defended Cora to Sarah. It was nice to see him follow the rule that you can complain about your own family but God help the person that complains about them in front of you!

Rose and Jack – Rose’s infatuation with Jack made a lot more sense when you add in the fact that she wanted to shock her mother with their engagement. I believe she cared for Jack and was intrigued by him but was not truly in love with him. Jack, on the other hand, was a gentleman to break things off for Rose’s sake.

DaisyΒ  and Alfred – Daisy has been such an annoying brat lately that I am glad she was able to spend time with her father-in-law. He is the perfect guardian for her, knowing what to say and how to reprimand her with kindness. She definitely redeemed herself when she made up with Alfred and yet, stood up for herself and not settling for being second choice. Hopefully the best of Daisy will be shining through now.


Random Thoughts

  • Would the old Tom have told Mary about Rose and Jack’s relationship or would he have encouraged it?


Favorite Quotes

  • Isobel: It’s only me. — Violet: I always feel that greeting betrays such a lack of self worth.
  • Mrs. Patmore – Blimey. He puts a lot in a letter does Alfred.
  • Molesley (to Baxter): It’s just coffee. You won’t have to surrender any of your independence.
  • Violet: No life appears rewarding if you think about it too much.
  • Violet: Rosamind has no interest in French. If she wishes to be understood by a foreigner, she shouts.
  • Branson: I don’t believe in types, I believe in people.
  • Violet: Switzerland has everything to offer, except perhaps conversation. And one can learn to live without that.
  • Isobel: I’m a feeble substitute for the entire Crawley family. — Violet: Mm. Yes, but you’re better than nothing.
  • Violet: He’s the most unconvincing fiance I’ve ever come across.
  • Violet (to Edith): β€œMy dear, all life is a series of problems which we must try and solve. First one, then the next, and the next, until at last, we die.” (At least there is ice cream to soften the blow.) πŸ™‚


My Favorite Line of the Night

Lady Mary (to Tony): I find that both irritating and beguiling in equal measure. (I often think that is what Brian thinks about me in general.) πŸ˜‰

Share your thoughts!

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰

Theme Thursday: Hearts & {pretty, happy, funny, real} vol. 82: Struggles, Puddle Jumping & Cheeseheads

It’s a photo mash-up as I link up with Cari for Theme Thursday: Hearts and Like Mother, Like Daughter for {pretty, happy, funny, real}.


I’m linking this photo with Theme Thursday: Hearts.

Dealing with Brian’s cancer and surgery-recovery has been a roller coaster ride. Thankfully, Brian is getting better and stronger but he is still not able to do the things he used to do before the surgery – helping with the kids and around the house . (I didn’t realize how much he did until he stopped doing it!) That has made my days busier and more exhausting. Not to mention the emotional toll of knowing that the !@#$ cancer is still inside his body and he will have to go through chemo to get it out. It’s scary.

A couple weeks ago, Jessica made a comment about me being positive through all this. I’m trying, but don’t get the wrong idea. I have my moments (many moments) when I am stark raving mad. Motherhood in itself is a sure fire way to test just how selfish you are. Being a mother and a caregiver to an ill loved one has brought out my selfishness in ways that makes me ashamed. I know some will say that I am being too hard on myself but I also know what God is showing me. I know he wants me to rely on him more. To lose myself in his arms and gatherΒ  my strength from him. But that’s hard to do. It’s easier to keep myself busy…to complain about this or that…to blow up at the kids for driving me crazy because if I don’t…if I stop and “think” about all this, I’ll lose it. I’ll crumble to the floor and cry until I have no fight left in me. I need that fight to survive.

Instead, I allow myself little crying episodes, like right now as I am typing, when all the house is quiet and everyone is sleeping. Then I can let the tears fall without scaring the kids or worrying Brian. When I’m done I take a deep breath, shake it off and blog. (I’ll hold off on that nervous breakdown until we are over and done with all this cancer drama.)

Well, that was a rather long intro to my first photo of a heart. Sorry. I’m doing my best going to try harder to trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and let him be my strength, especially when I am feeling weak. I don’t have to give up the fight, I just have to make sure he is the one powering it. (If that makes sense.) πŸ˜‰

A portion of the icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that hangs over our family altar.


Okay, now that I’ve had my cry and am feeling better let’s have a few fun photos. πŸ™‚

Remember how I told you that I used my saved up Target gift cards to buy some new bakeware? Well, I put this new heart shaped muffin tin to good use by trying a new recipe for healthier carrot- apple muffins. (I’ll post the recipe at the next Pinterest Party.)

They were not super sweet so I added a little drizzle of honey on the plate. The kids actually gobbled them up! (Even my picky eater.)


Despite the difficulties, I am so, so, so happy to have Brian home and in my life each day. I was also happy to enjoy the beard he was growing. I loved the rugged look it gave him, although he was not happy with the gray it showed. LOL. He decided he wanted to shave so I took one last photo of us together with it.

Here is the after photo. I have to admit, he does look younger without it. I told him either way, he still makes me swoon, so it’s all good. πŸ˜‰


We finally got some much needed rain and when it stopped Matthew couldn’t wait to jump in some puddles. It’s the prefect way for a two year old to start his day. πŸ˜‰


Brian’s boss and co-workers are awesome people. They sent him a get well card with many lovely sentiments and this little gift…

A Packers cheesehead autographed by Aaron Rodgers! He was golfing this weekend at Pebble Beach for the AT&T ProAm and they pulled a few strings to get this for him. Brian was so excited. I love it. πŸ™‚

PS – You can follow RoL on Bloglovin, Feedly or another news feed. If you are a social media fan like me, we can stay in touch through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GoodReads or Instagram. πŸ˜‰